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Variable stator vane bushings and washers 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F01D-017/16
  • F01D-017/00
출원번호 US-0325011 (2006-01-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bruce,Robert W.
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Company
대리인 / 주소
    McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 8  인용 특허 : 13


A variable stator vane assembly for use in a compressor section of a turbine engine having a plurality of movable metallic stator vanes and a method for making a variable stator vane assembly. The variable stator vane assembly includes a metallic stator casing supporting the vanes and a bushing syst


What is claimed is: 1. A variable stator vane assembly for use in a compressor section of a turbine engine, comprising: a plurality of movable metallic stator vanes; a metallic stator casing supporting the vanes; a bushing system positioned between the stator vanes and the stator casings, the bushi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13)

  1. Rossmann Axel (Karlsfeld DEX) Huether Werner (Karlsfeld DEX), Blade for a fluid flow engine and method for manufacturing the blade.
  2. Bishop Michael J. ; Lammas Andrew J. ; Rhoda James E., Bushing assembly with removable wear sleeve.
  3. Mack James P. ; Mack Edward J., Bushing for a jet engine vane.
  4. Gray Robert A., Low-toxicity, high-temperature polyimides.
  5. Shirato Takeshi (Tamano JPX) Teshima Kiyomi (Tamano JPX), Method for recovering energy possessed by exhaust gas from blast furnace.
  6. Sileo Gerard A. (Jupiter FL) Appleby John W. (Palm Beach Gardens FL) Narsavage Stephen T. (Jupiter FL) Alent Francis X. (Port St. Lucie FL) Davis Charles G. (Jupiter FL), Plasma sprayed abradable seals for gas turbine engines.
  7. Hawkins James T., Trunnion bushing.
  8. Wayne Ray Bowen, Variable gas turbine compressor vane structure with sintered-and-infiltrated bushing and washer bearings.
  9. Payling Stephen R., Variable stator vane assembly.
  10. Payling Stephen R. (Fairfield OH), Variable stator vane assembly.
  11. William Terence Dingwell ; Daniel Padraic O'Reilly ; Thomas Carl Mesing, Variable stator vane bushing.
  12. Lammas Andrew J. ; Bowen Wayne R., Variable vane seal and washer.
  13. Mesing Thomas C. ; Bowen Wayne R. ; Hester David B., Variable vane seal and washer materials.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (8)

  1. Andersen, Leonard M., Apparatus for distributing fluid into a gas turbine.
  2. Blackwelder, Mark J.; Alt, John Timothy; Gagne, Steven; Vetters, Daniel Kent, Electrical power generation apparatus for contra-rotating open-rotor aircraft propulsion system.
  3. Dougan, Donald; Pudvah, Bernard W., Flanged bushing for variable vane.
  4. Taketa, Linnea; Munson, John; Freeman, Ted J., Gas turbine engine vane end devices.
  5. Major, Daniel W.; Ditomasso, John C.; Champion, Nathan F., Inner diameter shroud assembly for variable inlet guide vane structure in a gas turbine engine.
  6. Major, Daniel W.; Ditomasso, John C.; Champion, Nathan F., Inner diameter shroud assembly for variable inlet guide vane structure in a gas turbine engine.
  7. Major, Daniel W.; Pudvah, Bernard W., Scalable high pressure compressor variable vane actuation arm.
  8. Beers, Craig M.; Rankin, Kevin M., Second stage turbine nozzle with erosion coating surface finish.
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