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[미국특허] Collapsible handgrip for inflator 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F04B-039/00
  • F04B-053/00
출원번호 US-0618200 (2003-07-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Huang,Ying Che
  • Huang,Chun Ming
출원인 / 주소
  • Huang,Ying Che
  • Huang,Chun Ming
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 22


An inflator includes a hollow handgrip and an air cylinder having a shaft. One end of the shaft is connected with a piston in the cylinder and the other end of the shaft is provided with a stud extending out of the cylinder. A bottom wall and an opening are arranged respectively at opposite ends of


What is claimed is: 1. An inflator comprising: an air cylinder having a shaft extendcd out of said air cylinder and a stud formed at an end of said shaft; and a handgrip for removably attached to said air cylinder, said handgrip having a hollow tubular body, an opening at a first end and a bottom w

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (22) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Yang Hsi-Kung,TWX, Air pump with a hidden extension tube.
  2. Wu, Scott, Air pump with rotatable discharge tube.
  3. Wu Scott,TWX, Bicycle inflator.
  4. Huang, Chun-Ming; Huang, Ying-Che, Collapsible handle device for inflator.
  5. Chuang, Louis, Easy-to-hold hand pump.
  6. Demarest Scott W. (Caledonia WI) Buhler James E. (Waterford WI) Miller Allen D. (Mt. Pleasant WI), Fluid spray device.
  7. Wu, Scott, Hand pump with and attaching device for attachment to a bicycle frame.
  8. Chuang Louis,TWX, Hand pump with automatic and manual inflation devices.
  9. Lung-Po Tsai (Taipei Hsien TWX), Hand pump with handle storage compartment.
  10. Wu Scott,TWX, Manual air pump having selectable high pressure and high pressure modes.
  11. Yang Hsi-Kung (No. 24 ; Lane 65 ; San Chun St. ; Shu Lin Chen Taipei Hsien TWX), Manual pump.
  12. Stepner David E. (12553 Parker Ranch Ct. Saratoga CA 95070), Portable bicycle pump having collapsible handle and footstand.
  13. Chuang Louis (7th Floor-8 No. 20 ; Ta Lon Rd. Taichung TWX), Portable hand air pump having collapsible handle and footstand.
  14. Brunet Patrice (Neuilly-sur-Seine FRX), Portable pump for inflating tires, in particular for a bicycle.
  15. Chuang Louis,TWX, Positioning arrangement for retaining a handle of a floor pump.
  16. Jenn-Tzong Chen TW, Pressure adjusting device for engine cooling system.
  17. Wu Scott,TWX, Pressure gauge of a bicycle tire pump with accurate indication.
  18. Scott Wu TW, Retaining device for a pivotable handle of a hand pump.
  19. Chuang, Louis, Tire pump handle that may be operated between a locking position and a non-locking position by one hand only.
  20. Yang Shi K. (No. 20 ; Lane 164 ; Yang Ming St. Pan Chiao City ; Taipei Hsien TWX), Tire pump with a pressure gage.
  21. Liao Kuo-Hua (1570 Chung San Road ; Shern Gang Village Taichung Shien TWX), Toy pump device.
  22. Wang Ro-Pin (5F ; No. 1 ; Lane 85 Kwang Fu North Rd. Taipei City TWX), Two cylinder manual air pump.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hawkins, Eric; Ostor, Pierre A. G.; Krawczyk, John, Adjustable length bicycle mountable hand pump.

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