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[미국특허] Armoured flexible pipe and use of same 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16L-011/00
출원번호 US-0847745 (2004-05-18)
우선권정보 DK-1998 01650(1998-12-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • Glejbol,Kristian
  • Rytter,Jan Christian
출원인 / 주소
  • NKT Flexibles I/S
대리인 / 주소
    Merchant &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 21  인용 특허 : 6


An armoured flexible pipe has an inner liner (3) surrounded by a pressure armour (5, 6) that is surrounded by a tensile armour (7, 8). The pressure armour (5, 6) is constructed from a number of profiles (5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 14, 14 a, 14b, 14c) which may engage with each other. In order to obtain optim


What is claimed is: 1. An armored flexible offshore pipe comprising; an inner liner for preventing fluids from flowing in and out of the interior of the pipe, and surrounded by a helically wound pressure armor; the pressure armor comprising a plurality of X-profiles mechanically kept together with

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Fran.cedilla.ois Dupoiron FR; Philippe Fran.cedilla.ois Espinasse FR; Patrice Jung FR; Bernard Jacques Houot FR, Flexible conduit with high inertia hoop.
  2. Dupoiron Fran.cedilla.ois,FRX ; Espinasse Philippe Fran.cedilla.ois,FRX ; Jung Patrice,FRX, Flexible pipe with i-shaped wire winding.
  3. Feret Jany,FRX ; Herrero Jose Mallen,FRX, Flexible tube having at least one elongated reinforcing element with a T-shaped profile.
  4. Espinasse, Philippe; Jung, Patrice Jo?l Louis, Flexible tubular pipe.
  5. Herrero Jose Mallen,FRX ; Feret Jany,FRX, Flexible tubular pipe comprising an interlocked armoring web and process for producing it.
  6. Fran.cedilla.ois Dupoiron FR; Philippe Fran.cedilla.ois Espinasse FR; Patrice Jung FR, Resistant flexible pipe comprising sealing sleeve with limited creep.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (21) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Dultz, Shane C, Apparatus and method for performing ligand binding assays on microarrays in multiwell plates.
  2. Dultz, Shane C.; Travis, Jeffrey C.; Ralin, David, Apparatus and method for performing ligand binding assays on microarrays in multiwell plates.
  3. Dultz, Shane C; Ralin, David, Apparatus and method for performing ligand binding assays on microarrays in multiwell plates.
  4. Dultz, Shane C.; Ralin, David, Biological testing with sawtooth-shaped prisms.
  5. Chen, Bin, Composite flexible pipe and method of manufacture.
  6. Gudme, Jonas; Glejbol, Kristian; Cappeln, Christian Ditlev, Flexible armored pipe.
  7. Thygesen, Mads; Ostergaard, Rasmus C.; Olsen, Kim Steen; Glejbol, Kristian; Nielsen, Morten Storgaard, Flexible pipe and a method of producing a flexible pipe.
  8. Clements, Richard Alasdair, Flexible pipe body and method of producing same.
  9. Rassman, William R.; Ralin, David; Berger, Jason D.; Lieberman, Robert A.; Kempen, Lothar U., Image acquisition, processing, and display.
  10. Dultz, Shane C., Ligand binding assays on microarrays in closed multiwell plates.
  11. Dultz, Shane C., Ligand binding assays on microarrays in closed multiwell plates.
  12. Glejbol, Kristian, Method of producing an unbonded flexible pipe.
  13. Glejbol, Kristian, Reinforcement element for an unbonded flexible pipe.
  14. Glejbol, Kristian, Unbonded flexible pipe.
  15. Glejbol, Kristian, Unbonded flexible pipe.
  16. Gudme, Jonas; Nielsen, Karsten Gorm, Unbonded flexible pipe.
  17. Procida, Inger-Margrete, Unbonded flexible pipe.
  18. Nokkentved, Alexandros; Moller Andersen, Bo Asp; Juul, Niels; Weppenaar, Nicky; Glejbol, Kristian, Unbonded flexible pipe with an optical fiber containing layer.
  19. Christensen, Claus Dencker; Procida, Inger-Margrete; Christensen, Martin Damgaard, Unbonded, flexible pipe.
  20. Glejbøl, Kristian, Unbonded, flexible pipe.
  21. Frohne, Christian; Opstad, Ketil; Hall, Jon-Arne, Underwater conduit for fluid transport.

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