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Control of volatile carbonyl compound in compositions used in printing, printing methods and resulting printed structure 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B32B-023/02
  • B32B-023/00
출원번호 US-0776044 (2004-02-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Rozynov,Boris Vasilyevich
  • Coyle,William J.
  • Wood,Willard E.
  • Beaverson,Neil J.
출원인 / 주소
  • Graphic Packaging Corporation
  • Cellresin Technologies, LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Merchant &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 63


Volatile organic compounds containing carbonyl groups can be released by lithographic printing materials including inks, fountain solutions and printed materials. Volatile organic compounds containing carbonyl groups can also have a serious negative impact on the taste or odor of staple materials su


We claim: 1. A printed, reduced odor packaging material having an interior surface and an exterior surface, the packaging material comprising: (a) a substrate layer having a uniform thickness; (b) a printable layer formed on the exterior of the substrate layer, the printable layer comprising a prin

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (63)

  1. Watson ; Jr. Stuart L. (South Charleston WV) Carter Richard G. (Charleston WV), Acrylated silicones as radiation-curable overprint varnishes.
  2. Scott Norman (Stockton-On-Tees GB2) Hepworth Paul (Upper Poppleton GB2), Aldehyde adducts.
  3. Scott Norman (Stockton-On-Tees GB2) Hepworth Paul (Upper Poppleton GB2), Aldehyde adducts and a process for separating aldehydes involving them.
  4. Brodie ; III Vincent (Wilmington DE) Visioli Donna L. (Lower Gwynedd PA), Aldehyde scavenging compositions and methods relating thereto.
  5. Brodie ; III Vincent (Wilmington DE) Visioli Donna L. (Lower Gwynedd PA), Aldehyde scavenging compositions and methods relating thereto.
  6. Brodie ; III Vincent (Wilmington DE) Visioli Donna L. (Lower Gwynedd PA), Aldehyde scavenging compositions and methods relating thereto.
  7. Honeycutt Travis W. (Gainesville GA), Aldehyde treatment system.
  8. Honeycutt Travis W. (Gainesville GA), Aldehyde treatment system.
  9. Miller Gary R. (Fort Collins CO) West Paul R. (Fort Collins CO) Felker Melanie A. (Loveland CO), Aqueous developer for lithographic printing plates which provides improved oleophilicity.
  10. Walls John E. (Fort Collins CO) Miller Gary R. (Fort Collins CO) Ryan ; Jr. Raymond W. (Fort Collins CO), Aqueous developer for lithographic printing plates with improved desensitizing capability.
  11. Cavagna Giancarlo A. (Silver Spring MD) Claytor Robinson C. (Covington VA), Barrier coating to reduce migration of contaminants from paperboard.
  12. Bolick Martha E. (Winnebago County WI) Weber Rebecca J. (Winnebago County WI) Lang Theodore B. (Outagamie County WI), Bib.
  13. Barker Howard A. (Horsham GBX) Rirsch Eric A. (Billinghurst GBX) Maxfield John (Worthing GBX), Cementitious compositions comprising a water soluble polymer and a cross-linking agent therefor.
  14. Sugimoto Hideyuki,JPX ; Akao Mutsuo,JPX ; Osanai Hiroyuki,JPX, Completely light-shielding packaging material for photosensitive material and package using same.
  15. Matsumoto Hiroshi (Shizuoka JPX), Composition for lithographic printing fountain solution.
  16. Rozynov, Boris Vasilyevich; Coyle, William J.; Wood, Willard E.; Beaverson, Neil J., Control of volatile carbonyl compound in compositions used in printing, printing methods and resulting printed structure.
  17. Fogg Sidney G. (Ashtead GB2) Robertson Frank C. (Woking GB2), Copolymer, a film forming composition and a method of coating a surface with the composition.
  18. Uchida Toshio (Shizuoka JPX) Matsumoto Hiroshi (Shizuoka JPX) Kunichika Kenji (Shizuoka JPX) Sasaki Shigeru (Shizuoka JPX), Dampening solution composition for lithographic printing.
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  20. Itakura Ryosuke,JPX ; Kasai Seishi,JPX ; Sera Hidefumi,JPX ; Kato Eiichi,JPX, Desensitizing solution for offset printing.
  21. Kohyama Masaki (Ichihara JPX) Yamada Masaya (Ichihara JPX), Ethylene/pentene-1 copolymer compositions and their use.
  22. Burke Roger E. (Mursfreesboro NC) Sprull J. Gilbert (Colerain NC), Flushing vehicles for preparing flushed organic pigments and method for preparing the same.
  23. Garrett ; Walter L. ; Friedrich ; Ralph E. ; Czerepinski ; Ralph G., Fountain compositions for use in lithographic printing comprising aqueous solutions of polyacrylamide based polymers an.
  24. Chase Arthur R. (Neenah WI), Fountain solution.
  25. Matsumoto Hiroshi,JPX, Fountain solution for lithographic printing.
  26. Dubin Leonard (Skokie IL) Epperly W. Robert (New Canaan CT) Sprague Barry Normand (Bethlehem CT) von Harpe Thure (Meerbusch DEX), Hardness suppression in urea solutions.
  27. Pennaz Thomas J. (Brooklyn Park MN), Ink composition and method of making, using and recovering such composition.
  28. Tonogaki Masahiko (Tokyo JPX) Suga Yuko (Tokyo JPX) Kashiwazaki Akio (Yokohama JPX) Takaide Aya (Yokohama JPX), Ink, ink-jet recording process and apparatus making use of the same.
  29. Zweig Leon A. (2336 Bennett Ave. North Bellmore NY 11710), Isopropyl alcohol-free catalytic fountain solution concentrate and method for introducing a catalytic agent into lithogr.
  30. Hoffman Roger P., Laminated package and method of producing the same.
  31. Higashino Katuhiko,JPX ; Ohta Tomohisa,JPX ; Matsubara Shinichi,JPX, Light-sensitive composition and light-sensitive lithographic printing plate containing o-quinonediazide compound, novol.
  32. Noguchi Kazuo (Hino JPX) Fukumuro Kaori (Hino JPX) Matsubara Shinichi (Hino JPX) Koya Yoshihiro (Yokohama JPX) Tomiyasu Hiroshi (Yokohama JPX) Kajiwara Shigeru (Yokohama JPX), Light-sensitive lithographic printing plate having a light sensitive layer comprising a clathrate compound.
  33. Gamblin Rodger L. (8 Springhouse Rd. Dayton OH 45409), Lithographic printing fountain solution.
  34. Sako Ryohsuke (Kanagawa JPX) Hasebe Akihiko (Kanagawa JPX) Nishihara Akira (Kanagawa JPX) Okita Hiroshi (Kanagawa JPX), Metal surface hydrophilicizing process and composition.
  35. Hughes Kenneth D. (P.O. Box 1186 Eden NC 27288), Method and apparatus for mixing and supplying fountain solution to printing press.
  36. Gaylord Norman G. (New Providence NJ), Method for removal of gaseous formaldehyde from the atmosphere.
  37. Aoyama Norihito (Shizuoka JPX) Sakakibara Minako (Shizuoka JPX), Method for stabilizing glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase with hydroxylamines, aldehyde scavengers, dimethylthiocarbamoyl.
  38. Zengel Hans-Georg (Kleinwallstadt DEX) Kersten Hilde (Erlenbach DEX) Mgerlein Helmut (Obernburg DEX), Method for the crosslinking of cathodically depositable coating agents.
  39. Meyer Carl B. (Chemistry Department ; BG-10 ; University of Washington Seattle WA 98195), Method of abating aldehyde odor in resins and products produced therefrom.
  40. Wheeler Steven P. (1821 Valleta Dr. Torrance CA 90275) Bryan Theodore R. (125 N. Starflower St. Brea CA 92621), Method of neutralizing aldehyde-containing waste waters and the like.
  41. Akao Mutsuo (Minami-ashigara JPX) Suzuki Osamu (Minami-ashigara JPX), Molded article for photographic photosensitive material, molding method and package.
  42. Baker Timothy J. (Claremore OK) Woods John H. (Tulsa OK), Overprint aqueous varnish.
  43. Baker Timothy J. (Claremore OK) Woods John H. (Tulsa OK), Overprint aqueous varnish.
  44. Ta Yen Ching ; Gangfeng Cai ; Hu Yang ; James P. Leonard ; Joseph L. Goodrich ; Mark Steven Galland, Oxygen scavenging polymers in rigid polyethylene terephthalate beverage and food containers.
  45. Mutsuo Akao JP; Hideyuki Sugimoto JP; Masaaki Fujiyama JP, Packaging material for photographic photosensitive material.
  46. Akao Mutsuo (Kanagawa JPX) Kawamura Makoto (Kanagawa JPX), Packaging material for photographic photosensitive materials and light-shielding bag formed thereof.
  47. Okabe Mitsuo (Yokohama JPX) Tomita Hirohito (Tokyo JPX) Kubo Shoichi (Tokyo JPX), Packaging materials.
  48. Wood Willard E. ; Beaverson Neil J., Packaging system comprising cellulosic web with a permeant barrier or contaminant trap.
  49. Langen Hans (Bonn DEX) Rosenhahn Lothar (Cologne DEX) Wolff Erich (Solingen DEX), Photographic recording material containing an aldehyde remover.
  50. Ishizuka Yasuhiro,JPX ; Aburano Maru,JPX ; Hayakawa Eiji,JPX ; Oe Koji,JPX, Photosensitive composition and photosensitive planographic printing plate having a resin with urea bonds in the side cha.
  51. Czornij Zenon P. (Warren MI) Carpenter Clint (Royal Oak MI) DePue Jeffrey (Urbana IL), Polymeric pigment dispersants for use in coating compositions.
  52. Nashef Aws S. (Costa Mesa CA) Dieck Ronald (Irvine CA), Process for decreasing residual aldehyde levels in implantable bioprosthetic tissue.
  53. Yamaguchi Hideo (Naruto JPX) Kobayashi Masahiro (Tokushima JPX) Mizote Atsunobu (Nara JPX) Iwamuro Yoshiyuki (Kyoto JPX), Process for improving qualities of paper.
  54. Ozawa Yoshiyuki,JPX ; Yamazaki Hideo,JPX ; Kawada Kenji,JPX ; Ochiai Tetsuya,JPX, Recording medium having ink-absorbent layer.
  55. Malhotra Shadi L. (Mississauga NY CAX) Gundlach Kurt B. (Pittsford NY) Colt Richard L. (Rochester NY), Recording sheets for printing processes using microwave drying.
  56. Gesser Hyman D. (218 Girton Blvd. Winnipeg ; MB CAX R3P 0A7), Removal of aldehydes and acidic gases from indoor air.
  57. Santurri Pasco R. (Ballwin MO) Mumm Howard W. (St. Louis County MO) Yockey Thomas E. (Florissant MO), Self-sealable corrosion protectable packaging material and method of making.
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  60. Stockel Elfriede (Queens Village NY) Buchan Cynthia L. (Cold Spring Harbor NY), Surface composition for a substrate and method of preparation.
  61. Jordan Thomas C., Terpene dimer varnish and ink formulations and related methods of manufacture.
  62. Cappuccio Anthony R. (Savannah GA) Rizopoulos Athanasios P. (Bronx NY), Water-based printing ink.
  63. Kraft Kurt (Wiesbaden DEX) Walz Gerd (Wiesbaden DEX) Wirth Thaddus (Heidenrod DEX) Theiling Ernst-August (Hofheim DEX), Water-soluble reactive polymer mixture.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Keller, Samuel F.; Fontaine, Alan, Antimicrobial packaging material.
  2. Hu, Yu; White, Thomas A.; Dobreski, David V., Multilayer stretchy drawstring.
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