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[미국특허] Method for positioning a mobile station 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H04Q-007/20
출원번호 US-0014777 (2001-10-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Naghian,Siam채k
출원인 / 주소
  • Nokia Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Squire, Sanders &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 59  인용 특허 : 12


The present invention is directed to a method for locating a mobile station, comprising the steps of using fixed transmitting stations for locating a target mobile station by transmitting a measurement signal from each fixed transmitting station to the mobile station, using a relay station which is


The invention claimed is: 1. A method for locating a mobile station in a mobile telecommunication system comprising the steps of: using fixed transmitting stations for positioning a target mobile station by transmitting a location signal from each fixed transmitting station to said target mobile st

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (12)

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  2. Dreier Scott ; Talbot Nicholas,AUX, Chained location determination system.
  3. Ari Kangas SE; Erik Larsson SE; Sven Fischer DE; Patrik Lundqvist SE; Mats Cedervall SE, Downlink observed time difference measurements.
  4. Snyder David M. ; Baych Leslie D. ; Melick Bruce D., Enhanced global navigation satellite system.
  5. Gustafson Bengt G. (Sigtuna SEX), Method and a system for monitoring a sea area.
  6. Hyziak Janusz Ryszard ; Oprescu-Surcobe Valentin ; Panjwani Prakash, Method and apparatus for extending coverage in a cellular communication system.
  7. Hornfeldt Jan,SEX ; Rinnback Lennart,SEX, Method for determining position of mobile communication terminals.
  8. Havinis Theodore ; Roel-Ng Maya, Method for handling of positioning triggers for batch location requests within a location services system.
  9. Schoen Neil Charles ; Schoen Wendy Ann, Micro-miniature beacon transmit-only geo-location emergency system for personal security.
  10. Ryohjj Honda JP; Fumihiko Kitayama JP; Kazushi Kuse JP, Mobile wireless transceiver method and apparatus.
  11. Michael Gladwin AU; David Dekker AU, Personnel locating system.
  12. Sanderford ; Jr. H. Britton (New Orleans LA) Rouquette Robert E. (New Orleans LA) Arthur James D. (Metairie LA), Radio position determination method and apparatus.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (59)

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  47. MacNaughtan, Malcolm; Drane, Christopher Ridgway; Brown, Stephen; Scott, Craig Andrew, Systems and methods for mobile terminal location determination using radio signal parameter measurements.
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  52. Pattabiraman, Ganesh; Meiyappan, Subramanian; Raghupathy, Arun; Sankar, Hari, Wide area positioning system.
  53. Pattabiraman, Ganesh; Meiyappan, Subramanian; Raghupathy, Arun; Sankar, Hari, Wide area positioning system.
  54. Raghupathy, Arun; Meiyappan, Subramanian S; Wolf, Thomas, Wide area positioning system.
  55. Raghupathy, Arun; Pattabiraman, Ganesh; Meiyappan, Subramanian S, Wide area positioning system.
  56. Wolf, Tom; Raghupathy, Arun; Meiyappan, Subramanian, Wide area positioning system.
  57. Raghupathy, Arun; Sendonaris, Andrew; Krasner, Norman F., Wide area positioning systems and methods.
  58. Dietrich,Paul F.; Davi,Gregg Scott; Friday,Robert J., Wireless node location mechanism featuring definition of search region to optimize location computation.
  59. Weigand, Gilbert G., Wireless viral mesh network and process for using the same.
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