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[미국특허] Electronic device housing 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 13-03
출원번호 US-0217531 (2004-11-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Gates,Dirk Ion
  • Laity,Ian Andrew
출원인 / 주소
  • Xirrus, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    The Eclipse Group LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 108  인용 특허 : 7


초록이 없습니다.


CLAIM The ornamental design for an electronic device housing, as shown.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7)

  1. Honda, Royden M., E-plane omni-directional antenna.
  2. Wong, Ka W.; Au, Albert K. H., Electronic alarm.
  3. Karl Meyer ; Eric Jandorf, Hand held electronic game apparatus.
  4. Borsboom, Antonious M., Remote control.
  5. Patton Douglas M. (15 Bloomdale Irvine CA 92714), Remote control.
  6. Cho, Albert, Uninterrupted power supply.
  7. West, James B.; Charron, Amy E., Wireless LAN with self-orienting battlefield antenna and integral electronics.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (108)

  1. Samhammer,Christopher; Simms,Richard K.; Mallory,Linsey K.; Moran,Patrick C.; Rozo,Ximena; Trummer,Juliane B., Airplane window control.
  2. Whang,Chongman; Chennault,Steve A.; Samhammer,Christopher, Airplane window control switch.
  3. Fee,John Authur; Tole,Gary Joseph; Hart,William S.; Miles,Robert Joseph; Wade,Adam, Battery charger.
  4. Price, Eric Justin, Battery pack.
  5. Ahdoot, Amir, Camera remote control.
  6. Akana, Jody; Andre, Bartley K.; Aoyagi, Shota; Ashcroft, Anthony Michael; Bataillou, Jeremy; Coster, Daniel J.; De Iuliis, Daniele; Hankey, M. Evans; Hoenig, Julian; Howarth, Richard P.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Kerr, Duncan Robert; Newson, Marc A.; Rohrbach, Matthew Dean; Russell-Clarke, Peter; Shaffer, Benjamin Andrew; Silvanto, Mikael; Stringer, Christopher J.; Whang, Eugene Antony; Zörkendörfer, Rico, Charger.
  7. Murray, Joshua, Charger.
  8. Shi, Xiaoxi; Yu, Pengtao; Zheng, Wei; Zhang, Lian, Charger.
  9. Mayden, Jason; Shyr, Eric; Leek, Brit; Caneer, Greg; Simas, Matt, Charger base.
  10. Murphy-Reinhertz, Noah; Kreider, Erik; Ihrig, Mirko, Charger base.
  11. Aumiller, Curt; Mistry, Pranav; Wei, Chengyuan, Charger for an electronic device.
  12. Aumiller, Curtis; Mistry, Pranav; Wei, Chengyuan, Charger for an electronic device.
  13. Aumiller, Curtis; Mistry, Pranav; Wei, Chengyuan, Charger for an electronic device.
  14. Aumiller, Curtis; Mistry, Pranav; Wei, Chengyuan, Charger for an electronic device.
  15. Aumiller, Curtis; Mistry, Pranav; Wei, Chengyuan, Charger for an electronic device.
  16. Aumiller, Curtis; Mistry, Pranav; Wei, Chengyuan, Charger for electronic device.
  17. Reishus, Richard Allen; Aragon, Joel Timothy; Wong, Suk Ping; Hanks, Richard; Weisgerber, Adam; Snyder, Michele; Jones, Patrick; Nguyen, Lisa; Skidmore, Joseph E., Charger for powered brush handle.
  18. Reishus, Richard Allen; Aragon, Joel Timothy; Wong, Suk Ping; Hanks, Richard; Weisgerber, Adam; Snyder, Michele; Jones, Patrick; Nguyen, Lisa; Skidmore, Joseph E., Charger for powered brush handle.
  19. Carreon, Ronaldo Fernandez; Schroeder, Dennis Lynn, Charging device.
  20. Symons, Dominic, Charging device.
  21. Symons, Dominic, Charging device.
  22. Carreon, Ronaldo Fernandez; Schroeder, Dennis Lynn, Charging station.
  23. Gencarella, Francesca P.; Feri, Krystal L., Circular cell phone.
  24. Roka, Pujan K., Circular mobile phone.
  25. Suzuki,Satoshi, Combined charger and infrared ray emitter.
  26. Raken, Jan; Escolin, Tim; Schenone, Scott, Combined electronic input device and display.
  27. Lee, Sung-Ho; Kim, Gum-Sool; Hwang, Chang-Hwan, Contactless charger.
  28. Sculley, Darrin, Content amplification system and method.
  29. Smith, Mark; Grumm, Darren; Miller, III, Merle, Control.
  30. Smith, Mark; Grumm, Darren; Miller, III, Merle, Control.
  31. Smith, Mark; Grumm, Darren; Miller, III, Merle, Control.
  32. Smith, Mark; Grumm, Darren; Miller, III, Merle, Control.
  33. Smith, Mark; Grumm, Darren; Miller, III, Merle, Control.
  34. Epstein, Lewis, Control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  35. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  36. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry; Ludwig, James; Overthun, Thomas; Deerksen, Kyle, Control puck.
  37. Muirhead, Andrew; Wietzke, Timo, Control unit.
  38. Muirhead, Andrew; Wietzke, Timo, Control unit.
  39. Seidl, Kenneth G.; Nowak, Edward; Stangl, Paul F., Controller.
  40. Fee,John Authur; Tole,Gary Joseph; Hart,William S.; Miles,Robert Joseph; Wade,Adam, Crew battery charger.
  41. Guccione, Darren S.; Lurey, Craig B., Device battery charger.
  42. Guccione, Darren S.; Lurey, Craig B., Device battery charger.
  43. Magnezi, Gavriel, Dual direction connector for CATV tap box.
  44. Stratton, Alan Kenneth; Whitson, III, Roy Elliott; Varanka, Michael, Electrical charging case for wireless headsets.
  45. Gassner, Christian, Hand controller.
  46. Brady, Robert; Holmen, Erik, Handheld remote control unit.
  47. Chudoba, Paul, Hard case for fiber optic test equipment.
  48. Hatanaka, Takezo, Hearing aid charger.
  49. Rose, Friedhelm, Housing for electrical and electronic components.
  50. Kato, Tatsuo; Kawasaki, Katsuya, Infrared communication apparatus.
  51. Kim, Hong-ki, Integrated RFID reader.
  52. Schonherr, Tom; Dorn, Manfred, Kitchen or bath control.
  53. Turksu, Alan; Guclu, Mustafa Burak, Magnet clip mount.
  54. Roka, Pujan K., Mobile communications device with rotating keyboards.
  55. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Personal control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  56. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Personal control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  57. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Personal control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  58. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Personal control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  59. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Personal control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  60. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Personal control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  61. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Personal control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  62. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Personal control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  63. Mistry, Pranav; Sadi, Sajid; Aumiller, Curtis Douglas; Wei, Chengyuan; Yao, Lining, Placement of optical sensor on wearable electronic device.
  64. Chiang, Ching-Liang; Tseng, Pei-Wen; Su, Sheng-Feng, Power bank.
  65. Regole, Anthony, Puck-shaped charging device.
  66. Ohno, Akio, Receiver.
  67. Charleux, Olivier, Remote control.
  68. Chiu, Yi-Chung, Remote control.
  69. Cook, Jeff S., Remote control.
  70. Eriksen, Carsten; Meyer, Lone Ejbæk, Remote control.
  71. Lee, Nikolas Ian, Remote control.
  72. Miller, Joel H.; Pupecki, Jay, Remote control.
  73. Nogueira, Donpaul; Crimmin, Rebecca, Remote control.
  74. Yamada, Zachary, Remote control.
  75. Yamada, Zachary, Remote control.
  76. Kass, Ronald R.; Barr, Douglas J.; Kovach, Joseph E.; Dann, Kevin M.; Parrett, David J.; Brace, Clark; Bould, Fred; Caso, Jaime; Wolf, Jeremy, Remote control device.
  77. Otsuka, Kenji; Noguchi, Ryuhei; Miyata, Noriaki, Remote control transmitting device.
  78. Murayama, Kanako; Ishihara, Shingo; Kadono, Tsuyoshi, Remote controller.
  79. Murayama, Kanako; Ishihara, Shingo; Kadono, Tsuyoshi, Remote controller.
  80. Choi, Eun-Ha; Lee, Ji-Hyeoung; Kim, Jeong-Min, Remote controller for air conditioner.
  81. Tuhkanen, Petri, Remote controller for mobile device.
  82. Song, Jae Seung; Kang, Yun Je; Yang, Jun Ho; Shin, Young Sun, Remote controller for television receiver.
  83. Morrison, Reiko, Remotely located controller.
  84. Karlsson, Andreas, Retaining clamp for a splice box.
  85. Laurent,Patrice; Tissot,Jean Marc; Bonhoure,Patrick; Chartrain,C챕dric; Drouin,Xavier; Wang,Sheng, Seat control switch design for an automobile vehicle.
  86. Laurent,Patrice; Bonhoure,Patrick; Wang,Sheng, Seat control switch design for an automotive vehicle.
  87. Laurent,Patrice; Bonhoure,Patrick; Wang,Sheng, Seat control switch design for an automotive vehicle.
  88. Laurent,Patrice; Tissot,Jean Marc; Bonhoure,Patrick; Chartrain,C챕dric; Drouin,Xavier; Wang,Sheng, Seat control switch design for an automotive vehicle.
  89. Hardi, Jason, Smart remote.
  90. Yamamoto, Yuhei, Speaker box.
  91. Karlsson, Andreas, Splice box.
  92. Karlsson, Andreas, Splice box.
  93. Karlsson, Andreas, Splice box.
  94. Karlsson, Andreas, Splice box with a retaining clamp.
  95. Lee, Cheong Ho, Surveillance camera cover.
  96. Berg,Frederick J.; Bennett,Timothy J.; Davis,Alan C.; Riefe,Richard K.; Dybalski,Ronald H.; Phillips,Timothy M., Switch design.
  97. Tissot,Jean Marc; Wang,Sheng, Tactil control of window-lifts and lateral rear view mirrors for an automotive vehicle.
  98. Jensen, Michael Schjerbeck, Universal charger.
  99. Mistry, Pranav; Sadi, Sajid; Yao, Lining; Snavely, John, User gesture input to wearable electronic device involving movement of device.
  100. Mistry, Pranav; Sadi, Sajid; Yao, Lining; Snavely, John, User gesture input to wearable electronic device involving outward-facing sensor of device.
  101. Mistry, Pranav; Sadi, Sajid; Aumiller, Curtis Douglas; Wei, Chengyuan, Wearable electronic device.
  102. Mistry, Pranav; Sadi, Sajid; Aumiller, Curtis Douglas; Wei, Chengyuan, Wearable electronic device.
  103. Ho, Bang Jung, Wireless charger.
  104. Kim, Jinwook; Kim, Jaehyung; Choi, Eunha, Wireless charger.
  105. Ko, Hui-An, Wireless charging dock.
  106. Chen, Cheng-Pang, Wireless charging speaker.
  107. Turksu, Alan; Guclu, Mustafa Burak, Wireless control button.
  108. Turksu, Alan; Guclu, Mustafa Burak, Wireless control button.
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