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Method of dispensing metered portions of molten lead 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C21B-007/12
  • C21C-005/42
출원번호 US-0988650 (2004-11-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Shannon,John K.
출원인 / 주소
  • Tekmax, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Senniger Powers
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 13


A method of dispensing metered portions of molten lead comprises the steps of providing a heater body with a lead reservoir that produces sufficient heat to form molten lead and providing a lead dispensing shuttle plate with at least two lead metered cavities that are filled with molten lead in a fi


I claim: 1. A method of dispensing metered portions of molten lead, the method comprising: introducing solid lead from a source of solid lead into a reservoir of a heater unit in a feed position of the heater unit to form molten lead; moving the heater unit including the reservoir of molten lead fr

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13)

  1. Shannon, John K., Battery assembling method.
  2. Mix Renard E. (Yorktown IN), Battery assembly process.
  3. Meadows Clarence A. (Muncie IN) Grady Phillip E. (Daleville IN) Plant Lawrence B. (Milford MI), Battery assembly process and apparatus.
  4. Miyagi Rikio,JPX ; Makino Kunio,JPX ; Seta Fumiaki,JPX ; Hiramatsu Akitoshi,JPX, Device for manufacturing an electrode plate assembly for lead accumulator.
  5. Benson Cory D. (Savage MN), Lead delivery system for casting straps in the manufacture and assembly of lead-acid batteries.
  6. Takayama, Kazutoshi; Koda, Toshiyasu; Takeuchi, Yasuhiko; Kobayashi, Takahiro; Hayashi, Yuji; Miyagawa, Mamoru, Metering method of metal material in injection molding.
  7. Eberle William J. (102 Oak Forest Trail Euless TX 76039) Eberle Terry R. (1500 N. Main Euless TX 76039) Eberle William K. (1019 Irion Euless TX 76039) Eberle Kelly L. (1303 Towne Colony Dr. Irving TX, Method and apparatus for casting straps and terminals on lugs of storage battery plates.
  8. Eberle William J. (Reading PA), Method and apparatus for forming battery straps and intercell connections.
  9. Shannon John K. ; Shannon James M., Method of forming weldless battery using cover as mold to cast plate straps, through the partition connections and terminals.
  10. Kato Masashi (Hiroshima JPX) Kitamura Kazuo (Tokyo JPX) Okimoto Shinichi (Hiroshima JPX), Process for producing shaped parts of metals.
  11. Shannon John K. (Racine WI) Shannon James M. (Racine WI), Storage battery and method of manufacture.
  12. Shannon John K. (Racine WI) Shannon James M. (Racine WI), Welding and cover sealing machine apparatus for battery assembly and an improved method of manufacturing storage batteri.
  13. Shannon Jack K. ; Shannon James M., Weldless battery using cover as mold to cast plate straps, through the partition connections and terminals.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Shannon,John K., Heater unit for dispensing metered portions of molten lead.
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