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[미국특허] Self-cleaning pet litter box assembly 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A01K-029/00
출원번호 US-0012565 (2004-12-15)
등록번호 US-7290499 (2007-11-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Emery,Richard H.
출원인 / 주소
  • Emery,Richard H.
대리인 / 주소
    Wood, Herron & Evans, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 3  인용 특허 : 29


A self-cleaning pet litter box has a conveyor to incrementally transport clumped litter material and solid pet waste to a waste receptacle. The conveyor has one end configured to extend into a pet litter container of the self-cleaning litter box and an opposite exit end. The conveyor is configured


Having described the invention, what is claimed is: 1. A self-cleaning pet litter box assembly configured to separate and remove clumped litter and solid pet waste from clean litter material, comprising: a base; an open-top pet litter container configured to hold litter therein and being mounted fo

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (29)

  1. Karl W. Schmidt, Apparatus and method to separate corrugated paper from commingled waste.
  2. Dussault, Jacques; Chabot, Guy; Potvin, Francois, Article transfer device.
  3. Pierson ; Jr. Harry G. (109 Spring St. West Bridgewater MA 02379), Automated cat toilet.
  4. Kakuta Kihachiro (4-Chome 74 Banchi ; Apartment 711 Sueyoshi-cho ; Kanka-Ku Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-Ken JPX), Automated portable pet toilet.
  5. Waters Michael A. (Barrington Hills IL), Automated self-cleaning litter box for cats.
  6. Reitz Donald D. (8665 Lamar Dr. Arvada CO 80003), Automatic cat litter device and method.
  7. Joy Gerald T. (129 Ashfield Dr. Brockton MA 02402) Wilson ; III Edla C. (25 Crane St. Avon MA 02322), Automatic litter box for small animals.
  8. Wilson John T. (191 Centennial Avenue Beaconsfield ; Quebec CAX H9W 2J6), Automatic pet relief station.
  9. Ukada Masahiro (Chiriyu JPX), Automatic slope fruit feeding machine used with a fruit grading machine.
  10. Woode Rudolf (Tennisgrand 8 S-170 10 Ekero SEX), Bar screen.
  11. Wallander Carl O. (Gothenburg SEX), Device for collecting and discharging solid matter.
  12. Bogaerts Lieven,BEX, Device for collecting excrements of pet animals and auxiliary element applied therewith.
  13. Hohenstein Donald G. (1901 Westside Dr. Rochester NY 14624), Electronic litter system.
  14. Walther Carl K. (Wuppertal-Vohwinkel DEX) Temme Karl (Wuppertal-Elberfeld DEX), Flap arranged on discharge and separating devices of vibratory abrasive containers.
  15. Kordelin, Tapio, Lavatory for pets.
  16. Prince Darrell E. (P.O. Box 305 Bergman AR 72615) Wimberly Jean (P.O. Box 305 Bergman AR 72615) Taylor Jay B. (P.O. Box 1568 Harrison AR 72602), Litter box sifter.
  17. LaRoche Jean-Luc (6 ; Rue Pre Saint Arnould 88100 Saint Die FRX), Litterbox for domestic animals.
  18. Foreman Kenneth C. (P.O. Box 271 Ketchikan AK 99901), Rock separator.
  19. Reinartz Johann O. (Endstrasse 55 5144 Wegberg-Arsbeck DEX), Self cleaning kitty litter box having a movable floor.
  20. Shirley Kirk B. (2705 Bay Meadow Cir. Dallas TX 75234), Self cleaning litter system.
  21. Nissim Ofer ; Schade Eric ; Hoffmann Martin, Self cleaning pet litter box.
  22. Cotter ; James A., Self-cleaning cat waste disposal device.
  23. Bedard, Jacques Normand, Self-cleaning circular litter device.
  24. Carlisi Angelo (759 Central Dr. Lake Orion MI 48362), Self-cleaning kitty litter box.
  25. Barbot Gerard,FRX ITX F-75011 ; Rameau Cyril,FRX ITX F-78580 ; Sanchez Patrick F.,FRX ITX F-93330, Self-cleaning litter box for animals.
  26. Emery Richard H., Self-cleaning pet litter box assembly.
  27. Richard H. Emery, Self-cleaning pet litter box assembly.
  28. Manera, Jeffrey, Self-refreshening litter box.
  29. Leliaert Raymond M. (South Bend IN), Vibratory finishing device.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (3)

  1. Dixon, Dan Kenneth; Huck, Nathan Foster, Extruded animal litters having an increased absorption rate.
  2. Huck, Nathan Foster; Dixon, Dan Kenneth; Leiweke, Michael Edward; Wurth, Stephen Andrew, Litter box assembly having a litter fragmenting device.
  3. Plazarte, Enrique; Vernaglia, Steve; Ojeda, Carlos, Self-cleaning litter box.
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