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Saframycins, analogues and uses thereof 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61K-031/4985
  • C07O-471/18
출원번호 US-0826859 (2004-04-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • Myers,Andrew G.
  • Plowright,Alleyn T.
출원인 / 주소
  • President and Fellows of Harvard College
대리인 / 주소
    Choate, Hall &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 28


In recognition of the need to develop novel therapeutic agents and efficient methods for the synthesis thereof, the present invention provides novel compounds of general formula (I), and methods for the synthesis thereof. In another aspect, the present invention provides pharmaceutical compositio


What is claimed is: 1. A compound having the structure (I): wherein: m is 0, 2, 3, 4, or 5; R1 is--ORA or--SRA, wherein R A is hydrogen,--(C═O)RC,--(SO2)RC, or an aliphatic, heteroaliphatic, aryl, or heteroaryl moiety, wherein each occurrence of RC is independently hydrogen,--ORD,--SRD,--N

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (28)

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  4. Arai Tadashi (No. 50-6 ; 6-chome Nogata ; Nakano-ku ; Tokyo JPX), Antibiotics saframycins A, B, C, D and E and process for producing the same.
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  6. Danishefsky, Samuel J.; Zhou, Bishan, Compounds of the saframycin-ecteinascidin series, uses, and synthesis thereof.
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  11. Arai Tadashi (50-6 ; 6-chome Nagata ; Nakano-Ku ; Tokyo JPX) Mikami Yuzuru (Chiba JPX), Novel saframycin A derivatives and process for producing the same.
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  13. Letsinger Robert L. (Wilmette IL) Gryaznov Sergei M. (San Mateo CA), Oligodeoxyribonucleotides including 3′-aminonucleoside-phosphoramidate linkages and terminal 3′-amino groups.
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  16. Nielsen Peter E.,DKX ; Buchardt Ole,DKX ; Egholm Michael,DKX ; Berg Rolf H.,DKX, Peptide nucleic acids.
  17. Buchardt ; deceased Ole,DKX ; Egholm Michael ; Nielsen Peter Eigil,DKX ; Berg Rolf Henrik,DKX ; Buchardt Dorte,DKX ITX legal representative of said Ole Buchardt ; deceased, Peptide nucleic acids having amino acid side chains.
  18. Caruthers Marvin H. (Boulder CO) Beaucage Serge L. (Mountain View CA), Phosphoramidite nucleoside compounds.
  19. Caruthers Marvin H. (Boulder CO) Marshall William S. (Boulder CO), Polynucleotide phosphorodithioates.
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  23. Corey Elias J. ; Gin David, Process for producing ecteinascidin compounds.
  24. Hunkapiller Michael W. ; Richards John H., Restriction enzyme mediated adapter.
  25. Rinehart Kenneth L. ; Morales Jose J., Semi-synthetic ecteinascidins.
  26. Corey Elias J., Synthetic analogs of ecteinascidin-743.
  27. Corey, Elias J., Synthetic analogs of ecteinascidin-743.
  28. Elias J. Corey, Synthetic analogs of ecteinascidin-743.
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