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[미국특허] Hydroponic plant cultivating apparatus 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A01G-031/00
출원번호 US-0915967 (2004-08-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bryan, III,Morris
출원인 / 주소
  • MB3, L.L.C.
대리인 / 주소
    McNair Law Firm, P.A.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 30  인용 특허 : 16


A hydroponic system with modules having a hollow interior, a bottom wall with drain holes, and an open top end. A module conduit in each module carried by the bottom wall for channeling fluid through the hollow interior. The bottom wall of each module adapted to engage a top end of an adjacent modul


What is claimed is: 1. A hydroponic plant cultivating apparatus comprising: a planting column having a hollow interior for receiving a planting medium; at least one planting port included in said planting column for receiving plants at least partially into said hollow interior for engaging said pla

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (16)

  1. Moss Howard E. (Commerce OK), Container for multiple plant growth.
  2. Arledge James M. (3100 Cypress St. West Monroe LA 71291), Gravity feed hydroponic system.
  3. Leroux Frank W. (Seminole FL), Hydroponic apparatus.
  4. Kobayashi Hitoshi (14-15 Tenjinchou ; Koyfu ; Yamanashi JA) Tatemoto Jirou (10-6 ; 2 CHOME Misaki Koufu ; Yamanashi JA), Hydroponic cultivation apparatus.
  5. Lee Jong-Chul (447-27 ; Sutak-Dong ; Suli-Si ; Kungki-Do KRX), Hydroponic device for plant cultivation.
  6. Harvey Roy (R.R. 5 Poleline Road Thunder Bay ; Ontario CAX P7C 5M9), Hydroponic growth system.
  7. Chao-Chang Shih TW; Shu-Yen Peng Shih TW, Plant cultivation device.
  8. Carpenter Tim D. (Colorado Springs CO) Hobbs Claude C. (Waco TX), Plant growth bed with high loft textile fibers.
  9. Larry Austin Ware CA, Plant growth unit.
  10. Lahr Helmut (Gaensmarkt 12 6500 Mainz-Bretzenheim DEX), Plant stand.
  11. Hart ; James W., Planter and support therefor.
  12. Swearengin Michael L. (9880 Gun Club Rd. McMinnville OR 97128) Wittenberg Fred (11830 Dupee Valley Rd. Sheridan OR 97378), Planter with built-in water distribution system.
  13. Carlyon ; Jr. Richard A. (1000 Sharrow Way Carson City NV 89701), Self-irrigating display rack for potted plants.
  14. Davis Kenneth W. (Mtn View WY), Vertical gardens.
  15. Lendel George (1651 S. Vivian St. Longmont CO 80501), Vertical planter.
  16. Lund John F. (Salt Lake City UT), Vertical planter apparatus and method.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (30)

  1. Clayton, Robert, Aeroponic crop tower.
  2. Higgins, Kevin Whitley, Aquaponics system.
  3. Kasner, Jared; Rittenberg, Josh; Tevel, Guy, Aquaponics system and methods of use.
  4. Henry, Jeffery W.; Mosley, David, Control system for water amusement devices.
  5. Shin, Ok-Sup, Flowerpot stand.
  6. Cudmore, Colin Patrick; Grant, Joel Bauchat, Garden tower.
  7. Bryan, III, Morris, Hydroponic plant cultivating apparatus.
  8. Bryan, III, Morris, Hydroponic plant cultivating apparatus.
  9. Daugirdas, Jonas M, Hydroponic planting tower with horizontal grow platform.
  10. Storey, Nathaniel, Hydroponic produce display apparatus.
  11. Storey, Nathaniel R., Hydroponic produce display apparatus.
  12. Graber, Loren R., Hydroponic tower assembly.
  13. Collins, Fred; Hertel, Don, Light-weight modular adjustable vertical hydroponic growing system and method.
  14. Byrd, Derek, Modular bioreactor system.
  15. Hwang, Kee Y., Modular plant container.
  16. Imm, Edward J., Plant pot arrangement.
  17. Peterson, Jack Steve; Peterson, Ryan M., Plant tower.
  18. Liang, Zhang, Planter.
  19. Smith, Rod A., Planter.
  20. Phelps, Robert; Phelps, Belinda, Planter assembly.
  21. Smith, Rod A., Planter bottom plate.
  22. Huang, Tien-Fu; Yu, Chi-Hua; Shiao, Chen-Dao; Chang, Pei-Ying, Planting container and planting tower.
  23. van der Merwe, Pieter Gideo, Soilless plant cultivating container.
  24. Ogden, Tobias Nathan, Tower planter.
  25. Simmons, Robert, Vertical aeroponic growing tower.
  26. Gottlieb, John; Gottlieb, Wendy, Vertical garden.
  27. Brusatore, Nicholas Gordon, Vertical method and apparatus for growing plants.
  28. Roch, Antony, Vertical planting system.
  29. Henry, Jeffery Wayne; Schooley, John Timothy, Water amusement system with elevated structure.
  30. Ference, Katharine G., Watering device.

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