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[미국특허] Semiconductor device with novel film composition 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01L-023/48
출원번호 US-0874369 (2004-06-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sandhu, Gurtej
  • Derderian, Garo J.
출원인 / 주소
  • Micron Technology, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Dickstein Shapiro Morin &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 23


A method of depositing a thin film on a substrate in a semiconductor device using Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) process parameters exposes the substrate to at least one adherent material in a quantity sufficient for the material to adsorb onto the substrate and thereby form an initiation layer. The


1. A semiconductor device, comprising:a substrate; and a circuit structure supported by said substrate, wherein said circuit structure comprising a film wherein said film comprises an adherent material layer and a reaction material layer, said reaction material layer being chemically bonded to said

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (23)

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  2. Konecni Anthony J. ; Dixit Girish Anant, CVD tin barrier layer for reduced electromigration of aluminum plugs.
  3. Vaartstra Brian A., Difunctional amino precursors for the deposition of films comprising metals.
  4. Lee Woo-Hyeong ; Manchanda Lalita, Electronic components with doped metal oxide dielectric materials and a process for making electronic components with do.
  5. Harshfield Steven T. (Emmett ID), Hemispherical grained silicon on refractory metal nitride.
  6. Bozovic Ivan (Palo Alto CA) Eckstein James N. (Palo Alto CA) Klausmeier-Brown Martin E. (San Jose CA) Virshup Gary F. (Cupertino CA), High-temperature Josephson junction and method.
  7. Ber Karl W. (Kennett Square PA), Inverse delta-doping for improved open circuit voltage of solar cells or photo diodes.
  8. Noguchi Hiroyasu,JPX ; Nakano Kazushi,JPX ; Ishibashi Akira,JPX ; Toda Atsushi,JPX ; Taniguchi Satoshi,JPX ; Hino Tomonori,JPX ; Kato Eisaku,JPX, Luminescent semiconductor device with antidiffusion layer on active layer surface.
  9. Zhao Joe W. ; Catabay Wilbur G., Metal-filled via/contact opening with thin barrier layers in integrated circuit structure for fast response, and process.
  10. Hasegawa Tsuyoshi,JPX ; Hosoki Shigeyuki,JPX ; Kohno Makiko,JPX ; Ichikawa Masakazu,JPX ; Nakahara Hitoshi,JPX ; Usagawa Toshiyuki,JPX, Method and apparatus for forming microstructure body.
  11. Kee Jeung Lee KR; Kwang Chul Joo KR, Method for fabricating capacitors of semiconductor device.
  12. Matsumoto Tomotaka (Kawasaki JPX) Inoue Jun (Kawasaki JPX) Ichimura Teruhiko (Kawasaki JPX) Murata Yuji (Kawasaki JPX) Watanabe Junichi (Kawasaki JPX) Nagahiro Yoshio (Kawasaki JPX) Hodate Mari (Kawa, Method for forming a film and method for manufacturing a thin film transistor.
  13. Kang Sang-Bom,KRX ; Lee Sang-In,KRX, Method of and apparatus for forming a metal interconnection in the contact hole of a semiconductor device.
  14. Ueno Kazuyoshi (Tokyo JPX), Method of fabricating a semiconductor device with a capacitor structure having increased capacitance.
  15. Lothian James Robert ; Ren Fan, Method of forming a T-shaped gate.
  16. Harshfield Steven T., Method of forming a hemispherical grained silicon on refractory metal nitride.
  17. Doan Trung T. ; Sandhu Gurtej Singh ; Prall Kirk ; Sharan Sujit, Method of forming titanium silicide and titanium by chemical vapor deposition.
  18. Sheng-Hsiung Chen TW; Fan Keng Yang TW, Method of improving pad metal adhesion.
  19. Iyer Ravi, Method of reducing carbon incorporation into films produced by chemical vapor deposition involving organometallic precursor compounds.
  20. Danek Michal ; Levy Karl B., Multilayer diffusion barriers.
  21. Comizzoli Robert Benedict ; Dautartas Mindaugas Fernand ; Osenbach John William, Process for passivating semiconductor laser structures with severe steps in surface topography.
  22. Sandhu Gurtej S. (Boise ID) Doan Trung T. (Boise ID), Pulsed plasma enhanced CVD of metal silicide conductive films such as TiSi2.
  23. Gadgil Prasad N. ; Seidel Thomas E., Vertically-stacked process reactor and cluster tool system for atomic layer deposition.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4)

  1. Gatineau, Julien; Ko, Changhee, Deposition of group IV metal-containing films at high temperature.
  2. Quick, Timothy A.; Marsh, Eugene P.; Uhlenbrock, Stefan; Carter, Chet E.; Sills, Scott E., Memory cells and methods of fabrication.
  3. Quick, Timothy A.; Marsh, Eugene P.; Uhlenbrock, Stefan; Carter, Chet E.; Sills, Scott E., Memory cells, semiconductor devices including such cells, and methods of fabrication.
  4. Ko, Changhee; Gatineau, Julien; Lansalot-Matras, Clément; Lieffrig, Julien; Ishii, Hana, Titanium-containing film forming compositions for vapor deposition of titanium-containing films.
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