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[미국특허] Cellulosic substrates with reduced absorbent capacity having the capability to wick liquids 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B32B-027/04
  • B32B-027/12
  • B32B-005/02
출원번호 US-0969293 (2001-09-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Rearick,William A.
  • Andersen,Birgit
출원인 / 주소
  • Cotton Incorporated
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 18  인용 특허 : 15


The present invention relates to cellulosic substrates with reduced absorbent capacity having the capability to wick liquids, as well as to methods of manufacturing such cellulosic substrates. The cellulosic substrates provided by the present invention comprise an inside and an outside connected to


What is claimed is: 1. A woven or knit fabric comprising: an inside surface comprising cellulosic fibers; and an outside surface comprising cellulosic fibers; wherein: the inside surface has a discontinuous hydrophobicity, the outside surface has a higher absorbent capacity than the inside surface

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (15)

  1. Shiba Daisuke (Utsunomiya JPX) Sakurai Akira (Utsunomiya JPX) Miyashita Iwao (Utsunomiya JPX), Absorbent article.
  2. Sternlieb Herschel (Brunswick ME) Siegel Jodie M. (Somerville MA) Greenway John M. (Westwood MA) Mate Zoltan (Sherborn MA) Malaney Frank E. (Milton MA), Apparatus and method for hydroenhancing fabric.
  3. Kuznetz Lawrence (66 Joyce Rd. Plainview NY 11803), Composite fabric for sportswear.
  4. Chen Fung-jou ; Lindsay Jeffrey Dean ; Kamps Richard Joseph ; Lake Andrew Michael ; Robinson Mark Louis, Dual-zoned absorbent webs.
  5. Heiman Mark J., Facing fabric for reusable incontinent products.
  6. Dahlgren Ray E. (P.O. Box 660614 Arcadia CA 91066), Footwear for facilitating the removal and dissipation of perspiration from the foot of a wearer.
  7. Kroyer Karl K. K. (Le Vieux Moulin ; 12 ; rue de la Liberation F-06520 Magagnosc FRX), Method of producing flow lines in a sanitary product.
  8. Dicker Timothy P., Multilayer energy expenditure garment made from hydrophobic/hydrophilic materials.
  9. Noda Isao (Cincinnati OH), Selectively surface-hydrophilic porous or perforated sheets.
  10. Katz Manfred, Synthetic fiber fabrics with enhanced hydrophilicity and comfort.
  11. Anyon David S.,CAX ; So Kin,CAX, Textile fabric.
  12. Byles Michael N. (High Point NC), Textile fabric with opposed absorbent and non-absorbent layers and method of fabricating same.
  13. Rock Moshe ; Lohmueller Karl, Three-dimensional knit spacer fabric for footwear and backpacks.
  14. Omar Ahmad (Karachi PKX) Omar Hamid (Karachi PKX), Two-layer knitted fabric for active and leisure wear.
  15. Hursh David F. (Lahaska PA) Johnston James B. (Philadelphia PA) Ko Frank (Philadelphia PA) Bruner Jeffrey W. (Guilderland NY), Two-ply athletic sock.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (18)

  1. Ducker, Paul M.; Harlen, Steven S.; Varney, David S., Absorbent material with wet strength containing wax.
  2. White, Thomas; Cumiskey, Mark, Apparel including interconnected wicking structure.
  3. Buchanan, Charles Michael; Buchanan, Norma Lindsey; Carty, Susan Northrop; Kuo, Chung-Ming; Lambert, Juanelle Little; Malcolm, Michael Orlando; Posey-Dowty, Jessica Dee; Watterson, Thelma Lee; Wood, Matthew Davie; Lindblad, Margaretha Soderqvist, Cellulose interpolymers and method of oxidation.
  4. Buchanan, Charles Michael; Buchanan, Norma Lindsey; Carty, Susan Northrop; Kuo, Chung-Ming; Lambert, Juanelle Little; Malcolm, Michael Orlando; Posey-Dowty, Jessica Dee; Watterson, Thelma Lee; Wood, Matthew Davie; Lindblad, Margaretha Soderqvist, Cellulose interpolymers and method of oxidation.
  5. Buchanan, Charles Michael; Buchanan, Norma Lindsey; Carty, Susan Northrop; Kuo, Chung-Ming; Lambert, Juanelle Little; Malcolm, Michael Orlando; Posey-Dowty, Jessica Dee; Watterson, Thelma Lee; Wood, Matthew Davie; Lindblad, Margaretha Soderqvist, Cellulose interpolymers and method of oxidation.
  6. Buchanan, Charles Michael; Buchanan, Norma Lindsey; Carty, Susan Northrop; Kuo, Chung-Ming; Lambert, Juanelle Little; Malcolm, Michael Orlando; Posey-Dowty, Jessica Dee; Watterson, Thelma Lee; Wood, Matthew Davie; Lindblad, Margaretha Soderqvist, Cellulose interpolymers and method of oxidation.
  7. Buchanan, Charles Michael; Buchanan, Norma Lindsey; Carty, Susan Northrop; Kuo, Chung-Ming; Lambert, Juanelle Little; Malcolm, Michael Orlando; Posey-Dowty, Jessica Dee; Watterson, Thelma Lee; Wood, Matthew Davie; Lindblad, Margaretha Soderqvist, Cellulose interpolymers and method of oxidation.
  8. Buchanan, Charles Michael; Buchanan, Norma Lindsey; Carty, Susan Northrop; Kuo, Chung-Ming; Lambert, Juanelle Little; Posey-Dowty, Jessica Dee; Watterson, Thelma Lee; Wood, Matthew Davie; Malcolm, Michael Orlando; Lindblad, Margaretha Soderqvist, Cellulose interpolymers and method of oxidation.
  9. Buchanan, Charles Michael; Buchanan, Norma Lindsey; Carty, Susan Northrop; Kuo, Chung-Ming; Lambert, Juanelle Little; Posey-Dowty, Jessica Dee; Watterson, Thelma Lee; Wood, Matthew Davie; Malcolm, Michael Orlando; Lindblad, Margaretha Soderqvist, Cellulose interpolymers and methods of oxidation.
  10. Donoho, Christopher D., Disposable diaper with pouches.
  11. Vaglio Tessitore, Filippo, Dual-layer fabric, in particular for sports and underwear, with improved breathable and insulating properties.
  12. White, Thomas; Cumiskey, Mark, Fabric having improved diffusion moisture capability and garments made therefrom.
  13. White, Thomas; Cumiskey, Mark, Fabric having improved diffusion moisture capability and garments made therefrom.
  14. Hines, Robert Winfred; Bailey, James Jonathan; Cone, Leslie Gene, Fire resistant woven fabrics and garments.
  15. Stockton, William B.; Ware, Jr., William, Methods for treating fabric to facilitate moisture transfer from one side to the other.
  16. Pan, Tingrui; Xing, Siyuan, Micropatterned textile for fluid transport.
  17. Black, Randy; Whitley, Tim; Maxey, Roger; Price, Lauren, Undergarment.
  18. Maxey, Roger L.; Price, Lauren E., Undergarment.
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