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[미국특허] Collapsible container with side wall latching capability 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-006/28
  • B65D-006/00
  • B65D-006/16
  • B65D-006/12
  • B65D-008/14
  • B65D-008/04
출원번호 US-0385245 (2003-03-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hsu,Roger S.
  • Apps,William P.
출원인 / 주소
  • Rehrig Pacific Company
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 46  인용 특허 : 41


A collapsible container includes a base and a plurality of walls moveable between and upright position and a collapsed position. Adjacent walls are connected via a latch protruding laterally from a first wall. The latch includes a first ramped surface that engages the adjacent second wall to deflec


What is claimed is: 1. A collapsible container comprising: a base; a first wall generally perpendicular to the base when in an upright position; a second wall pivotably connected to the base and pivotable between an upright position generally perpendicular to the base and a collapsed position gener

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (41) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Chiang Pei-Lieh (Pei Tun Road Taichung TWX) Chiang Ming-yao (Pei Tun Road Taichung TWX), Box crate container.
  2. Hoss Donald A. (Southfield MI), Collapsible bin.
  3. Apps, William P.; Gruber, Robert V., Collapsible container.
  4. Brauner Manfred,ATX, Collapsible container.
  5. Foy Dennis M. (Birmingham MI), Collapsible container.
  6. Foy Dennis M. (Birmingham MI) Baughman Charles (Southfield MI), Collapsible container.
  7. Loftus Stephen Clive,GBX ; Hoggarth Marcus,GBX, Collapsible container.
  8. Ogden Don M. U.,CAX ; Raghunathan Narayan,CAX ; Lazarski David Anthony ; Klein James Howard, Collapsible container.
  9. Overholt Trenton M. ; Apps William Patrick ; Koefelda Gerald R., Collapsible container.
  10. Overholt Trenton M. ; Apps William Patrick ; Koefelda Gerald R., Collapsible container.
  11. Overholt Trenton M. ; Apps William Patrick ; Koefelda Gerald R., Collapsible container.
  12. Stromberg Per Sigmund (Lillestrom NOX), Collapsible container.
  13. Trenton M. Overholt, Collapsible container.
  14. Trenton M. Overholt ; William P. Apps ; Gerald R. Koefelda, Collapsible container.
  15. Trenton M. Overholt ; William Patrick Apps ; Gerald R. Koffelda, Collapsible container.
  16. Sinclair Lorne R. (1549 W. 32nd Ave. Vancouver ; British Columbia CAX V6J 3A5), Collapsible container with loading ramp.
  17. Blinstrub Robert M. (1783 Lexington Dr. Troy MI 48084), Collapsible material handling container.
  18. Blinstrub Robert M. (1783 Lexington Dr. Troy MI 48084), Collapsible material handling container having improved corner interlock.
  19. Sano Yasumasa (Fuji JPX) Ohsugi Takao (Fuji JPX), Container.
  20. Trenton M. Overholt, Container.
  21. Trenton M. Overholt ; Gerald R. Koefelda ; Roger S. Hsu, Container.
  22. Trenton M. Overholt ; Gerald R. Koefelda ; Roger S. Hsu, Container.
  23. Sergio Goni Godoy CL, Container or articulated box, collapsible and expandable, to be utilized for the transport of fruits or similar products.
  24. Furtner Josef (Enns ATX), Container with swivelling sidewalls.
  25. Umiker Hans (Egg CHX), Container, in particular container for vegetables, made from plastic material and having foldable side walls.
  26. Umiker Hans,CHX, Container, in particular for transporting fruits and vegetables.
  27. Jacques Michel (St-Damien-de-Buckland CAX) Nolet Roch (St-Joseph-de-Beauce CAX), Five-piece container having foldable side pieces.
  28. Lessard Claude,CAX, Five-piece open container with locking arrangement.
  29. Merey Thomas Gabriel Bela,CAX, Foldable container.
  30. Oh Hae Soon (122-5 Shinhung 2-dong ; Sujung-gu Sungnam city ; Kyunggi-do ; 461-194 KRX), Foldable container.
  31. Foy Dennis M. (475 Bonnie Brier Birmingham MI 48009), Foldable container assembly.
  32. Umiker Hans,CHX, Folding container with releasably locking side walls.
  33. Oestreich ; Jr. Gerald F. (Burnsville MN), Hinged collapsible container.
  34. Miller Daniel R. (Cincinnati OH), Knock down bulk container.
  35. Dotan Moshe,ILX, Knock-down bin.
  36. Joffe Edward J. (940 Park Ave. Linden NJ 07036), Knockdown drawers and bins.
  37. Frankenberg Jason R. ; Hafemeister Randall H., Plastic tote box improvements.
  38. Borsboom Antonius H. (Pittsfield MA) Gennari Anthony A. (Pittsfield MA) Rudolph Kenneth G. (Dalton MA) Zuber Peter J. (Pittsfield MA), Reinforced material handling container.
  39. Overholt Trenton M. ; Apps William Patrick ; Koefelda Gerald R., Storage container.
  40. Kellerer, Richard; Barth, Christian; Oster, Heinz, Transport container.
  41. Zelko, Johannes, Transport container with a connection unit for removably connecting side walls.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (46) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Orgeldinger, Wolfgang, Banana crate.
  2. Orgeldinger, Wolfgang, Box having foldable and dismantlable exterior walls.
  3. Orgeldinger, Wolfgang, Box having foldable and dismantlable exterior walls.
  4. Orgeldinger, Wolfgang, Box having foldable and self-locking side walls.
  5. Orgeldinger, Wolfgang, Box having foldable sidewalls with a stable sidewall structure.
  6. Orgeldinger, Wolfgang, Box with foldable sidewalls and locking mechanisms with overload protection.
  7. Orgeldinger, Wolfgang, Box with foldable sidewalls and locking mechanisms with overload protection.
  8. Stahl, Edward L., Breadbasket with merchandiser window and flaps.
  9. Stahl, Edward L., Breadbasket with merchandiser window and flaps.
  10. Banik, Joachim, Bulk bin with integrated shock absorber.
  11. Banik, Joachim; Greiveldinger, Link Jay; Wagner, Leslie Allen, Bulk bin with panel to panel interlock features.
  12. Nolan, Roger, Bulk container with angled side wall to base installation.
  13. Petersen, Robert; Krebs, Scott, Bulk container with center support between drop door and side wall.
  14. Petersen, Robert; Krebs, Scott, Bulk container with center support between drop door and side wall.
  15. Nolan, Roger, Collapsible bin.
  16. Apps, William P.; Cavalcante, Mauricio D., Collapsible container.
  17. Baltz, Kyle L., Collapsible container.
  18. Blanchard, Wesley J., Collapsible container.
  19. Booth, Gary E.; Bombaugh, Scott R.; Cossin, Terry M.; Mascali, Edward S.; Vogel, Paul E.; Walker, Ralph E., Collapsible container.
  20. Smyers, Justin M.; Apps, William P., Collapsible container.
  21. Hay, Henry F.; Kirby, Leslie; Schrob, Alan, Collapsible refuse bin.
  22. Shamp, Travis; Kobilarcik, Albert, Compartmentable industrial tote.
  23. Apps, William P., Container.
  24. Stahl,Edward, Container.
  25. Nolan, Roger; Turner, Todd, Container assembly and latch apparatus, and related methods.
  26. Dekkers, Hendrik, Container comprising a collapsible sidewall.
  27. Koefelda, Gerald R.; Cook, Alan J.; Cavalcante, Maurico D., Dual height collapsible container.
  28. Murakami,Tetsuya; Yamaguchi,Hidetoshi, Foldable transportation container.
  29. Samprathi, Venu, Folding container.
  30. Samprathi, Venu, Folding container.
  31. Samprathi, Venu, Folding container.
  32. Samprathi, Venu, Folding container.
  33. Banik, Joachim, Hinge rod trap for a collapsible bin.
  34. Sakai, Youhei; Amano, Yoshiyuki, Mold, method of forming the same, and method of producing polycrystalline silicon substrate using the mold.
  35. Stahl, Edward L., Multi-level sliding stacking container.
  36. Raghunathan,Narayan; Ogden,Donald M. U., Multi-level stacking container.
  37. Stahl, Edward L., Nestable and stackable container for the transport of heavy baked items.
  38. Ah-Young, Kim; Hwang, Chouljun; Byungmin, Jung; Hyeungwook, Park, Packing box for refrigerator.
  39. Stahl, Edward L., Stackable container.
  40. Stahl, Edward L., Stackable container with front and rear windows, and method for using the same.
  41. Stahl, Edward L., Three level nestable stacking containers.
  42. Stahl, Edward L., Three tiered tray.
  43. Stahl, Edward L., Three tiered tray.
  44. Talbot Pouliot, Marc; Nolet, Roch; Mercier, Louis, Tote box.
  45. Stahl, Edward L., Two position nestable tray with drain channels and scalloped handles.
  46. Wilcox, Donald E., Wall latching system.

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