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[미국특허] Phthalocyanine dyes 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C07B-047/00
  • C07F-005/10
  • A61B-010/00
  • C07D-487/22
  • C07D-487/00
  • C09B-047/04
출원번호 US-0693300 (2003-10-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Peng,Xinzhan
  • Draney,Daniel R.
  • Chen,Jiyan
출원인 / 주소
  • Li Cor, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Townsend &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 15  인용 특허 : 13


Fluorescent dyes are disclosed which are useful as reporter groups for labeling biomolecules. The silicon phthalocyanine dyes disclosed are preferably water soluble, isomericly pure, possess high quantum yield, and are useful in bioassays.


What is claimed is: 1. A phthalocyanine dye comprising a luminescent fluorophore moiety having at least one silicon containing aqueous-solubilizing moiety, wherein said phthalocyanine dye has a core atom selected from the group consisting of Si, Ge, Sn, and Al; wherein said phthalocyanine dye exist

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13)

  1. Smith Lloyd M. (Madison WI) Hood Leroy E. (Pasadena CA) Hunkapiller Michael W. (San Carlos CA) Hunkapiller Tim J. (Pasadena CA), Automated DNA sequencing technique.
  2. Devlin Robert F. ; Dandliker Walter B. ; Arrhenius Peter O. G., Fluorescence immunoassays using fluorescent dyes free of aggregation and serum binding.
  3. Devlin Robert Francis ; Dandliker Walter Beach ; Arrhenius Peter Olaf Gustaf, Fluorescence immunoassays using fluorescent dyes free of aggregation and serum binding.
  4. Little Garrick Murray ; Raghavachari Ramesh ; Narayanan Narasimhachari ; Osterman Harry Leonard, Fluorescent cyanine dyes.
  5. Arrhenuis Peter O. G. (San Diego CA), Fluorescent marker components and fluorescent probes.
  6. Hobbs ; Jr. Frank W. (Wilmington DE), Fluorescent reagents for the preparation of 5′-tagged oligonucleotides.
  7. Prober James M. (Wilmington DE) Dam Rudy J. (Landenberg PA) Robertson ; Jr. Charles W. (Rockland DE) Hobbs ; Jr. Frank W. (Wilmington DE) Trainor George L. (Glen Mills PA), Method, system and reagents for DNA sequencing.
  8. Cheng Gongzhen,CNX ; Hao Guolun ; Wu Hongqiao ; Li Ying-Syi ; Kenney Malcolm E., Methods for inserting silicon into phthalocyanines and naphthalocyanines.
  9. Klaubert Dieter H. ; Gee Kyle R. ; Brenner Charles M., Phosphate-bound polyazaindacene derivatives of nucleotides.
  10. Renzoni George E. (Seattle WA) Schindele Deborah C. (Seattle WA) Theodore Louis J. (Seattle WA) Leznoff Clifford C. (Ontario WA CAX) Fearon Karen L. (Woodinville WA) Pepich Barry V. (Seattle WA), Phthalocyanine and tetrabenztriazaporphyrin reagents.
  11. Kenney Malcolm E. (1203 Hereford Rd. Cleveland Hts. OH 44118) Oleinick Nancy L. (3727 Meadowbrook Blvd. University Hts. OH 44118) Rihter Boris D. (2130 Murray Hill Rd. Cleveland OH 44106), Phthalocyanine photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy.
  12. Kenney Malcolm E. (Cleveland Heights OH) Oleinick Nancy L. (University Heights OH) Rihter Boris D. (Wauwatosa WI) Li Ying-Syi (Cleveland Heights OH), Phthalocyanine photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy and methods for their use.
  13. Renzoni George E. (Seattle WA) Schindele Deborah C. (Seattle WA) Theodore Louis J. (Seattle WA) Leznoff Clifford C. (North York WA CAX) Fearon Karen L. (Woodinville WA) Pepich Barry V. (Seattle WA), Tetrabenztriazaporphyrin reagents and kits containing the same.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (15)

  1. David, Ayelet; Ashkenasy, Gonen; Shamay, Yosi, Caged cell penetrating peptide-polymer conjugates for diagnostic and therapeutic applications.
  2. Hardin, Susan H.; Gao, Xiaolian; Briggs, James; Willson, Richard; Tu, Shiao-Chun, Enzymatic nucleic acid synthesis: compositions and methods for inhibiting pyrophosphorolysis.
  3. Hardin, Susan H.; Gao, Xiaolian; Briggs, James; Willson, Richard; Tu, Shiao-Chun, Enzymatic nucleic acid synthesis: compositions and methods for inhibiting pyrophosphorolysis.
  4. Hardin, Susan H.; Gao, Xiaolian; Briggs, James; Willson, Richard; Tu, Shiao-Chun, Enzymatic nucleic acid synthesis: compositions and methods for inhibiting pyrophosphorolysis.
  5. Beacham, Daniel; Dzubay, Jeffrey; Gee, Kyle; Martin, Vladimir; Rukavishnikov, Aleksey, Fluorogenic pH sensitive dyes and their method of use.
  6. Dzubay, Jeffrey; Gee, Kyle; Martin, Vladimir; Rukavishnikov, Aleksey; Beacham, Daniel, Fluorogenic pH sensitive dyes and their method of use.
  7. Volkov, Andrei; Colbert, Costa M.; Pan, Ivan; Kraltcheva, Anelia; Reddy, Mitsu; Battulga, Nasanshargal; Rea, Michael A.; Lee, Keun Woo; Hardin, Susan H.; Mulder, Brent; Hebel, Chris; Bandekar, Alok, Method for analyzing dynamic detectable events at the single molecule level.
  8. Padhye, Nisha; Skopp, Rose; Wang, Ying, Multifunctional protein molecular weight ladders.
  9. Ganapathiappan, Sivapackia; Bhatt, Jayprakash C., Naphthalocyanine dye and ink containing the same.
  10. Kobayashi, Hisataka; Choyke, Peter; Bernardo, Marcelino, Photosensitizing antibody-fluorophore conjugates.
  11. Kobayashi, Hisataka; Choyke, Peter; Mitsunaga, Makoto; Bernardo, Marcelino, Photosensitizing antibody-fluorophore conjugates.
  12. Ganapathiappan, Sivapackia; Bhatt, Jayprakash C., Phthalocyanine dye and ink containing the same.
  13. Ganapathiappan, Sivapackia; Bhatt, Jayprakash C., Phthalocyanine, naphthalocyanine, and bridged phthalocyanine/naphthalocyanine dyes and inks containing the same.
  14. Dilley, David L.; Kovar, Joy, Therapeutic and diagnostic probes.
  15. David, Ayelet; Ashkenasy, Gonen; Shamay, Yosi, Vascular delivery systems.

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