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[미국특허] Cable management assembly, system and method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47F-007/00
출원번호 US-0295169 (2002-11-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Smith,Trevor D.
  • Solheid,James J.
  • Haataja,Timothy J.
  • Wentworth,Michael J.
  • Rapp,David E.
  • Follingstad,Michael Jay
  • Shorter,Michael John
출원인 / 주소
  • ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Merchant &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 69  인용 특허 : 27


A cable management assembly, and method related thereto, including a riser panel having an interface portion and a plurality of cable management devices. The interface portion having a plurality of shaped apertures. The cable management devices having attachments that correspond to the shaped apertu


What is claimed is: 1. A cable management assembly for coupling to a telecommunications structure, the cable management assembly comprising: (a) a panel configured to couple to a telecommunications structure, the panel including a first interface portion and a plurality of shaped apertures formed i

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (27) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Salacuse Frank (New York NY), Adjustable clip system.
  2. Hart John, Apparatus for attaching a wide range of article supporting fixtures to a variety of support surfaces.
  3. Robert Francois (Pont FRX), Arrangement and procedure for automatically mounting a unit of equipment on a support, for example a lighting and/or ind.
  4. Lewis Jeffrey C. (Rochester Hills MI), Automotive headlamp assembly fastening system.
  5. Michael J. Hines ; Samuel E. Watrous ; Suzanne L. Spera, Cable management system with adjustable cable spools.
  6. Betts ; Sr. Paul J. (15487 Linn Ct. Spring Lake MI 49456), Draining laboratory drying rack system.
  7. Barry Bruce Eltringham (Steelton PA) Fasnacht Matthew Jon (Mount Joy PA) Schaffer Ronald Richard (Harrisburg PA), Fiber optic cable management rack.
  8. Otema Martin,CAX ITX M1M 2X4, Hardware mounting system.
  9. Correia Lewis A., Lock box and mounting device.
  10. Powell, Michael, Lock for preventing inadvertent removal of a first frame component of an adjustable storage system from a second frame component of the adjustable storage system and the adjustable storage system.
  11. Yee William J. (4361 Keystone Ave. Culver City CA 90232), Locking article anchoring assembly for truck beds.
  12. Muirhead Walter B. (Rte. 3 ; Box 260 Jasper TN 37437), Magnetic tool retaining device.
  13. Baur Richard,DEX ; Woerle Engelbert,DEX, Method and arrangement for securing an assembly onto a support using a pre-installed securing bolt outfitted with a safety cap.
  14. Dana William D. (Norton OH) Subichin Steve (Akron OH), Offset stud fastener.
  15. David J. Braga ; David W. Kapella ; Aditya K. Tariyal, Optical fiber cable distribution shelf with cable management system.
  16. Walters Mark D. ; Morgan Kevin L., Optical fiber connector housing.
  17. Bietz Dalton ; MacNider Bobbi, Pallet rack crossbeam safety lock.
  18. Darren W. Simons ; Tamra K. Simons, Peg retaining device.
  19. Roth Howard (206 Devoe Ave. Yonkers NY 10705), Pegboard mounted tool holder.
  20. Walters Mark D., Routing and storage apparatus for optical fibers.
  21. Winig, Alan; Winig, Richard; Eldon, James, Shelf and bracket assembly.
  22. Richard L. Hyatte ; Jeffrey M. Cortez, Storage rack having locking beam-to-column connection.
  23. Richard R. Herzog ; Terrence P. Meier, Storage rack system and locking latch therefor.
  24. McConnell Kennedy (Riverdale IL), Structural member and assembly thereof.
  25. Bailey James R. (4020 N. Pioneer Chicago IL 60634), Support member for apertured supporting surfaces.
  26. Bauer Arthur D., Telecommunications rack cable support bracket.
  27. DeGirolamo Nicola (Martinsville NJ), Wall mounting system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (69) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Donowho, D. Brian; Lewis, II, Richard Evans, Accessory bracket for fiber management.
  2. Leichter, Eric, Adjustable cable routing spool.
  3. Kawamoto, Pete A.; Unser, Diana L.; Wills, Christopher M., Air distribution units for telecommunication equipment.
  4. Dean, Jr., David Lee; Donowho, David Brian; Lewis, II, Richard Evans; Messmer, Karl Theodore; Ugolini, Alan William, Apparatus and method for organizing cables in a cabinet.
  5. Alaniz, Daniel; Donowho, D. Brian; Lawrence, James I.; Young, Joshua James; Zahlit, Wayne Arnold, Cable management accessories.
  6. Garza, Jose Arturo; Alaniz, Daniel; Donowho, D. Brian; Lawrence, James I.; Young, Joshua James; Zahlit, Wayne Arnold, Cable management accessories.
  7. Garza, Jose Arturo; Alaniz, Daniel; Donowho, D. Brian; Lawrence, James I.; Young, Joshua James; Zahlit, Wayne Arnold; Bailey, Hillman Lee; Gravell, Lawrence Randolph, Cable management accessories.
  8. Garza, Jose Arturo; Alaniz, Daniel; Donowho, D. Brian; Lawrence, James I.; Young, Joshua James; Zahlit, Wayne Arnold; Bailey, Hillman Lee; Gravell, Lawrence Randolph, Cable management accessories.
  9. Garza, Jose Arturo; Alaniz, Daniel; Donowho, D. Brian; Young, Joshua James; Zahlit, Wayne Arnold, Cable management accessories.
  10. Garza, Jose Arturo; Alaniz, Daniel; Donowho, D. Brian; Young, Joshua James; Zahlit, Wayne Arnold, Cable management accessories.
  11. Bayazit, Yilmaz; Sjodin, Chad J.; Rapp, David E.; Herzog, Daniel M.; Raskovich, Chad A., Cable management assembly, system and method.
  12. Bayazit, Yilmaz; Sjodin, Chad J.; Rapp, David E.; Herzog, Daniel M.; Raskovich, Chad A., Cable management assembly, system and method.
  13. Smith, Trevor D.; Solheid, James J.; Haataja, Timothy J.; Wentworth, Michael J.; Rapp, David E.; Follingstad, Michael Jay; Shorter, Michael John, Cable management assembly, system and method.
  14. Smith, Trevor D.; Solheid, James J.; Haataja, Timothy J.; Wentworth, Michael J.; Rapp, David E.; Follingstad, Michael Jay; Shorter, Michael John, Cable management assembly, system and method.
  15. Smith, Trevor D.; Solheid, James J.; Haataja, Timothy J.; Wentworth, Michael J.; Rapp, David E.; Follingstad, Michael Jay; Shorter, Michael John, Cable management assembly, system and method.
  16. Smith, Trevor D.; Solheid, James J.; Haataja, Timothy J.; Wentworth, Michael J.; Rapp, David E.; Follingstad, Michael Jay; Shorter, Michael John, Cable management assembly, system and method.
  17. Smith,Trevor D.; Solheid,James J.; Haataja,Timothy J.; Wentworth,Michael J.; Rapp,David E.; Follingstad,Michael Jay; Shorter,Michael John, Cable management assembly, system and method.
  18. Anderson, Chad; Wentworth, Michael; Fleming, Craig, Cable management in rack systems.
  19. Anderson, Chad; Wentworth, Michael; Fleming, Craig, Cable management in rack systems.
  20. Anderson, Chad; Wentworth, Michael; Fleming, Craig, Cable management in rack systems.
  21. Bravo, Rey; Cozad, Richard D.; Wojcik, Alan F., Cable management rack with pass-through tray.
  22. Abby, Marjana M.; Merrell, Richard J., Cable management spool mounting assembly.
  23. Tinucci,Thomas C., Cable management system with spring latch.
  24. Sjodin, Chad J., Cable management system with twist latch.
  25. Krietzman, William Drew, Cable pathway divider and method for installing same.
  26. Krietzman, William Drew, Cable pathway divider and method for installing same.
  27. Fabrykowski, Grzegorz; Mueller, Michael, Distribution device.
  28. George, Jacob; Ng'Oma, Anthony; Ruffin, Alranzo Boh; Sauer, Michael, Extremely high frequency (EHF) distributed antenna systems, and related components and methods.
  29. George, Jacob; Ng'Oma, Anthony; Ruffin, Alranzo Boh; Sauer, Michael, Extremely high frequency (EHF) distributed antenna systems, and related components and methods.
  30. George, Jacob; Ng'Oma, Anthony; Ruffin, Alranzo Boh; Sauer, Michael, Extremely high frequency (EHF) distributed antenna systems, and related components and methods.
  31. George, Jacob; Ng'Oma, Anthony; Ruffin, Alranzo Boh; Sauer, Michael, Extremely high frequency (EHF) distributed antenna systems, and related components and methods.
  32. Cassell, Daniel Andrew; Dagley, Mark Robert; Harvey, Gerry Jay; Rodriguez, Diana; Works, Antwan Joco'ques, Fiber optic distribution network for multiple dwelling units.
  33. Castonguay, Guy; Cox, Terry Dean; Liggett, Thomas Shaw; Strickland, Selena, Fiber optic local convergence points for multiple dwelling units.
  34. Castonguay, Guy; Cox, Terry Dean; Liggett, Thomas Shaw; Strickland, Selena; Makrides-Saravanos, Elli; Frazier, Brent Michael; McGranahan, Daniel S.; Jay, Raymond Glenn, Fiber optic local convergence points for multiple dwelling units.
  35. Castonguay, Guy; Cox, Terry Dean; Liggett, Thomas Shaw; Strickland, Selena; Makrides-Saravanos, Elli; Frazier, Brent Michael; McGranahan, Daniel S.; Jay, Raymond Glenn, Fiber optic local convergence points for multiple dwelling units.
  36. Cox, Terry Dean; Rodriguez, Diana; Rasmussen, Michael Heath; Strause, Kevin Lee, Fiber optic terminal assembly.
  37. Cao, Songhua; Castonguay, Guy Joachin; Dai, Bin, Fiber optic terminal having adapter panel supporting both input and output fibers from an optical splitter.
  38. Cao, Songhua; Castonguay, Guy J.; Dai, Bin, Fiber optic terminals configured to dispose a fiber optic connection panel(s) within an optical fiber perimeter and related methods.
  39. Conner, Mark E.; Dunn, Jr., Kenneth F., Fiber optic terminals, systems, and methods for network service management.
  40. Sayres, Derek, Fiber retainer for cable trough member.
  41. Taylor, Chris, Frame with cable management.
  42. Taylor, Christopher Charles, Frame with cable management.
  43. Krietzman, William; Young, Joshua James; Donowho, D. Brian, Horizontal cable manager.
  44. Krietzman, William; Young, Joshua James; Donowho, D. Brian, Horizontal cable manager.
  45. Isenhour, Micah Colen; Knecht, Dennis Michael; Luther, James Phillip, Indexable optical fiber connectors and optical fiber connector arrays.
  46. Dean, Jr., David Lee; Donowho, David Brian; Lewis, II, Richard Evans; Messmer, Karl Theodore; Ugolini, Alan William, Kit for organizing cables in a cabinet.
  47. Cox, Terry Dean; McPhil Giraud, William Julius; McGranahan, Daniel Scott; Nored, Lee Wayne; Semmler, Susan Elizabeth, Local convergence point for multiple dwelling unit fiber optic distribution network.
  48. Dean, Jr., David Lee; Donowho, David Brian; Lewis, II, Richard Evans; Messmer, Karl Theodore; Ugolini, Alan William, Method for organizing cables in a cabinet to reduce impeded airflow.
  49. Krietzman, William; Young, Joshua James; Donowho, D. Brian, Mounting fixture system.
  50. Chow, Bruce Cinkai; Ng'Oma, Anthony; Pambianchi, Michael S; Sauer, Michael, Optical network units (ONUs) for high bandwidth connectivity, and related components and methods.
  51. Alaniz, Daniel; Donowho, D. Brian; Lawrence, James I.; Lewis, II, Richard E.; Smith, Scott Alexander; Young, Joshua James, Raceway for cable management.
  52. Cowen, Andrew P.; Mures, Marcel G.; Prevratil, Karyne P.; Weeks, Joseph A., Removably mountable fiber optic terminal.
  53. Donowho, D. Brian; Lewis, II, Richard E., Repositionable shelf-mounted handle spool assembly for cable routing.
  54. McMillan, III, William; Sy, Ben John; Pae, Andrew Ungho, Seismically hardened two-post electronic equipment rack.
  55. Burek, Denis E.; McConnell, Clem; White, III, Willard C., Storage cabinet for slack fiber optic cabling.
  56. Fabrykowski, Grzegorz; Müller, Michael; Gralewski-Sek, Grzegorz Konrad, System comprising a plurality of distribution devices and distribution device.
  57. Cox, Terry Dean; Dagley, Mark Robert; Nored, Lee Wayne; Semmler, Susan Elizabeth; Works, Antwan Joco'ques, Transition box for multiple dwelling unit fiber optic distribution network.
  58. Sayres, Derek, Twist-in latching arrangement for cable management structure.
  59. Sayres, Derek, Twist-in latching arrangement for cable management structure.
  60. Conner, Mark Edward; Giraud, William Julius McPhil; Nored, Lee Wayne; Schnick, Gary Bruce, Variably configurable and modular local convergence point.
  61. Newman, David P.; Fritz, Robert L.; Evans, Jr., Stanley P.; Kromenaker, Clark M.; Gleghorn, Nathan A., Vertical cable management system.
  62. Krietzman, William; Young, Joshua James; Donowho, D. Brian, Vertical cable manager.
  63. Krietzman, William; Young, Joshua James; Donowho, D. Brian, Vertical cable manager.
  64. Krietzman, William; Young, Joshua James; Donowho, D. Brian, Vertical cable manager.
  65. Krietzman, William; Young, Joshua James; Donowho, D. Brian, Vertical cable manager.
  66. Krietzman, William; Young, Joshua James; Donowho, D. Brian, Vertical cable manager.
  67. McGrath, Michael J.; Hibner, Max W.; Wong, Thomas Chung Yin, Vertical cable manager.
  68. McGrath, Michael J.; Hibner, Max W.; Wong, Thomas Chung Yin, Vertical cable manager.
  69. McGrath, Michael J.; Hibner, Max W.; Wong, Thomas Chung Yin, Vertical cable manager.

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