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Portable concrete plant 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B28C-005/16
  • B28C-005/00
출원번호 US-0103649 (2002-03-21)
발명자 / 주소
  • Flood,Jeffrey
출원인 / 주소
  • Advanced Concrete Innovations, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Briggs and Morgan, P.A.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 19


A portable concrete plant for producing ready mix concrete proximate to a location where the ready mix concrete is used. The portable concrete plant includes storage regions for storing components used in the ready mix concrete. The portable concrete plant also includes a slurry mixer for preparing


What claimed is: 1. A portable concrete plant for preparing ready mix concrete, the portable concrete plant comprising: a frame having at least one set of wheels attached thereto for supporting the frame above a ground surface and permitting the frame to be moved along the ground surface; a cement

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (19)

  1. Hood Max George,AUX, Apparatus for cement blending capable of forming a thick slurry.
  2. Brown Ronald O. (Gloucester CAX) Delorme Ernest J. (London CAX), Cement mixing process and apparatus.
  3. Brown Ronald O. (Ottawa CAX), Cement slurry batcher apparatus and process.
  4. Sutton John S. (P.O. Box 677 Keller TX 76248), Cement slurry mixing apparatus and method of using cement slurry.
  5. Strehlow Robert W. (New Berlin WI), Concrete batcher with segmented entry of mixing ingredients.
  6. Reid Samuel I. (210 Admiral Cir. Laurenceburg ; Laurence Co. TN 38464 4), Concrete production apparatus.
  7. Bush Jerome J. (Holland MI), Feed metering mechanism.
  8. Rose ; Leo J., Improved concrete making and transmission.
  9. Black Melvin L. ; Black Todd W., Method and apparatus for mixing concrete with controlled energy absorption and variable discharge gate.
  10. Macaulay Donald J. (Sherwood OR) Lofts David S. (Vancouver WA), Method for mixing concrete using a cementitious material/liquid premixer.
  11. List Jorg,CHX ; Schwenk Walther,CHX ; Kunz Alfred,CHX, Mixing and kneading apparatus.
  12. Perry L. F. (Rte. 3 ; Box 28 Olney TX 76374), Mobile batch plants.
  13. Weisbrod Alvin J. (Huntington Beach CA), Mobile concreting apparatus and method.
  14. Gunteret ; Jr. Ronald M. ; Cape William R. ; Cape Christopher ; Salgarollo Roberto,BEX ; Campbell Lowell B., Portable and modular batching and mixing plant for concrete and the like.
  15. Flood Jeffrey D., Portable concrete plant.
  16. Williams Harold V., Self-cleaning mixer for cement slurry.
  17. Milek Robert C., Slurry batcher mixer.
  18. Horton James (Rochester MN) Christenson Ronald E. (Kasson MN) Irwin Tim (Greensburg IN), Transportable concrete batching apparatus.
  19. Kelley Robert G. (South Jordan UT), Valve bag filling conduit.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11)

  1. Wittbold, James R.; Lee, Chris C.; Rago, William J., Cementitious slurry mixing and dispensing system with pulser assembly and method for using same.
  2. Wittbold, James; Li, Alfred C.; Lee, Chris C.; Chan, Cesar; Rago, William; Song, Weixin D., Multiple-leg discharge boot for slurry distribution.
  3. Mickelson, John; Stolt, Adam, Portable sand plant, systems and methods.
  4. Li, Alfred C.; Lee, Christopher C.; Nelson, Christopher; Chan, Cesar; Wittbold, James; Song, Weixin D., Slurry distribution system and method.
  5. Li, Alfred; Lee, Chris C.; Nelson, Chris; Chan, Cesar; Wittbold, James; Song, Weixin D., Slurry distribution system and method.
  6. Rago, William J.; Wittbold, James, Slurry distributor with a profiling mechanism, system, and method for using same.
  7. Rago, Bill; Wittbold, James; Li, Alfred C.; Lee, Chris C., Slurry distributor with a wiping mechanism, system, and method for using same.
  8. Li, Alfred; Lee, Chris C.; Chan, Cesar; Schenck, Ronald E.; Song, Weixin David; Loring, Curtis B.; Wittbold, James R.; Rago, William J.; Nelson, Christopher Robert, Slurry distributor, system and method for using same.
  9. Li, Alfred; Lee, Chris C.; Chan, Cesar; Schenck, Ronald E.; Song, Weixin David; Loring, Curtis B.; Wittbold, James R.; Rago, William J.; Nelson, Christopher Robert, Slurry distributor, system and method for using same.
  10. Li, Alfred; Lee, Chris C.; Chan, Cesar; Schenck, Ronald E.; Song, Weixin D.; Loring, Curt; Wittbold, James; Rago, William, Slurry distributor, system, and method for using same.
  11. Wittbold, James; Lee, Chris C.; Li, Alfred C.; Punati, Naveen; Rago, William J.; Carrazco, Luis, Slurry distributor, system, and method for using same.
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