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[미국특허] Method for annealing an electrodeposition structure 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C25D-001/10
  • C25D-001/00
  • C21D-001/26
출원번호 US-0952649 (2004-09-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Grimmer,Robert
  • Risca,Alex
  • Combs,Richard
출원인 / 주소
  • Collins &
  • Aikman
대리인 / 주소
    Grossman, Tucker, Perreault &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 22


A method for annealing a structure formed by electrodeposition is provided, the method comprising providing the electrodeposition structure, the electrodeposition structure comprising an electroformed mold, the electroformed mold having a nominal thickness between and including 0.5 mm to 8.0 mm and


We claim: 1. An electroformed mold comprising an electrodeposition structure, comprising an annealed metallic material having an elongation at break between about 48-55%, with a standard deviation of about 2.0%. 2. The electroformed mold of claim 1 wherein said metallic material has a tensile s

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (22) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Tischler Robert (Northwood NH), Apparatus and method for sealing a mold box.
  2. Gray John D. (Durham NH), Apparatus for molding plural colored plastic hollow shells.
  3. Gray John D. (New Durham NH), Apparatus for molding two-tone colored plastic shells.
  4. Goldstein David (Adelphi MD), Applying pressure while article cools.
  5. Kinkelaar Edmund W. (Dublin OH), Coating composition method to improve corrosion resistance of metal with soap film-forming and resin film forming compon.
  6. Mosher, Mark D., Compression molding against an insert.
  7. Wearmouth ; William Ronald, Hard, heat-resistant nickel electrodeposits.
  8. Humphrey William M. ; Gerard Victor E., Light stable aliphatic thermoplastic urethane elastomers and method of making same.
  9. Milinkovic Miroslav (Islington CAX) Mathews Tony P. (Toronto CAX) Davy Kenneth C. (Brampton CAX), Mandrel for use in nickel vapor deposition processes and nickel molds made thereform.
  10. Grimmer Robert A., Material for manufacturing plastic parts.
  11. Jackson ; Jr. Kenneth L. (Farmington NH), Metal mold with extended heat transfer surface.
  12. Prusak John J. (Indianapolis IN), Method and apparatus for the manufacture of record stampers.
  13. Gembinski John C. (Dover NH) Grimmer Robert A. (Rollinsford NH) Betzig Patricia A. (Dover NH), Method for making plastic parts.
  14. Loersch Joseph Frederick (Bolton CT) Hurwitz Peter Alan (East Hartford CT) Jordan Lester Warren (Cranston RI), Method of hot isostatic compaction.
  15. Colby Daniel E. (Somersworth NH), Modular slush molding machine.
  16. Gray John D. (New Durham NH), Mold apparatus for forming shaped plastic shells.
  17. Jackson ; Jr. Kenneth L. (Farmington NH), Mold heating apparatus.
  18. Gray John D. (New Durham NH), Mold method and apparatus for multi-color plastic shells.
  19. Gray John D. (New Durham NH), Mold method and apparatus for plastic shells.
  20. Lee, Jeong-Bong; Manohara, Harish; Kim, Kabseog; Park, Sang-Won, Reproduction of micromold inserts.
  21. Grimmer Robert A. (Berwick ME), Resinous foam formulation for self-skinning cover material.
  22. Anestis Emmanuel (Raymond NH) Wakefield Frederick I. (Durham NH), Slush molding method with selective heating of mold by air jets.

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