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[미국특허] Method of graphically indicating patient information 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06Q-050/00
출원번호 US-0870373 (2001-05-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Cule,LaVonne
  • Frankenberg,Beth
  • Smith,Grady
출원인 / 주소
  • Cule,LaVonne
  • Frankenberg,Beth
  • Smith,Grady
대리인 / 주소
    Senniger Powers
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 27  인용 특허 : 36


A system and method for graphically indicating patient information. The invention includes a representative image of the patient with icons to indicate or inform a health care worker of the condition of the patient. Each icon in a set of icons represents a condition available for use in describing t


The invention claimed is: 1. A method of graphically indicating patient information in a confidential manner, said method comprising the steps of: relating each of a plurality of icons to a predetermined position in a fixed image associated with a patient; receiving information identifying one or m

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (36) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Taylor Cheryl J. (520 Chapel Rd. Amelia OH 45102), Activity book with removable manipulatives.
  2. Macrae Kenneth I. ; Ting Annsheng C. ; Edholm Ragnar W. ; Worth Erik ; Sigmon ; Jr. Robert B. ; Matsumoto Toshikazu ; Ho Chung-Jen, Apparatus and method for merging medical protocols.
  3. Maxey Mary A. (5 Heritage Cove Ruther Glen VA 22546), Child\s learning calendar.
  4. Leff Ruth B. (6589 N. Crestwood Dr. Glendale WI 53209), Communication aid.
  5. Leff Ruth B. (6589 N. Crestwood Dr. Glendale WI 53209) Leff Aaron N. (6589 N. Crestwood Dr. Glendale WI 53209), Communication aid.
  6. Leff Ruth B. (6589 N. Crestwood Dr. Milwaukee WI 53209) Leff Aaron N. (6589 N. Crestwood Dr. Milwaukee WI 53209), Communication aid.
  7. Ramsey Anthony (9443 Goddard Overland Park KS 66214), Communication aid.
  8. Garthwaite Patricia J. (2964 Tincup Cir. Boulder CO 80303), Communication aid method and apparatus for the handicapped.
  9. Leff Ruth B. (6589 N. Crestwood Dr. Milwaukee WI 53209) Leff Aaron N. (6589 N. Crestwood Dr. Milwaukee WI 53209), Communication aid with sequential lighting.
  10. Nelson Bailey (P.O. Box 425 Cedar Crest NM 87008), Communication device for handicapped persons.
  11. Fletcher Cheri, Communication system and associated apparatus.
  12. Carter Sharon A., Dollhouse activity book.
  13. Bergman Marilyn M., Educational and life skills organizer/memory aid.
  14. Evans Jae A., Electronic medical records system.
  15. Karsh Bruce D. (Los Altos CA) Myers Robert K. (Santa Cruz CA), File characterization for computer operating and file management systems.
  16. Lesser, Michael F., Graphical language methodology for information display.
  17. Brown Stephen J., Health management process control system.
  18. Sonsteby Kristi L. (Dallas TX), Medical documentation and assessment apparatus.
  19. Richardson Donna L. Jung, Medical log apparatus and method.
  20. Crawford ; Jr. John M. (15 Water St. Clinton ; Hunterdon County NJ 08809), Medical monitor system.
  21. Heng Di (39 Bowery #609 New York NY 10002), Medical personnel and patient communication indicator device.
  22. Smith Kurt R. ; Bucholz Richard D. ; Schaewe Timothy J., Method and apparatus for producing and accessing composite data.
  23. Steele Richard D. (2926 South Ct. Palo Alto CA 94306) Weinrich Michael (220 Northway Baltimore MD 21218) Harvill Young (1784 Hamlet St. San Mateo CA 94403) Kleczewska Maria K. (4232 23rd St. San Fran, Method of communicating with a language deficient patient.
  24. Sprague Robert (448 LaPrenda Rd. Los Altos CA 94022) Sprague Joan (448 LaPrenda Rd. Los Altos CA 94022), Method of teaching and transcribing of language through the use of a periodic code of language elements.
  25. Lumm Caroline V. (P.O. Box 321 McClure OH 43534), Multi-compartment device for medical applications.
  26. Willough Linda (10201 NE. 143rd St. Bothell WA 98011), Non-verbal communication device.
  27. Cain John R., Pain location and intensity communication apparatus and method.
  28. Ford Betheline (19300 N. Portland Edmond OK 73003), Patient care information system.
  29. Cain John R., Patient condition and pain location and intensity communication apparatus and method.
  30. Brown Stephen J. ; Jensen Erik K., Personalized display of health information.
  31. Coggins George, Physiological parameter monitoring and bio-feedback apparatus.
  32. Nellhaus Gerhard (670 Vernon St. #106 Oakland CA 94610), Pictorial guidance/reminder system for medication.
  33. Miller Sally E. (3000 E. Sunrise Blvd. 17c Ft. Lauderdale FL 33304), Pocket panel educational or diagnostic tool.
  34. Dunn Robert M. (Woodbridge CT), Schematic diagram generating system using library of general purpose interactively selectable graphic primitives to crea.
  35. Hart Mary Louise (481 Dulles Road Des Plaines IL 60016), Visual communication tool for children.
  36. Coghill Davis G. (4907 Glacia Dr. Los Angeles CA 90041) De Gaston Raoul H. (Southgate CA), Visual communications device for use by handicapped persons.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (27) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Zhao, Tiecheng; Iwase, Akio; Kihara, Nobuyuki, Advanced medical image processing wizard.
  2. Guo, Yanni, Display screen with icon.
  3. Guo, Yanni, Display screen with icon.
  4. Rzadkiewicz, Mary Johnice; Stoeckl, Janet M.; Rifkin, Roberta; Brown, Ryan William; Del Vecchio, Justin Michael; James, Alex; Schmidt, Lauren; Nusinov, Michael, Electronic health record system and method for an underserved population.
  5. Evans, T. Kirk, Field guide.
  6. Goodnow, Timothy T., Glucose measuring device integrated into a holster for a personal area network device.
  7. Goodnow, Timothy T.; Blomquist, Michael L.; Johnson, Jay G., Glucose measuring module and insulin pump combination.
  8. Portoghese, Rocco; Barber, Paul Geoffrey, Infrared aimpoint detection system.
  9. Berry, Matthew M.; Lybbert, Jacob S.; Berry, Robert M.; Chapman, Wesley D.; Owens, Christopher T., Interactive and educational vision interfaces.
  10. Robinson,Scott William; Raichert,Kira Alexander, Method and apparatus for displaying a patient worklist.
  11. Green, Jason Reinis; Wood, Raymond Michael; Snyder, Robert John; Willich, Richard R., Method and system for acquiring claims in a health services environment.
  12. Green, Jason Reinis; Wood, Raymond Michael; Snyder, Robert John; Willich, Richard R., Method and system for adjudicating claims in a health service environment.
  13. Willich, Richard R.; Green, Jason Reinis; Wood, Raymond Michael; Snyder, Robert John, Method and system for adjudicating claims in a health services environment.
  14. Green, Jason Reinis; Wood, Raymond Michael; Snyder, Robert John; Willich, Richard R., Method and system for scheduling tracking, adjudicating appointments and claims in a health services environment.
  15. Green, Jason Reinis; Wood, Raymond Michael; Snyder, Robert John; Willich, Richard R., Method and system for tracking treatment of patients in a health services environment.
  16. Rao, Sunil K.; Rao, Sanjay K.; Rao, Rekha K., Mobile IO input and output for smartphones, tablet, and wireless devices including touch screen, voice, pen, and gestures.
  17. Berry, Matthew M.; Berry, Robert M.; Lyman, Daniel D., Personalized anatomical diagnostics and simulations.
  18. Heywood, Benjamin; Cole, Jeff; Heywood, James, Personalized management and comparison of medical condition and outcome based on profiles of community patients.
  19. Berry, Matthew M.; Lyman, Daniel D.; Robinson, Gary L., Personalizing medical conditions with augmented reality.
  20. Berry, Matthew M.; Lyman, Daniel D.; Robinson, Gary L., Personalizing medical conditions with augmented reality.
  21. Heywood, James; Heywood, Benjamin, Self-improving method of using online communities to predict health-related outcomes.
  22. Robinson, Cynthia, Surgical error prevention system.
  23. Rao, Raman K.; Rao, Sanjay K., System for seamless and secure networking of implantable medical devices, electronic patch devices and wearable devices.
  24. Rao, Raman K.; Rao, legal representative, Rekha K.; Rao, Sanjay K., System for seamless and secure networking of implantable medical devices, electronic patch devices and wearable devices.
  25. Berry, Matthew M., User interfaces and systems for oral hygiene.
  26. Kwag,Mi Na; Jo,Jang Hyeon; Lee,Seong Eun; Kwon,Min Jeong; Park,Mi Jung, Video image display for portable phone.
  27. Baker, Bruce R.; Hill, Katya; Cross, Russell T.; Van Tatenhove, Gail M.; Helmbold, Bruce; Herrmann, Jutta; Conti, Robert V.; Stump, Robert T.; Zucco, Mark A., Visual scene displays, uses thereof, and corresponding apparatuses.

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