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[미국특허] Portable storage container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-071/08
  • B65D-071/06
  • B65D-021/00
출원번호 US-0854378 (2004-05-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hassell,Jon P.
  • Apps,William P.
  • Dannenfeldt,Matthew L.
출원인 / 주소
  • Rehrig Pacific Company
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 34


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이 특허에 인용된 특허 (34) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Adjustable bail tray.
  2. Madan Michael K. (Berkeley Heights NJ) Malhotra Vinod (Piscataway NJ) Loh William (Dalton MA), Bakery basket.
  3. Scholle William R. (Corona del Mar CA), Combination liquid container and dispenser.
  4. Cope Andrew Christopher (Wednesbury GBX), Container.
  5. Loftus Stephen C. (West Midlands GBX) Cope Andrew C. (West Midlands GBX), Container.
  6. Loftus Stephen Clive,GBX, Container.
  7. Loftus Stephen Clive,GBX ; Cope Andrew Christopher,GBX, Container.
  8. Holliday Hubert J. (Edlesborough GB2), Container having hingedly mounted arms.
  9. Cope Andrew Christopher,GBX, Containers.
  10. Lam David C. S. (Singapore SGX), Crates for transporting rubber blocks or sheets.
  11. Stahl Edward L. (Brighton MI) Kreeger Elsmer W. (Allegan MI), Four-level stacking container.
  12. Ackermann Jeff (Manhattan Beach CA) Apps William P. (Alpharetta GA) Philips Cory (Manhattan Beach CA), Grape lug.
  13. Locatelli Gianbattista (Via Trieste ; 12 Lecco (Province of Como) ITX), Handle particularly for wire baskets.
  14. Tabler Charles P. (Hamilton OH) Miller Daniel R. (Cincinnati OH), Molded container with integral hinge.
  15. Raghunathan,Narayan, Multi-level stacking container.
  16. Apps William P. (Fullerton CA), Multi-level-stacking/nesting tray.
  17. Aiken Cynthia R., Multi-purpose container.
  18. Ackermann Jeffrey R., Multilevel bakery tray.
  19. Kreeger Elsmer W. (Allegan MI) Stahl Edward L. (Brighton MI), Multilevel stacking container.
  20. Kreeger Elsmer W. (Howell MI) Stahl Edward L. (Osage Beach MO), Multilevel stacking container.
  21. Kreeger Elsmer W. (Howell MI) Cheeseman Robert V. (Webberville MI), Nestable and stackable container.
  22. Clipson ; Stuart A. ; Herolzer ; Ralph H., Nestable and stackable container assembly with improved bail structures of molded plastic.
  23. Deaton Thomas P. (Mason OH) Stein Eric D. (Cincinnati OH), One hundred eighty degree stack and nest bakery tray with bails.
  24. Aiken, Cynthia R.; Apps, William P., Portable storage container.
  25. Klein Max S. (West Bloomfield Twp. MI), Stackable and nestable basket.
  26. Ackermann Jeffrey Robert (Manhattan Beach CA) Apps William Patrick (Alpharetta GA) Phillips Glenn McCord (Manhattan Beach CA), Stackable and nestable one part container.
  27. Ackermann Jeffrey Robert ; Apps William Patrick ; Phillips Glenn McCord, Stackable and nestable one part container.
  28. Miller Daniel R. (Cincinnati OH), Stackable container.
  29. Bird William C. (Sydney AUX), Stackable containers.
  30. Cope Andrew C. (Wednesbury GBX), Stackable/nestable containers.
  31. Schfer Gerhard (Neunkirchen-Salchendorf DEX), Storage and/or transport container of plastics material.
  32. Schfer Gerhard (Neunkirchen DEX), Storage and/or transportation case.
  33. Carroll ; James C. ; Johnson ; Lewis T., Three-level stacking container.
  34. Carroll James C. (Bartlesville OK), Three-level stacking container.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Nolet, Roch; Petitpas, Luc; Cõté, Francis, Multi-level stacking container.
  2. Raghunathan,Narayan; Ogden,Donald M. U., Multi-level stacking container.
  3. Stahl, Edward L., Nestable and stackable container for the transport of heavy baked items.
  4. Stahl, Edward L., Three level nestable stacking containers.
  5. Apps,William P.; Meissen,Cynthia R., Tray.
  6. Stahl, Edward L., Two position nestable tray with drain channels and scalloped handles.

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