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[미국특허] Combined beverage container and cell phone holder 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 07-06
출원번호 US-0214677 (2004-10-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Wickenhauser,Keith
출원인 / 주소
  • Wickenhauser,Keith
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 23


초록이 없습니다.


CLAIM The ornamental design of a combined beverage container and cell phone holder, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (23)

  1. Gilbert Sebastian Gjersvik, Beverage chiller.
  2. Yeh Frank ; Cline Dwight A., Beverage container with receptacle.
  3. Villarreal ; Jr. Jose Antonio ; Villarreal Carol Josephine, Beverage holder with compartments.
  4. Villarreal ; Jr. Jose Antonio ; Villarreal Carol Josephine, Beverage holder with pocket.
  5. LaJoie Donald L., Beverage/food holder.
  6. Castellanet Vincent F. (Boxford MA), Bottle holder.
  7. Page ; Jr. Cornelius D. (Lincolnton NC), Car caddy.
  8. Diamond Jerome (5923 Etiwanda ; No. 101 Tarzana CA 91356), Cellular phone and note pad holder.
  9. Lynch C. Richard (3666 S. Acoma St. #101 Englewood CO 80110), Combined cup and plate holder.
  10. Fontana Robert M. (Niles IL) Evans Audri J. (Morton Grove IL), Compartmented packaging container.
  11. Mitchell Robert L. (1104 Birch St. Hurst TX 76053), Container adapter.
  12. Ferrigan Paul J. (Charlotte NC), Cup holder.
  13. Kinder Bobby L. (HC74 ; Box 195 Graham TX 76046), Holder for drinks and the like.
  14. Cronk Katherine L., Huggy cigarette holder.
  15. Dimeo, M. Philippe, Link for beverage container.
  16. Waterhouse Peter John,NZX, Package.
  17. Fletcher Michael, Packaging cup.
  18. Caputo Mario A. (4905 Ave. “M”Brooklyn NY 11234) Caputo Jeffrey C. (4903 Ave. “M”Brooklyn NY 11234), Smokers convenience caddy.
  19. Hague William S. (P.O. Box 1572 Charlestown RI 02813), Storage pack for beverages.
  20. Foley Mark, Supplemental feeding cup for infants.
  21. Breen John D. (Wooster OH) Scherer Thomas (Mansfield OH), Supplemental waste recycling container for mounting to a wastebasket.
  22. Crock Gary H. (65 Bond Cres. Richmond Hill ; Ontario CAX L4E-3K6), Thermally insulated beverage mug with detachable pouch.
  23. Dietterich Charles W. (Brodheadsville PA) Lidle ; Jr. Harry J. (Macungie PA), Writing instrument container for display stand.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (12)

  1. Ikier, Deanna Lynn; Chastain, Tracey Perry, Beach cup and accessory holder.
  2. Braithwaite, Linden, Combined drink and sandwich holder.
  3. Bo, Jin, Combined tumbler with stand and stylus.
  4. Bergin, Peter W. A., Cup holder.
  5. Dayan,Maurice S., Cup shaped cell phone holder.
  6. Faktorovich,Dmitriy, Food container with side compartment and engageable rim feature.
  7. Landphere, Edward A., Mountable substrate having a cup holder.
  8. Landphere, Edward A., Mountable substrate having a cup holder and a smoking apparatus keeper.
  9. Landphere, Edward A., Mountable substrate having dual cup holders.
  10. Namvong, Kong; Thongdynalay, Sourichanh, Pet food and water dish.
  11. Bo, Jin, Phone stand.
  12. Cooney, John; Cooney, Cathy; McClees, David, Vehicle cup-holder travel organizer.
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