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Photoresist composition for EUV and method for forming photoresist pattern using the same 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G03F-007/004
  • G03F-007/20
  • G03F-007/30
출원번호 US-0875912 (2004-06-24)
등록번호 US-7282318 (2007-10-16)
우선권정보 KR-10-2003-0082142(2003-11-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Jung,Jae Chang
출원인 / 주소
  • Hynix Semiconductor Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 18


The present invention relates to photoresist compositions for EUV and methods for forming photoresist patterns. More specifically, fine photoresist patterns: of less than 50 nm without collapse are formed with EUV (Extreme Ultraviolet) as an exposure light source by using a negative photoresist comp


What is claimed is: 1. A photoresist composition comprising: (a) a melamine derivative, (b) a blend polymer of poly(N,N-dimethacrylamide/ 3.3-dimethoxypropene/acrolein) and polyvinylphenol, (c) a photoacid generator, and (d) an organic solvent. 2. The photoresist composition according to claim 1

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (18)

  1. Jung Jae Chang,KRX ; Bok Cheol Kyu,KRX ; Baik Ki Ho,KRX, ArF photoresist copolymers.
  2. Nakano Kaichiro,JPX ; Maeda Katsumi,JPX ; Iwasa Shigeyuki,JPX ; Hasegawa Etsuo,JPX, Chemically amplified resist large in transparency and sensitivity to exposure light less than 248 nanometer wavelength and process of forming mask.
  3. Kim Jin Baek,KRX ; Jung Min Ho,KRX ; Cheong Jong Ho,KRX, Copolymers containing N-vinyllactam derivatives, preparation methods thereof and photoresists therefrom.
  4. Jung Jae Chang,KRX ; Bok Cheol Kyu,KRX ; Baik Ki Ho,KRX, Method and photoresist using a photoresist copolymer.
  5. Kim Jin Baek,KRX ; Jung Min Ho,KRX ; Chang Kyeong Ho,KRX, N-vinyllactam derivatives and polymer thereof.
  6. Jung Jae Chang,KRX ; Roh Chi Hyeong,KRX ; Jung Min Ho,KRX ; Lee Geun Su,KRX ; Baik Ki Ho,KRX, Oxabicyclo compound, a polymer-containing said compound, and a photoresist micro pattern forming method using the same.
  7. Muzyczko Thaddeus M. (Downers Grove IL) Jones Thomas H. (Naperville IL), Photoreactive compositions comprising polymers containing alkoxyaromatic glyoxy groups.
  8. Yamamoto Takashi (Ebina JPX) Todoko Masaaki (Fujisawa JPX) Seita Toru (Atsugi JPX) Nagaoka Kyoko (Atsugi JPX) Matsumura Kosaburo (Yokohama JPX), Photoresist composition comprising a non-aromatic resin having no aromatic structures derived from units of an aliphatic.
  9. Szmanda Charles R. ; Taylor Gary N. ; Brainard Robert L. ; DoCanto Manuel, Photoresist compositions.
  10. Jae Chang Jung KR; Keun Kyu Kong KR; Myoung Soo Kim KR; Hyoung Gi Kim KR; Hyeong Soo Kim KR; Ki Ho Baik KR, Photoresist cross-linker and photoresist composition comprising the same.
  11. Jae Chang Jung KR; Keun Kyu Kong KR; Myoung Soo Kim KR; Hyoung Gi Kim KR; Hyeong Soo Kim KR; Ki Ho Baik KR; Jin Soo Kim KR, Photoresist cross-linker and photoresist composition comprising the same.
  12. Lee Geun Su,KRX ; Jung Min Ho,KRX ; Jung Jae Chang,KRX ; Bok Cheol Kyu,KRX ; Baik Ki Ho,KRX, Photoresist monomers, polymers thereof, and photoresist compositions containing the same.
  13. Lee Geun Su,KRX ; Koh Cha Won,KRX ; Jung Jae Chang,KRX ; Jung Min Ho,KRX ; Baik Ki Ho,KRX, Photoresist monomers, polymers thereof, and photoresist compositions containing the same.
  14. Jung Jae Chang,KRX ; Kim Myoung Soo,KRX ; Kim Hyung Gi,KRX ; Roh Chi Hyeong,KRX ; Lee Geun Su,KRX ; Jung Min Ho,KRX ; Bok Cheol Kyu,KRX ; Baik Ki Ho,KRX, Polymer and a forming method of a micro pattern using the same.
  15. Nesvadba Peter,CHX ; Kramer Andreas,CHX ; Steinmann Alfred,CHX ; Stauffer Werner,CHX, Polymerizable compositions containing alkoxyamine compounds derived from nitroso- or nitrone compounds.
  16. Peter Nesvadba CH; Andreas Kramer CH; Alfred Steinmann CH; Werner Stauffer CH, Polymerizable compositions containing alkoxyamine compounds derived from nitroso- or nitrone compounds.
  17. Knudsen Philip D. (Northboro MA) Shipley Charles R. (Newton MA) Pai Daniel Y. (Millbury MA), Radiation sensitive compositions.
  18. Kajita Toru,JPX ; Suwa Mitsuhito,JPX ; Iwasawa Haruo,JPX ; Yamamoto Masafumi,JPX, Radiation sensitive resin composition.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6)

  1. Hofmann, Ralf; Moraes, Kevin, Amorphous layer extreme ultraviolet lithography blank, and manufacturing and lithography systems therefor.
  2. Beasley, Cara; Hofmann, Ralf; Foad, Majeed; Michaelson, Timothy, Planarized extreme ultraviolet lithography blank, and manufacturing and lithography systems therefor.
  3. Beasley, Cara; Hofmann, Ralf; Foad, Majeed; Michaelson, Timothy, System and method for manufacturing planarized extreme ultraviolet lithography blank.
  4. Barman, Soumendra N.; Beasley, Cara; Mallick, Abhijit Basu; Hofmann, Ralf; Ingle, Nitin K., Ultra-smooth layer ultraviolet lithography mirrors and blanks, and manufacturing and lithography systems therefor.
  5. Michaelson, Timothy; Weidman, Timothy W.; Chin, Barry Lee; Foad, Majeed; Deaton, Paul, Vapor deposition deposited photoresist, and manufacturing and lithography systems therefor.
  6. Michaelson, Timothy; Weidman, Timothy W.; Chin, Barry Lee; Foad, Majeed; Deaton, Paul, Vapor deposition deposited photoresist, and manufacturing and lithography systems therefor.
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