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[미국특허] Metal complexes that contain perfluoroalkyl, process for their production and their use in NMR diagnosis 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61B-005/055
출원번호 US-0957628 (2004-10-05)
우선권정보 DE-196 03 033(1996-01-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Platzek,Johannes
  • Niedballa,Ulrich
  • Rad?chel,Bernd
  • Schlecker,Wolfgang
  • Weinmann,Hanns Joachim
  • Frenzel,Thomas
  • Misselwitz,Bernd
  • Ebert,Wolfgang
출원인 / 주소
  • Shering aG
대리인 / 주소
    Millen, White, Zelano & Branigan, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 15


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이 특허에 인용된 특허 (15) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Asai Hiroyuki (Kanagawa-ken JPX) Kawanaishi Tetsuro (Kanagawa-ken JPX), 19F poly aza macrocyclic MRI contrast medium.
  2. Horan Paul K. (West Chester PA) Jensen Bruce D. (King of Prussia PA) Slezak Sue E. (Downingtown PA), Cell growth rate determination by measurement of changes in cyanine dye levels in plasma membranes.
  3. Neumeier Reinhard (Berlin DEX) Kramp Wolfgang (Berlin DEX) Mcke Helmut R. (Lorrach DEX), Chelating agents for forming complexes with radioactive isotopes, metal complexes thereof and use thereof in diagnosis a.
  4. Platzek Johannes (Berlin DEX) Raduchel Bernd (Berlin DEX) Niedballa Ulrich (Berlin DEX) Weinmann Hanns-Joachim (Berlin DEX) Bauer Hans (Berlin DEX) Roth Klaus (Berlin DEX), Fluorine-containing macrocyclic metal complexes.
  5. Neumann William L. (Grover MO) Cacheris William P. (Florissant MO), Fullerene compositions for magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging.
  6. Ranney David F. (Dallas TX), Invivo agents comprising cationic metal chelators with acidic saccharides and glycosaminoglycans.
  7. Johannes Platzek DE; Ulrich Niedballa DE; Bernd Raduchel DE; Wolfgang Schlecker DE; Hanns-Joachim Weinmann DE; Thomas Frenzel DE; Bernd Misselwitz DE; Wolfgang Ebert DE, Metal complexes that contain perfluoroalkly, process for their production and their use in NMR diagnosis.
  8. Platzek, Johannes; Niedballa, Ulrich; Rad?chel, Bernd; Schlecker, Wolfgang; Weinmann, Hanns-Joachim; Frenzel, Thomas; Misselwitz, Bernd; Ebert, Wolfgang, Metal complexes that contain perfluoroalkyl, process for their production and their use in NMR diagnosis.
  9. Platzek Johannes,DEX ; Niedballa Ulrich,DEX ; Raduchel Bernd,DEX ; Schlecker Wolfgang,DEX ; Weinmann Hanns-Joachim,DEX ; Frenzel Thomas,DEX ; Misselwitz Bernd,DEX ; Ebert Wolfgang,DEX, Oligomeric compounds that contain perfluoroalkyl, process for their production, and their use in NMR diagnosis.
  10. Lohrmann Rolf (La Jolla CA) Krishnan Ashwin (San Diego CA), Perfluoro-1H,-1H-neopentyl containing contrast agents and method to use same.
  11. Kai Licha DE; Andreas Becker DE; Bjoern Riefke ES; Johannes Platzek DE, Perfluoro-alkyl containing dye molecules and galencial formulations.
  12. Platzek, Johannes; Mareski, Peter; Niedballa, Ulrich; Raduechel, Bernd; Weinmann, Hanns-Joachim; Misselwitz, Bernd, Perfluoroalkyl-containing complexes with polar radicals, process for their production and their use.
  13. Platzek, Johannes; Mareski, Peter; Niedballa, Ulrich; Raduechel, Bernd; Weinmann, Hanns-Joachim; Misselwitz, Bernd, Perfluoroalkyl-containing complexes with sugar radicals, process for their production and their use.
  14. Johannes Platzek DE; Ulrich Niedballa DE; Detlev Suelzle DE; Wolfgang Schlecker DE; Bernd Raduechel DE; Hanns-Joachim Weinmann DE; Thomas Frenzel DE; Bernd Misselwitz DE; Wolfgang Ebert DE, Perfluoroalkylamides, their production and their use in diagnosis.
  15. Platzek, Johannes; Mareski, Peter; Niedballa, Ulrich; Raduechel, Bernd; Weinmann, Hanns-Joachim; Misselwitz, Bernd, Use of perfluoroalkyl-containing metal complexes as contrast media in MR-imaging for visualization of plaque, tumors and necroses.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Platzek, Johannes; Schirmer, Heiko; Weinmann, Hanns-Joachim; Misselwitz, Bernd; Zorn, Ludwig, Metal chelates having a perfluorinated PEG radical, processes for their preparation, and their use.

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