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Electroplating solution and method for electroplating 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C25D-005/06
  • C25D-005/00
  • C25D-003/02
출원번호 US-0045414 (2005-01-27)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lacey,Richard
출원인 / 주소
  • Lacey,Richard
대리인 / 주소
    Dowrey Rickards PLLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 15


초록이 없습니다.


대표청구항이 없습니다.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (15)

  1. Yanagioka ; Seiichi, Baseball bat made of light alloy.
  2. Nobel Fred I. (Sands Point NY) Brasch William R. (Nesconset NY) Drago Anthony J. (East Islip NY), Cyanide-free plating solutions for monovalent metals.
  3. Law Malcolm J. (Dorking GBX), Electrodeposition of chromium and chromium bearing alloys.
  4. Plazter Stephan J. W. (Califon NJ), Electrolytes for electrochemically treating metal plates.
  5. Fletcher Augustus (Bristol CT) Moriarty William L. (South Meriden CT), Low free cyanide high purity silver electroplating bath and method.
  6. Wakui Yukio (Hamamatsu JPX) Nishitani Yoshiki (Hamamatsu JPX) Miyazawa Kenichi (Hamamatsu JPX), Magnetic recording medium and method of producing it.
  7. Hui Wen Hua, Method and apparatus for depositing Ni-Fe-W-P alloys.
  8. Nomura Takuji (Otsu JPX) Watanabe Hiroshi (Sagamihara JPX), Method of plating a bonded magnet and a bonded magnet carrying a metal coating.
  9. Darell E. Engelhaupt ; Brian D. Ramsey, Nickel cobalt phosphorous low stress electroplating.
  10. Martyak Nicholas M., Nickel-phosphorus alloy coatings.
  11. Aso Kazuyoshi (Shimodate JPX) Noguchi Masami (Shimodate JPX) Kobayashi Katsumi (Shimodate JPX) Yamagishi Takeshi (Shimodate JPX), Non-cyanide copper-zinc electroplating bath, method of surface treatment of copper foil for printed wiring board using t.
  12. Uchida, Ei; Okada, Takashi, Non-cyanide-type gold-tin alloy plating bath.
  13. Chevalier Jean W. ; Gernon Michael D. ; Janney Patrick K., Precious metal deposition composition and process.
  14. Oka Hitoshi (Yokohama JPX) Nakamura Kenji (Fujisawa JPX), Process for controlling of chemical copper plating solution.
  15. Lerner Lewis Brian (Linglestown PA), Silver plating.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Dai, Sheng; Sun, Xiao-Guang, Aluminum trihalide-neutral ligand ionic liquids and their use in aluminum deposition.
  2. Castro, Pablo Adrian; Williams, Federico Jose, Method for electrochemical plating and marking of metals.
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