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[미국특허] Container lid with closure member 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-051/18
  • B65D-055/16
  • B65D-055/00
  • A47G-019/22
출원번호 US-0641498 (2003-08-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Smith,Stephen Alan
  • Huston,Dawn Ellen
  • Wiedmeyer,Warren Giles
  • Sullivan,Stephen William
  • Chin,Rich Matthiew
  • Ahmed,Mohammed Maqsood
  • Gitschlag,John Stewart
  • Langelan,David Raymond
  • Chauhan,Rajendra R
출원인 / 주소
  • Solo Cup Company
대리인 / 주소
    Wallenstein &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 20  인용 특허 : 126


A lid for a container holding a flowable substance has an annular top wall. A side wall depends from the top wall, and has a mounting portion for connecting the lid on the container. The top wall has an opening that is adapted to permit the flow of the substance through the lid. The top wall also ha


What is claimed is: 1. A lid for a container holding a flowable substance, the lid comprising: a body having a top wall and a recessed central portion, the top wall having an opening residing entirely in the top wall, with a bottom wall positioned below the top wall, wherein the retaining recess an

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (126) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sartain Stephen C. (Plainfield IL) Chamberlain Richard W. (Montgomery IL), Auxiliary actuation mechanism for a brake assembly.
  2. Tuneski Richard J. (1035 Franklin Rd. ; Apt. N-5 Marietta GA 30060) Frisbey Robert M. (1200 Marifran Dr. Conyers GA 30207), Beverage container lid.
  3. Fox Robert M. (897 S. Dwyer Ave. Arlington Height IL 60005), Beverage container lid having a retainably opened access flap.
  4. Lane William F. (Wilson NC) Williams Robert C. (Raleigh NC), Beverage cup lid having peripheral locking means for drinking opening closure member.
  5. Lane William F. (Wilson NC) Williams Robert C. (Raleigh NC), Beverage cup lid having perpheral locking means for drinking opening closure member.
  6. Berger Lora L. (Amherst NY), Canister with porous plastic ends.
  7. Dumestre Camille (P.O. Box 3211 Covington LA 70433), Canned drink cover apparatus.
  8. McFarland Joseph R. (507 Palo Alto Dr. Vancouver WA 98661), Cap for hot beverage cup.
  9. Mueller Jonathan H. (Hermitage TN), Closure for a liquid container.
  10. Hanifl Paul H. (Barrington IL), Closure for a syringe collection and disposal container.
  11. Throp Arnold M. (Harrow GB2), Closures for liquid product containers.
  12. DeGrow Gary C. (Antioch TN), Container closure arrangement.
  13. Wyatt W. Burk (Brentwood TN) DeGrow Gary C. (Antioch TN) Mueller Jonathan H. (Hermitage TN), Container closure arrangement.
  14. Huang Daiying, Container for receiving and dispensing of particulates.
  15. Lee Dong-Sun,KRX ; Jeong Sheong-Ki,KRX, Container for storing kimchi.
  16. Coy Peter ; Moseley ; Jr. Thomas C ; Arney Michel D. ; Howard Jeremy C., Container lid.
  17. Wang Jung-Liang,TWX, Container lid assembly.
  18. Schaefer, Debra L., Container lid with a plurality of aroma vent holes in a center portion of a container lid cover.
  19. Smith, Stephen Alan; Huston, Dawn Ellen; Wiedmeyer, Warren Giles; Sullivan, Stephen William; Chin, Rich Matthiew; Ahmed, Mohammed Maqsood; Gitschlag, John Stewart; Langelan, David Raymond; Chauhan, R, Container lid with closure member.
  20. Durgin Ronald A. (Pleasanton CA), Container lid with drink-through opening.
  21. Elfelt Walter (Cleveland OH) Scruggs James H. (Sandstone MN), Container lid with foldback drink opening.
  22. Turner Donald R. (Shelbyville IN), Container lid with integral stopper.
  23. Kellner Louis W. (901 Hiawatha Dr. Elgin IL 60120), Cover for a beverage can.
  24. Cerrone ; Jr. Frank J. (R.D. 1 ; 614 Malen Ave. Westville NJ 08093), Cover for container with screen to prevent insect intrusion.
  25. Rama Lord (Rosendale NY) Eccles David (Rosendale NY), Cover for drink containers.
  26. Timmermans G. J. M. (Hoogeveen NLX), Cover with a drinking spout for cans.
  27. Fournier George J. (34 Waldo Rd. Milton MA 02187), Cup cover.
  28. DeParales Lawrence T. (1 Gates Rd. ; P.O. Box 483 Marshfield MA 02050), Cup cover having opening means.
  29. Dodaro Tony (Scarborough CAX), Cup lid.
  30. Forrer Scott M. (1238 Lizbeth La. Cedarburg WI 53012), Cup lid.
  31. Van Melle Hubert (Etobicoke CAX), Cup lid.
  32. Boersma Drew H. (2100 Woodley Creek Comstock Park MI 49321), Cup lid assembly.
  33. Freek Michael,CAX ; Thomas Michael,CAX, Cup lid having combined straw slot depression and tear back lid retainer.
  34. Van Melle Hugh,CAX, Cup lid having improved drink-through opening.
  35. Terzi Dario (Sarnico ITX), Cup-cap combination for soft drink cans.
  36. Sitko Jerry A. (412-5 Confederation Bay Brandon ; Manitoba CAX R7B 2P7) Hrynkiw John (635 B St. Brandon ; Manitoba CAX) Brazeau Marilyn I. (P.O. Box 158 Erickson ; Manitoba CAX R0J 0P0), Detachable cover for disposable drinking cups, container and the like.
  37. Diener Horst (Ulm-Ggglingen DEX), Dispenser for pasty compositions.
  38. DeParales Lawrence T. (1 Gates Rd. Marshfield MA 02050) Billitzer Edward P. (24 Water St. East Weymouth MA 02189), Disposable cup cover.
  39. Van Melle Hugh,CAX, Disposable dome lid for drinking cups.
  40. Narushko Suzanne B. (6141 Colgate Ct. Sacramento CA 95831), Disposable leakproof container lids.
  41. Boller Peter K.,CAX, Dome lid for drinking cup.
  42. Atkins, Todd; Gingras, Ryan, Dome-shaped reclosable lid and removable closure tab.
  43. Lardner George E. (Seminole FL) Weinheimer Jacek (Treasure Island FL), Drain closure.
  44. Cagan Michael N.,ESX, Drink can lid with closure cap.
  45. Bilewitz Leon, Drink through cap for drinking cup or mug.
  46. Boller Peter K. (Willowdale CAX), Drink through container lid.
  47. Braude Elton (41-29 Fiftieth St. ; Suite 2E Woodside NY 11377), Drink-through beverage lid.
  48. Hundley, Bobby V.; Quatmann, Joseph H., Drink-through cup lid having selectively inwardly and outwardly rotatable hinged portion.
  49. Warden Jeffrey A. (Southfield MI) Letica Anton I. (Rochester Hills MI), Drink-through lid for disposable cup.
  50. Sokolowski Bronislaw (44 Aldrich St. Webster MA 01570), Drinking cover.
  51. Klingler Josef F. (Wilmette IL), Drinking cup construction.
  52. Montemarano Joseph (Angie Dr. Hopewell Junction NY 12533), Drinking spout cover.
  53. Leonard Jeremy W. (Dallas TX), Dual compartment sterilizable waste containment unit.
  54. Chang Kwei-Tang,TWX, Dual-function filter type pot cover.
  55. Marissa A. Schultz, Easily opened wipes canister.
  56. Shields Michael R. (262 Fishing Creek Rd. Cape May NJ 08204), Easy-open container end.
  57. Kick James (210 Aspen Village Ellisville MO 63021), End closure assembly.
  58. Hambleton, Thomas P.; Guevara, Erick; Rychiger, Peter, End closure structure for a container.
  59. Kreiseder Walter J. (Barrington IL) Vogel Allen J. (Schaumburg IL), End closure with tamper evident element.
  60. Verma Kuldeep (3509 Crofton Ct. Raleigh NC 27604), Fermentation vessels and closures therefor.
  61. Van Melle Hugh (Etobicoke CAX), Foldback cup lid having comfortable drinking characteristics.
  62. Wickland Terry J. ; Stephens Carl, Hepa filtered storage canisters.
  63. Spong Gary W. (Vallejo CA), Ice-holding and game-adaptable insert cup for drinking container.
  64. Melton Bruce W., Infuser unit for beverages.
  65. Melton Bruce W., Infuser unit for making beverages.
  66. Beckertgis Nicholas G. (1320 N. 4th St. Sheboygan WI 53081), Insect-proof and tamper-evident cover for beverage container.
  67. Coonradt Robert A. (8851 Vamo Rd. Sarasota FL 34231), Insulated drinking container.
  68. Clarke, Brian Norman, Lid.
  69. Chu Donny, Lid device with splashless baffle.
  70. Galloway ; deceased James V. (2037 Pratt Ct. late of Winnetka IL by Dean K. Galloway) Galloway Scott F. (2037 Pratt Ct. Evanston IL 60093), Lid for a drinking cup.
  71. Eibner Robert (Hilden DEX) Jaschkowitz Michael (Tnisvorst DEX) Kloth Bernhard (Cologne DEX) Kohl Wilhelm (Dormagen DEX) Merks Siegfried (Dsseldorf DEX), Lid for a liquid container.
  72. Melton Bruce W., Lid for beverage container.
  73. Bruce W. Melton, Lid for beverage container with removable inner cover.
  74. Giraud, Jean Pierre, Lid for disposable drink cups having a flap wherein the lid/cup assembly is leak and drop resistant.
  75. Prueher Andrew B. (1016 N. Sheridan Highland Park IL 60035), Lid for drinking containers.
  76. Clements Jack D. (Ada OK), Lid for drinking cup.
  77. Clements Jack D. (Ada OK), Lid with drinking opening.
  78. Seppala Eino E. (Waukegan IL), Lid with removable tab.
  79. Payne Larry E. (3224 Wesley Chapel Rd. Decatur GA 30034) Lancaster ; Jr. Kenneth D. (965-C Clubhouse Cir. ; W. Decatur GA 30034), Liquid container lid.
  80. Freek Michael Alan,CAX ; Goodyear Scott,CAX ; Patel Jack,CAX, Method and apparatus for forming drink-thru cup lids.
  81. Gorlich Michael P. ; McPherson ; Jr. Robert F. ; James Robert C., Method of packaging a food product in a ventable package.
  82. Whattam George F. (Timonium MD), Micro blood collector.
  83. Lesser Emmett H. (17255 N. Creek La. Farmington MN 55024), Microwave safety lid.
  84. Roberts Clifford J. (Mullica Hill NJ) Batson Edward (Tempe AZ) Kurz John H. (Scottsdale AZ), Multi-function cup lid.
  85. DeMars Robert A. (6145 Shoup Woodland Hills CA 91367), No spill lid.
  86. Hayes ; Jr. George W. (P.O. Box 764 Suquamish WA 98392), Nonvented spill-proof lid.
  87. LaChance ; Sr. Ernest J. (Old Wilton Rd. Milford NH 03055), Novel secure cap with depressible lock.
  88. Sinski Michael W, Paint can lid with wire handle engagement.
  89. Fay John E. (Leominster MA) Faulkner Michael T. (Leominster MA), Permeable cap for flask.
  90. Valyi Emery I. (19 Moseman Ave. Katonah NY 10536), Plastic container closure.
  91. Frye Lon E., Plastic lid for beverage cup.
  92. Dutt Herbert V. (Sarasota FL) Yeager Donald F. (Sarasota FL) Weir Dixie L. (Brandenton FL), Plug-type openers for plastic can ends.
  93. Ness Richard B. (7710 128th St. West Apple Valley MN 55124), Portable food container and method for storing and consuming dry and liquid food.
  94. Ness Richard B., Portable food container and method for storing and dispensing dry and liquid food.
  95. Gordon Robert L. (Monroe NY) Kalberer Roderick W. (Salisbury Mills NY), Pour spout for containers.
  96. Gordon Robert L. (Monroe NY) Kalberer Roderick W. (Salisbury Mills NY), Pour spout for containers.
  97. Moeller Michael D. (5076 Corte Ala Cante Oceanside CA 92057) Burke Phillip C. (Temecula CA), Quickly refillable splash resistant sports bottle.
  98. Quisenberry Tony M. (Austin TX) Wahlenmeier Fred E. (San Antonio TX), Receptacle for receiving infectious waste material.
  99. Brun ; Jr. Charles J. (Xenia OH), Recyclable container and rotatable closure of plastics material.
  100. Nabinger Richard (Utica MI), Removable and resealable lid for a container.
  101. Fenton Robert C., Resealable can cover.
  102. La Barge Robert L. (Ben Avon Borough PA), Resealable cap hinge structure.
  103. McHenry Robert J. ; Tung Thomas T. ; Schwingel Colleen M., Resealable closure for open end of container.
  104. Thibeault Richard A. (7 Saxford La. Nashua NH 03063) Thibeault Deborah M. (7 Saxford La. Nashua NH 03063), Resealable flip-top can.
  105. DeParales Lawrence T. (1 Gates Rd. Marshfield MA 02050) Billitzer Edward P. (24 Water St. East Weymouth MA 02189), Reusable cup cover.
  106. Geren Keith L. M. (9944 Walnut St. ; No. 2099 Dallas TX 75243), Reusable lid for beverage cans.
  107. Long Kyle D. (1918 E. I St. Torrington WY 82240), Sealable nozzle adaptor for use with a caulking tube cartridge.
  108. LaChance Ernest J. (Old Wilton Rd. Milford NH 03055), Secure bottle with novel cap.
  109. Sousa Nuno J., Self-closing beverage lid.
  110. , Self-storing pull strip for easy opening containers.
  111. Kick James (210 Aspen Village Ellisville MO 63021), Shake and pour end closure with stay open lid.
  112. Hambleton Thomas P. (Pine Bush NY) Triggiani Richard R. (Pine Bush NY), Slideable reclosable plastic lid.
  113. Robert Bruce ; Robert C. Warrer, Spill resistant lid with openable and closeable drinking opening.
  114. Voloshin Corri,CAX, Spill-proof snack container.
  115. Kim Dae Sik (49 Floral Street Newton MA 02161), Spin welded, tamper-proof, resealable thermoplastic container.
  116. Dart Robert C. (Okemos MI) Darras John R. (Leola PA), Splash proof raised vent lid.
  117. Lansky Daryl J., Splash/slosh guard for drinking vessels.
  118. Lansky Daryl J., Splash/slosh guard for drinking vessels.
  119. Vecchio ; Fiore M., Splatter-proof lid.
  120. Nichols Robert L. (808 Fort Worth St. Jacksonville TX 75766), Suction system with cover-port cap attachment breakaway tab.
  121. Weidman Craig C. (Wooster OH), Tamper-evident closure for dispensers.
  122. Finkelstein Sam D. (Canton OH), Tamper-resistant pharmaceutical vial and cap assembly.
  123. Finkelstein Sam D. (Canton OH), Tamper-resistant pharmaceutical vial and cap assembly.
  124. Kanfer Joseph S. ; Wysocki J. Christopher ; Smith Detlev F., Towelette dispensing closure assembly.
  125. McKenna Paul A. (D4 Millstone River Apt. ; Lakeview Ter. Princeton NJ 08540), Universal beverage container lid.
  126. Coy Peter (2677 South Ave. ; Box 229 Bryn Athyn PA 19009), Valved container closure.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (20) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. McClellan, Ruth; Bielawski, Brad; Hoover, Kevin Blaine; Sokolski, Robert, Container lid.
  2. Koennecke, Weston, Cup lid with flip-back closure member.
  3. Smith, Stephen A.; Koennecke, Weston, Cup lid with reclosable cap.
  4. Crudgington, Cleveland B., Disposable cup lid.
  5. Hollis, Robert W.; Koennecke, Weston S.; Geer, III, John R., Disposable cup lid.
  6. Hollis, Robert W.; Koennecke, Weston S.; Geer, III, John R., Disposable cup lid.
  7. Hollis, Robert W.; Koennecke, Weston S.; Geer, III, John R., Disposable cup lid.
  8. Hollis, Robert W.; Koennecke, Weston S.; Geer, III, John Russell, Disposable cup lid.
  9. Zuares, Daniel J.; Schwartz, Robert M.; Licari, Tony, Drinking cup lid having a plug attached with two arms.
  10. Zuares, Daniel J.; Schwartz, Robert M.; Licari, Tony, Drinking cup lid having recessed opening and sealing plug.
  11. Tedford, Jr., Richard A., Frangible attachment for thermoformed lid spout closure.
  12. Crosby, Brad; Ash, Carter; Frazier, Brent; Hull, David, Lid.
  13. Trombly, Edgar, Lid.
  14. Mithal, Ashish K.; Wichmann, Matthew J.; Gallop, William A., Lid featuring ease of use and improved release from a tray or container.
  15. Mithal, Ashish K; Wichmann, Matthew J; Gallop, William A, Lid featuring ease of use and improved release from a tray or container.
  16. Kim, Yeong Leul, Reinforced paper lid.
  17. Crudgington, Cleveland Benedict, Spill resistant disposable travel cup lid.
  18. Mithal, Ashish K, Splash and spill resistant lid.
  19. Henry, Robert J., Steam ventilation system.
  20. Mithal, Ashish K, Two-piece splash and spill resistant lid assembly and method therefor.

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