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[미국특허] Missile control system and method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64C-001/24
  • B64C-001/00
출원번호 US-0113511 (2005-04-25)
등록번호 US-7287725 (2007-10-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Chasman,Daniel B.
  • Leal,Michael
  • Haight,Stephen D.
출원인 / 주소
  • Raytheon Company
대리인 / 주소
    Renner, Otto, Boisselle & Sklar, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 8  인용 특허 : 20


A missile includes a control system having divert and attitude control system thrusters with control valves. Each of the control valves has a nozzle plate having a plurality of small nozzles therein. The nozzle plate includes a pair of portions, one of which is rotatable relative to the other. Cont


What is claimed is: 1. A rocket engine control valve in combination with a pressurized gas source, the combination comprising: the rocket control valve, including: a fixed portion integrated to a pressure chamber and having fixed portion openings therein; and a movable portion having movable portio

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (20) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Armanios Erian A. ; Dancila D. Stefan, Apparatus and method for aerodynamic blowing control using smart materials.
  2. East ; George F. ; Hallum ; Charles E., Combined warm gas fin and reaction control servo.
  3. Peoples John R. (Moorpark CA) Phillips Billy R. (Canoga Park CA), Detachable thrust vector mechanism for an aeronautical vehicle.
  4. Speicher John M. (Geyserville CA) Voigt Allan A. (Geyserville CA) Voigt Che-Ram S. (Geyserville CA), Differential yoke-aerofin thrust vector control system.
  5. McCorkle ; Jr. William C. (Huntsville AL), Directional control system for artillery missiles.
  6. Porter Lane (Jupiter FL) Thayer Edward B. (Palm Beach Gardens FL), Hexagonal cluster nozzle for a rocket engine.
  7. Young Robert W. (Luton GB2), Jet propulsion efflux outlets.
  8. Voigt Che-Ram S. (Geyserville CA), Mechanism for thrust vector control using multiple nozzles.
  9. Voigt Allan A. ; Schroeder Richard W. ; Voigt Che-Ram S. ; Speicher John M., Mechanism for thrust vector control using multiple nozzles and only two yoke plates.
  10. Bchele-Buecher Sigfrid (Meerbusch DEX), Missile steering device.
  11. Fenton George H. A. (Stevenage GBX) Dransfield Alfred E. (Stevenage GBX), Missiles.
  12. Morris Joseph W. (Rancho Cordova CA) Carlson Russell W. (Folsom CA) Peterson Kevin L. (Sacramento CA) Reich Edward M. (Orangevale CA), Multiple pintle nozzle propulsion control system.
  13. Faupell Lawrence C. (Logan UT) Wassom Steven R. (Smithfield UT), Reduced fin span thrust vector controlled pulsed tactical missile.
  14. Kubota Naminosuke (Yokohama JPX) Yano Yutaka (Tokyo JPX) Takagi Yasumasa (Higashimatuyama JPX) Ninomiya Kazuyoshi (Tokyo JPX) Shimoguti Nobuo (Tokyo JPX) Terashima Mituhiko (Tokorozawa JPX) Nakano To, Rocket flight direction control system.
  15. Seeger Hans-Jochen (Ganderkesee DEX), Steering of an aerodynamic vehicle.
  16. Morgand Jean-Pierre (Paris FRX), System for steering a missile by means of lateral nozzles.
  17. Rotmans ; Richard J., Thrust vector control actuation system.
  18. Bennett James (Stevenage GBX) Heath Martin R. (Stevenage GBX) Foulsham Peter G. (Stevenage GBX), Thruster system.
  19. Engl Ernst (Munich DEX), Valve construction particularly for ram jet rocket engines and to a ram jet rocket engine construction.
  20. Faupell Lawrence C. (North Logan UT) Wassom Steven R. (Smithfield UT) Kliger Joseph J. (North Ogden UT), Vectorable nozzle having jet vanes.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (8) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hanlon, Casey; Geck, Kellan; Johnson, Andrew T., Actuation assembly.
  2. Haight, Stephen D.; Chasman, Daniel; Perez, Juan A., Hybrid missile propulsion system with reconfigurable multinozzle grid.
  3. Sharpin, David; Kolanek, Jim; Cvetnic, Mark A.; Hutchings, Mike; Tennison, James; Nelson, Kent Carl; Hunsberger, Harold Kregg; Baseghi, Behshad, Methods and apparatuses for active protection from aerial threats.
  4. Kolanek, James; Baseghi, Behshad; Sharpin, David; Visco, Anthony; Shieh, Falin, Methods and apparatuses for aerial interception of aerial threats.
  5. Kolanek, James; Baseghi, Behshad; Sharpin, David; Visco, Anthony; Shieh, Falin, Methods and apparatuses for engagement management of aerial threats.
  6. Kolanek, James; Baseghi, Behshad; Sharpin, David; Visco, Anthony; Shieh, Falin, Methods and apparatuses for engagement management of aerial threats.
  7. Facciano, Andrew B.; Graves, William G.; Barker, Michael A.; Alkema, Michael S.; Larson, Jeffrey S., Rocket cluster divert and attitude control system.
  8. Chasman, Daniel; Haight, Stephen D.; MacInnis, Daniel V., Rocket multi-nozzle grid assembly and methods for maintaining pressure and thrust profiles with the same.

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