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[미국특허] Scent elimination system for hunters 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E04H-015/14
  • E04H-015/00
출원번호 US-0761153 (2004-01-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hess,Daniel G.
  • Heath,Brad
출원인 / 주소
  • Hess,Daniel G.
  • Heath,Brad
대리인 / 주소
    Gardner Groff Santos & Greenwald, PC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 16


초록이 없습니다.


대표청구항이 없습니다.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (16) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bean Ron M. (Cedar Rapids IA), Blind structure for use with tree stand.
  2. Dennis Shelton, Collapsible hunter's blind.
  3. White George M. (584 Tooting La. Birmingham MI 48009), Hunting mask with breath odor control system.
  4. Sesselmann Gregory J., Odor absorbing clothing.
  5. Sesselmann Gregory J., Odor absorbing clothing.
  6. Sesselmann Gregory J. (Muskegon MI), Odor absorbing clothing.
  7. Vickers Thomas Wayne (Circleville OH), Odor-absorbing clothing article.
  8. Harry G. Jennings, Portable camping tent structure with built-in overhead electric fan and power source.
  9. Seats Donald L. ; Surratt Bryan R., Portable rifle rest for use with deer stand.
  10. Sasaki Hideo,JPX ; Sakuma Tetsuo,JPX ; Arisa Haruhiro,JPX ; Fujita Atsumi,JPX, Portable toilet stool having deodorizing and air-curtaining efficiencies.
  11. Varnado, Reuben L., Portable vertically mounted hunting blind.
  12. Ransom,Robert M., Scent containment system for hunting blinds.
  13. Fargason William H., Scent-free wildlife blind.
  14. Sesselmann Gregory J. (Muskegon MI), System and method for odor absorption.
  15. Tzabanakis George (Montreal CAX), Tent bracket.
  16. Stuart Bobby R. (3000 Van Noppen Rd. Greensboro NC 27406), Tree stand shroud.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Varshney, Kush R.; Varshney, Lav R., Active odor cancellation.
  2. Heilman, Darwin, Adjustable tree stand hunting blind.
  3. Russell, Daniel Ross, Apparatus for erecting a hunting blind.
  4. Smith, Marque, Blind assembly.
  5. Elrod, Scott A., Descenting methods.
  6. Varshney, Kush R.; Varshney, Lav R., Food steganography.
  7. Varshney, Kush R.; Varshney, Lav R., Food steganography.
  8. Varshney, Kush R.; Varshney, Lav R., Food steganography.
  9. Varshney, Kush R.; Varshney, Lav R., Food steganography.
  10. Elrod, Scott, Method of descenting hunter's clothing.
  11. Elrod, Scott, Method of descenting hunter's clothing.
  12. Wright, Clifton P.; Huelskamp, Holly L.; Reavis, William M., Portable tree mounted hunting blind.
  13. Elrod, Scott, System and method for reducing odors in a blind.
  14. Elrod, Scott, System and method for reducing odors in a blind.
  15. McClung, III, Guy Lamonte, System and methods for detecting efforts to thwart material detection by service animals.
  16. Elrod, Scott A.; Rooney, Peter C., Systems and methods for detecting descented material.
  17. Elrod, Scott A.; Rooney, Peter C., Systems and methods for detecting descented material.
  18. Davis, Marvin Robert, Tabletop air cooler.
  19. Pinel, Florian; Shao, Nan; Varshney, Lav R., Using physicochemical correlates of perceptual flavor similarity to enhance, balance and substitute flavors.

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