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[미국특허] Conducting-fiber deicing systems and methods 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H05B-003/10
출원번호 US-0248501 (2005-10-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kismarton,Max U.
출원인 / 주소
  • The Boeing Company
대리인 / 주소
    Lee & Hayes, PLLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 16  인용 특허 : 24


Conducting-fiber deicing systems and methods. In one embodiment, an assembly includes a surface subject to an accumulation of ice, the surface at least partially including a heating portion having a layer of multi-directional electrically-conductive fibers formed between first and second non-electri


What is claimed is: 1. An assembly, comprising: a non-planar surface subject to an accumulation of ice, the non-planar surface at least partially including a heating portion having a non-planar layer of multi-directional electrically-conductive fibers formed between first and second non-electricall

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (24)

  1. Paul Laugt FR, Aircraft airfoil leading edge member equipped with a de-icing device.
  2. Rutherford Robert B. ; Dudman Richard L., Aircraft de-icing system.
  3. Rutherford Robert B. ; Dudman Richard L., Aircraft de-icing system.
  4. Schulze Wallace M. (West Chester OH), Aircraft engine inlet cowl anti-icing system.
  5. Rudolph Peter K. C. (Seattle WA) Bader Douglas L. (Renton WA), Anti-icing system for aircraft.
  6. Rutherford Robert B., De-ice and anti-ice system and method for aircraft surfaces.
  7. Rolls John A., Device and method for heating and deicing wind energy turbine blades.
  8. Bessiere Robert,FRX ; Bauchet Jean-Cyril,FRX, Device for heating an aerofoil.
  9. Bost Michel,FRX ; Bauchet Jean-Cyril,FRX, Device for heating an aerofoil.
  10. Bost Michel,FRX ; Bauchet Jean-Cyril,FRX, Device for heating an aerofoil.
  11. Lawson David Charles,CAX ; Wiese Earl George,CAX, Electrically conductive composite heater and method of manufacture.
  12. Hastings Otis H. (130 E. Crescent Ave. Mahwah NJ 07430) Hastings Otis M. (130 E. Crescent Ave. Mahwah NJ 07430), Electrically conductive laminate for temperature control of aircraft surface.
  13. Poggi Rene Jerome,FRX, Element made of composite material including electrical continuity through the element.
  14. Poggi Rene Jerome,FRX, Element made of composite material with assembly (assemblies) for electrical continuity through the element.
  15. Barbier Philippe (Paris FRX) Cohendy Alain (Dugny FRX) Reynet Remy (Simiane Collongue FRX), Heating element for a defrosting device for a wing structure, such a device and a process for obtaining same.
  16. Tanei Tadayoshi (Nagaokakyo JPX) Miyamoto Minoru (Kusatsu JPX) Ohno Akio (Osaka JPX), Heating unit and method for production thereof.
  17. Miller Charles G. ; Rolls John A. ; Hastings Otis H., Method for heating a solid surface such as a floor, wall, roof, or countertop surface.
  18. Miller Charles G. ; Rolls John A. ; Hastings Otis H., Method for heating a tooling die.
  19. Schellhase Ernst Calvin ; Eisenhauer Mark P. ; Miller Richard Dean ; Pappas John Peter ; Froman Gary Scott ; Aubert Roger Jacques Michel, Redundant ice management system for aircraft.
  20. Rauch Patrice,FRX ; Bauchet Jean-Cyril,FRX, Resistive elements for heating an aerofoil, and device for heating an aerofoil incorporating such elements.
  21. Doornsbosch, Anthony J., Snow and ice melting system.
  22. Petrenko, Victor; Deresh, Lev, System and method for an electrical de-icing coating.
  23. Petrenko, Victor, Systems and methods for modifying an ice-to-object interface.
  24. Rutherford Robert B. ; Dudman Richard L., Zoned aircraft de-icing system and method.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (16)

  1. Nagashima, Yoshihiro; Enguchi, Noriyuki; Asami, Shinichiro, Anti-icing system and aircraft.
  2. Alexander, Phillip; Lyders, David R., Heating architecture for a composite fairing.
  3. Goto, Kenichi, Ice protection system for aircraft.
  4. Scheibert, Tobias, Icing protection system for an aircraft and method for operating an icing protection system.
  5. Armatorio, Andrew; Loftis, Richard J.; Burch, Daniel A.; Nuyda, Justin; Olivier, Roland J.; Shenkoru, Yared, Integrated surface thermal management system.
  6. Kruckenberg, Teresa M.; Pujar, Vijay V., Lightning strike protection.
  7. Kruckenberg, Teresa M.; Hill, Valerie A.; Mazany, Anthony Michael; Young, Eloise; Chiou, Song, Low density lightning strike protection for use in airplanes.
  8. Giles, Alan M.; Machin, James T.; Geriguis, John A., Method and apparatus for inhibiting formation of and/or removing ice from aircraft components.
  9. Giles, Alan M.; Machin, James T.; Geriguis, John A., Method and apparatus for inhibiting formation of and/or removing ice from aircraft components.
  10. Brittingham, David L.; Prybyla, Stanley G.; Christy, Daniel P., Methods of protecting an aircraft component from ice formation.
  11. Wen, Ed; Cottrell, Dan; Ehrmantraut, Adam; Blehar, Mark; Kordonowy, David, Multi-functional composite structures.
  12. Kruckenberg, Teresa M.; Hill, Valerie A., Nacelles and nacelle components containing nanoreinforced carbon fiber composite material.
  13. Flemming, Robert James, Virtual ice accretion meter display.
  14. Flemming, Robert James, Virtual ice accretion meter display.
  15. Loewe, Astrid; Renschler, Oskar; Rindt, Philipp, Wind turbine rotor blade having a heating element and a method of making the same.
  16. Loewe, Astrid; Renschler, Oskar; Rindt, Philipp, Wind turbine rotor blade having an electrical heating arrangement and method of making the same.
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