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[미국특허] Electronic equipment module with latching injector/ejector 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01R-013/62
출원번호 US-0129887 (2005-05-16)
등록번호 US-7264490 (2007-09-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Reznikov,Naum
출원인 / 주소
  • Sun Microsystems, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Meyertons Hood Kivlin Kowert & Goetzel, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 44


A module includes a panel having a groove. An injector/ejector may be coupled to the panel. The injector/ejector may reside in the groove when the injector/ejector is in a closed position. A latch member may be coupled to the panel. The latch member may selectively hold the injector/ejector in the c


What is claimed is: 1. A module, comprising a panel comprising a groove; an injector/ejector coupled to the panel, the injector/ejector being configured to reside substantially in the groove when the injector/ejector is in a closed position; and a latch member coupled to the panel comprising a body

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (44) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Darden Julius C. (1733 Calle Artigas Thousand Oaks CA 91360) Praca Miguel M. (21 Thornton Ave. #3 Venice CA 90291) Tomasi Philip J. (205 Pepper St. Newbury Park CA 91320), Adapter and a removable slide-in cartridge for an information storage system.
  2. Hastings Robert J. (Humble TX) Varghese Paily T. (Tomball TX) Good Lowell M. (Cypress TX) McAuliffe Barry S. (Houston TX), Apparatus for electromagnetic interference and electrostatic discharge shielding of hot plug-connected hard disk drives.
  3. Paul Dieter G. ; Yu Jim D., Cam assisted ejection handle for a removable drive carrier.
  4. Joyce Frank W. ; Wilk Brian, Card actuator.
  5. Takahashi,Kei, Card connector device.
  6. Bourne William R. (Anaheim CA), Channel latch.
  7. Cromwell S. Daniel (Roseville CA), Circuit board inserter and extractor.
  8. Collins Steven W. (Franklin MA) Finnegan Stephen (Franklin MA) Nelson Erik (Mendon MA), Circuit board inserter/ejector system.
  9. Webster Van K. (Camp Hill PA), Circuit card retaining device.
  10. Babb James F. (Houston TX) Madsen Roberta M. (Houston TX), Computer disk drive mounting apparatus.
  11. Dalisay, George, Device for circuit board insertion and extraction.
  12. Naum Reznikov ; Michael F. McCormick, Jr. ; Ehsan Ettehadieh ; Daniel Hruska ; Anthony N. Eberhardt, Disk drive bracket.
  13. Reznikov Naum ; McCormick ; Jr. Michael F. ; Ettehadieh Ehsan ; Hruska Daniel ; Eberhardt Anthony N., Disk drive bracket.
  14. Reznikov, Naum; McCormick, Jr., Michael F.; Ettehadieh, Ehsan; Hruska, Daniel; Eberhardt, Anthony N., Disk drive bracket.
  15. Behl Sunny ; Erwin Chris, Docking adapter for memory storage devices.
  16. Chen Teng-Chun (1F. No. 4 ; Alley 30 ; Lane 281 ; Fu-Teh 1st Road HsiChih ; Taipei TWX), Drawer type hard diskdrive adapter.
  17. Ulrich Michael (Boulder CO) Ousley Robert B. (Ward CO), Drive with features which adjust and actuate cartridge transport and library with such drive.
  18. David M. Cama ; Anthony G. Chinnici, EMI-protected eject interface for an electronic device.
  19. Honda Masami (Tokyo JPX) Arai Satoru (Tokyo JPX) Kawabata Kazuaki (Tokyo JPX) Takada Masaaki (Tokyo JPX), Electronic apparatus and electronic system with expanding apparatus having interlock, ejector, grounding, and lock mecha.
  20. Chino John J. (Arnold MD) Swayne David S. (Baltimore MD) Gilmour Richard J. (Pasadena MD), Electronic module insertion and retraction mechanism.
  21. Boudreau Ronald B. (Acton MA) Termini Charles (Kirkland WA), Extraction-insertion card guide mechanism.
  22. Lo Hsin Y. (No. 33-5 ; Hsia Chuang Tzu ; Kuan Yin Hsiang Taoyuan Hsien TWX), Hard disk drive and casing slidably received within frame having double-swinging door and lock.
  23. Chen Pao-Chin (3F ; No. 129 ; Sec. 5 ; Roosevelt Road Taipei TWX), Hard disk drive case with electrical switch and dust guard for receiving a hard disk drive.
  24. Reiter Victor R. (Huntington Beach CA) Le Bao G. (Orange CA), Hard-disk drive tray assembly with pivotally rotatable front bezel.
  25. Nolan Shari J. ; Hibbs Richard N. ; Fry Ian C. ; Nespor Jeffery S. ; Lane Jerome Parker, Hot-swap assembly for computers.
  26. Kaczeus ; Sr. Steven L. (San Jose CA) McKnight Thomas (Los Gatos CA) Edwards Roy J. (Los Gatos CA), Hot-swappable multi-cartridge docking module.
  27. Schell Mark S., Insertion and/or extraction device for electronic component.
  28. Imsdahl John A. (Richfield MN), Insertion, extraction, and clamping apparatus for electrical modules.
  29. Golden Raymond (Willowick OH), Insertion-withdrawal mechanism for rack mounted circuit boards.
  30. Dale H. Anderson ; Donald M. Connelly, Jr. ; Kenton C. Green, Laminated damping device for a carrier and a method for making the same.
  31. Neal Danny M. ; Taylor James R. ; Scott Walter D. ; Ramirez Ciro N., Mechanism to assist in insertion or removal of PCI cards.
  32. Kim Kwang Ho ; McDonald Julie, Modular data storage system for reducing mechanical shock and vibrations.
  33. Kitchen, James; Wilson, Helenaur; Ritson, Nigel Dean; Tosh, Andrew P., Module ejection mechanism.
  34. McAnally Andrew ; Cook Stephen, Mounting assembly for electronic equipment.
  35. Zbigniew S. Sobolewski ; John Spiers, Network attached data storage system.
  36. Hosoi Takashi (Tokyo JPX) Ohgami Keizo (Tokyo JPX) Takeda Fumiaki (Tokyo JPX), Portable electronic apparatus with a latch mechanism including an interlock.
  37. Hardt Thomas T. (Missouri City TX), Quick release drive unit rail members.
  38. Smithson Stephen D. (Redwood City CA) Hare William R. (San Jose CA), Single connector attachment drive sled assembly having light pipe coupled to a rail.
  39. Chris J. Jensen ; James D. Pileggi ; Stanton A. Tellin, Single handle printed circuit board assembly insertion, extraction, sensing and locking mechanism.
  40. McKenzie Robert W. (Lewisville TX), Slide lock handle.
  41. Megason, George D.; Allen, Joseph R.; Coles, Henry C.; Charoen, Dit, Tool-less coupling system for electronic modules.
  42. Arbogast, Porter Rodgers; Roesner, Arlen L.; Mayer, David W.; Searby, Tom J.; Conrady, Clint E.; Taylor, Tillman Frazier, Tool-less latch mechanism for an enclosure panel.
  43. Hostetler Paul (Sarasota FL) Burkhart E. Wayne (Venice FL), Window assembly having a horizontally slidable window unit latchable in a closed position.
  44. Shintaro Fujioka JP, Wrong insertion preventing mechanism.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ohnuki, Shigeru; Enomoto, Kazuo, Connector.
  2. Jiang, Shun-Quan; Huang, Tzu-Yi, Detachable hard drive with an electromagnetic switch.
  3. Su, Iou Ren; Heistand, II, Raymond Dewine; Tseng, Chun Yang; Wang, Hsu-Chu; Lin, Hung-I, Floating apparatus for fixing membrane cable for fan module lighting.
  4. Wagatsuma,Takeshi; Okamoto,Michihiro; Hidaka,Kenji, Hard disk enclosure blade.
  5. Jaramillo, Joel; Sim, Vibora, Integrated guiding and camming system for board.
  6. French, Jr., Michael D., Latching cam handle assembly for securing mated circuit boards.
  7. Thomas, Sean; Seyed, Saeed; Huynh, Hong Tran; Ting, Phillip S.; Nguyen, Toan, Latching injector/ejector.
  8. Potter, Andrew; Della Fiora, Troy A.; Bunker, Michael S., Latching system.
  9. Schmidtke, Hans-Juergen; Yao, Zhiping; Leung, Che Kin; Wang, Xu, Modular network switches, associated structures, and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  10. Liao, Feng-Liang, Removable assembly and communication device employing same.
  11. Chan, Kum Cheong Adam; Goh, Chi Hock; Teo, Poh Boon; Dobbs, Robert W., Reversible air flow fan system.

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