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Information distribution system for use in an elevator 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B66B-001/34
출원번호 US-0211172 (2005-08-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • DiFranza,Michael J.
  • Newville,Todd A.
출원인 / 주소
  • Gannett Satellite Information Network, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Fish & Richardson P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 31


The invention features a system for displaying video information to passengers of an elevator in accordance with a play list defining a sequence of messages. The video information messages can include combinations of digital advertising, "real-time" general information, as well as, building-related


What is claimed is: 1. An elevator display system for use with an elevator in a building, the elevator display system comprising: an elevator display unit having a display monitor positioned within the elevator to display video information to passengers within the elevator; and a local server which

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (31)

  1. Gazdzinski, Robert F., "Smart" elevator system and method.
  2. Bishop ; Jr. Chester O. (218 Don Buck Rd. ; Massey Auckland NZX) Dennis Malcolm I. (20 Cadman Ave. ; One Tree Hill Auckland NZX) Riley Peter S. (41 Finch St. ; Mt. Albert Auckland NZX) Richardson Chr, Advertising device.
  3. Tsuji Shintaro (Inazawa JPX) Nagata Yasuhiro (Inazawa JPX), Display apparatus for elevator.
  4. Marubashi Akira (Aichi JPX), Display apparatus for elevator car.
  5. Tsuji Shintaro (Inazawa JPX) Nagata Yasuhiro (Inazawa JPX), Display control apparatus for elevator.
  6. Fujiwara Michio (Katsuta JPX) Matsumaru Hiroshi (Katsuta JPX) Kobayashi Yasushi (Yokohama JPX) Sakai Yoshio (Ibaraki JPX) Yoneda Kenzi (Katsuta JPX) Dohi Osamu (Katsuta JPX) Noguchi Akihiko (Katsuta , Display guide apparatus of elevator and its display method.
  7. Meacham Nancy K., Elevator advertising system and method for displaying audio and/or video signals.
  8. Kim Yeon Hun,KRX ; Lee Jong Gon,KRX, Elevator control system.
  9. Yoneda Kenzi (Katsuta JPX) Sakai Yoshio (Naka JPX) Matsumaru Hiroshi (Katsuta JPX) Tobita Toshimitsu (Katsuta JPX) Yasunobu Seiji (Yokohama JPX), Elevator control system.
  10. Watanabe Eiki (Aichi JPX) Noda Masahiro (Aichi JPX), Elevator controller.
  11. Matsumoto Kimio (Moriguchi JPX) Sawaike Ichihiro (Neyagawa JPX) Nishigakik Atsuo (Moriguchi JPX) Yamashita Akitoshi (Hirakata JPX) Tsumura Tomohiko (Osakaseayama JPX), Elevator display system using composite images to display car position.
  12. Amo, Stephen D.; Lacheur, Dean L.; Lacheur, Neil S., Elevator information display system.
  13. Enriquez, Emanuel E., Elevator system.
  14. Fukuda Toshio (Katsuta JPX) Yoneda Kenji (Katsuta JPX) Ueshima Takaaki (Katsuta JPX) Sasaki Osamu (Katsuta JPX), Information device of elevator.
  15. Amo Stephen D.,CAX ; Lacheur Dean L.,CAX ; Lacheur Neil S.,CAX, Information display system.
  16. Amo Stephen D.,CAX ; Lacheur Dean L.,CAX ; Lacheur Neil S.,CAX, Information display system.
  17. Amo Stephen D.,CAX ; Lacheur Dean L.,CAX ; Lacheur Neil S.,CAX, Information display system.
  18. DiFranza Michael J., Information distribution system for use in an elevator.
  19. DiFranza Michael J. ; Newville Todd A., Information distribution system for use in an elevator.
  20. Todd A. Newville ; Shawn W. Duarte, Information distribution system for use in an elevator.
  21. Malec John (Chicago IL) Moser Joseph P. (Glendale Heights IL), Intelligent shopping cart system having cart position determining and service queue position securing capability.
  22. Malec John (Chicago IL) Moser Joseph P. (Glendale Heights IL), Intelligent shopping cart system having cart position determining capability.
  23. Peter T. Fayette ; Charles Jenkins, Interactive elevator communication system.
  24. Herz, Fredrick; Smith, Jonathan M.; Parkes, David C., Location enhanced information delivery system.
  25. Kupersmith Bertram F. (Avon CT), Method for transmitting messages in an elevator communications system.
  26. Lutes Daniel M. (446 McCombs Rd. Venetia PA 15367), Multifunction visitor information system.
  27. Harrison ; III Nathaniel C. (Atlanta GA) Duncan ; Jr. Jack (Lawrenceville GA) Marlette Richard K. (Lawrenceville GA) Lane Frank L. (Dunwoody GA) Grocer David N. (Dunwoody GA) Patrick Walter A. (Decat, Pump top advertisement distribution and display system with performance and sales information feedback.
  28. Hughes Bret A. ; Fanning Gary N., System for distribution and display of advertisements within elevator cars.
  29. Guzou Jean (Lannion FRX) Le Goic Serge (Penvenan FRX) Roche Christian (Perros-Guirec FRX), System for interchanging messages in real time between stations interconnected by a loop link, in particular between sta.
  30. Doigan Lloyd D. (West Bloomfield MI) Henley Randy G. (Danbury CT), Timed advertising in elevators and other shuttles.
  31. Kolls, H. Brock, Universal interactive advertizing and payment system for public access electronic commerce and business related products and services.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Witczak, Tadeusz Pawel; Pasini, Jose Miguel; Hsu, Arthur; Ginsberg, David, Elevator notice system.
  2. DiFranza, Michael J.; Newville, Todd A., Information distribution system for use in an elevator.
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