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All-purpose dispenser 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B67D-003/38
출원번호 US-0751377 (2004-01-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Stravitz,David M.
출원인 / 주소
  • Stravitz,David M.
대리인 / 주소
    Frishauf, Holtz, Goodman &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 56  인용 특허 : 3


Dispenser including a cartridge module and a powder or liquid dispensing agent arranged in the cartridge module. Dispensing occurs when the dispenser is jarred which causes the dispensing agent to pass through one or more dispenser openings in a lower wall of the cartridge module. For example, when


I claim: 1. A dispenser, comprising: a cartridge module having a lower wall portion and at least one side wall portion defining an interior, said lower wall portion defining a substantially horizontal support surface including at least one dispenser opening, said at least one side wall portion exte

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3)

  1. Hahn Geraldine L. (351 189th St. Miami Beach FL 33160), Countertop mini-garbage can.
  2. Levison Philip W. (1343 Park Ave. West Mansfield OH 44906), Mixing can having a hinged cap with an integral measuring cup.
  3. Owen Charles R. (Maumelle AR), Seltzer dispenser for use with a home soda dispensing system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (56)

  1. Nattrass, Luke Nigel, Animal waste and organic matter digester.
  2. MacMichael, Bruce; Westland, Duncan, Apparatus and method for dispensing small quantities of particles.
  3. MacMichael,Bruce; Westland,Duncan, Apparatus and method for dispensing small quantities of particles.
  4. Kasbohm, Michael, Apparatus for securing a bag within a container with scented retaining element.
  5. Stravitz, David M, Bag-retaining insert for waste container.
  6. Stravitz, David M, Bag-retaining insert for waste container.
  7. Stravitz, David M, Bag-retaining insert for waste container.
  8. Stravitz, David M, Bag-retaining insert for waste container.
  9. Stravitz, David M, Bag-securing member for waste container.
  10. Stravitz, David M, Bag-securing member for waste containers.
  11. Stravitz, David M, Bag-securing members for waste containers.
  12. Stravitz, David M, Closure components for securing a bag to a container.
  13. Dunn, Steven Bryan; Hatherill, Mark A.; Johnson, Kevin D.; Saxton, Matthew Joseph, Container for receiving multiple flexible bag assemblies.
  14. Dunn, Steven Bryan; Hatherill, Mark A.; Johnson, Kevin D.; Saxton, Matthew Joseph, Container for receiving multiple flexible bag assemblies.
  15. Dunn, Steven Bryan; Hatherill, Mark A.; Johnson, Kevin D.; Saxton, Matthew Joseph, Container for receiving multiple flexible bag assemblies.
  16. Stravitz, David M, Dispenser.
  17. Nordlund, Cecilia; Nelvig, Anna; Himmelmann, Gunilla, Dispensing system and method for dispensing a product.
  18. Chen,Hui Fen, Garbage can.
  19. Chen,Hui Fen, Garbage can.
  20. Lin,Tsong Yow, Garbage can.
  21. Dykstra, Thomas M., Insect trap with reflective interior walls.
  22. Dunn, Steven B.; Hatherill, Mark A.; Johnson, Kevin D., Method for disposing waste packages such as diapers.
  23. Stravitz, David M., Method of inserting and storing waste for disposal.
  24. Stravitz, David M, Pail for use as, for example, a waste container.
  25. Dunn, Steven B.; Hatherill, Mark A.; Johnson, Kevin D., Powder dispenser.
  26. Dunn, Steven B.; Hatherill, Mark A.; Johnson, Kevin D., Powder dispensing assembly for a waste container.
  27. Dunn, Steven B.; Hatherill, Mark A.; Johnson, Kevin D., Powder dispensing assembly for a waste container.
  28. Stravitz, David M, Rings for securing a bag to a container.
  29. Mandel,Logan Flash, Robotic canister.
  30. Sato, Yukihiko; Nakata, Yusuke; Nanno, Tomoyuki, Scanner with projector.
  31. Dunn, Steven B.; Hatherill, Mark A.; Johnson, Kevin D., System and method for disposing waste packages such as diapers.
  32. Dunn, Steven B.; Hatherill, Mark A.; Johnson, Kevin D., System for disposing waste packages such as diapers.
  33. Dunn, Steven B.; Hatherill, Mark A.; Johnson, Kevin D., System for disposing waste packages such as diapers.
  34. Dunn, Steven B.; Hatherill, Mark A.; Johnson, Kevin D., System for disposing waste packages such as diapers.
  35. Dykstra, Thomas M., System for trapping insects.
  36. Wang,Huang Yuan; Kuo,Terng An, Trash can.
  37. Ko, Wen-Hsiung, Trash can with a deodorizing mechanism.
  38. Mashburn, Mars; Tobola, Tim; Veazey, Trent, Trash can with customizable features.
  39. Mashburn, Mars; Tobola, Tim; Veazey, Trent, Trash can with customizable features.
  40. Mosley, Sandra, Trash can with fragrant oil dispensary.
  41. Stravitz, David M, Unitary insert for waste containers.
  42. Gagnebin, Rock A., Vacuum-operated trash receptacle.
  43. Stravitz, David M, Waste container.
  44. Stravitz, David M, Waste container with actuatable, internal bag obstruction member.
  45. Stravitz, David M., Waste container with actuatable, internal bag obstruction member.
  46. Stravitz, David M, Waste container with bag handling assembly.
  47. Stravitz, David M, Waste containers with bag trapping structure.
  48. Stravitz, David M, Waste containers with unitary insert.
  49. Rousso,John; Mowers,Steve; Cichello,John; Corney,Rick; Jackson,Michael, Waste disposal device.
  50. Stravitz, David, Waste disposal devices.
  51. Rousso, John; Mowers, Steve; Cichello, John; Corney, Rick; Jackson, Michael; Valderrama, Vincent, Waste disposal devices for storage of waste in an inner storage area and methods.
  52. Stravitz, David M, Waste disposal devices with waste treatment component.
  53. Rousso, John; Mowers, Steve; Cichello, John; Corney, Rick; Jackson, Michael; Valderrama, Vincent, Waste disposal services and methods.
  54. Magnuson, Peter M.; Quackenbush, Kelly; Serrano, Todd, Waste receptacle.
  55. Stravitz, David M, Waste treatment component.
  56. Stravitz, David M, Waste treatment components.

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