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[미국특허] Cryogenic fuel tank insulation assembly 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64G-001/58
  • B64G-001/22
출원번호 US-0605599 (2003-10-11)
등록번호 US-7296769 (2007-11-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hogenson,Peter A.
  • Chong,Keith
  • Duong,Peter
출원인 / 주소
  • The Boeing Company
대리인 / 주소
    Ostrager Chong Flaherty Broitman P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 18


A cryogenic fuel tank assembly 10 is provided comprising a cryogenic fuel tank wall 22. A foam assembly 24 is affixed to the cryogenic fuel tank wall 22, the foam assembly 24 having an inner surface 30 and an outer surface 32. A first solid film 40 bonded to the outer surface 32 to provide a uniform


The invention claimed is: 1. A cryogenic fuel tank assembly comprising: a cryogenic fuel tank wall; a foam assembly affixed to said cryogenic fuel tank wall, said foam assembly having an inner surface and an outer surface; a first solid film directly bonded to said outer surface to provide a unifor

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (18) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Schmidt Ronald P. (Crowley TX), Aircraft thermal protection system.
  2. Weiser Erik S. ; St. Clair Terry L. ; Echigo Yoshiaki,JPX ; Kaneshiro Hisayasu,JPX, Aromatic polyimide foam.
  3. Blum Celia M. (New Orleans LA) Seal Ellis C. (Bay St. Louis MS) Kirn Elizabeth P. (Metairie LA), Composite cryogenic tank apparatus.
  4. Kotcharian Michel (Paris FRX), Cryogenic tank.
  5. Windecker Robert J. (Box 219 ; Farm Rd. Belle Grade FL 33430), Cryogenic tank.
  6. Silver David M. (Bethesda MD) Dehaas Newman (Silver Spring MD), Cryogenic tank support system.
  7. Dujarric Christian Francois Michel,FRX, Cryogenic tank wall.
  8. Cook ; Jr. William H. (875 SE. Shoreland Dr. Bellevue WA 98004), Heat insulation for tanks at cryogenic and higher temperatures, using structural honeycomb with integral heat radiation.
  9. Cormier Leonard N. (Reno NV), Heat resistive wall assembly for a space vehicle.
  10. Preston Duane (New Prague MN) Drube Thomas K. (Lakeville MN), High temperature resistant thermal insulation for cryogenic tanks.
  11. Tsotsis Thomas K. (Orange CA), Hybrid honeycomb sandwich panel.
  12. Hastings Otis H. (130 E. Crescent Ave. Mahwah NJ 07430) Hastings Otis M. (130 E. Crescent Ave. Mahwah NJ 07430), Insulating apparatus and composite laminates employed therein.
  13. Harold Rosen ; Alois Wittmann ; Scott Pano, Light weight hydrogen tank.
  14. Rosen, Harold A.; Wittmann, Alois; Pano, Scott B., Light weight hydrogen tank.
  15. Polackowyj John (Fair Oaks CA), Tank insulation method with cryogenic exposure.
  16. Schultz Jeffrey A. (East Rochester NH) Eifel Paul J. (Walnut Creek CA), Thermal insulation system for mobile cryogenic tanks.
  17. Augustynowicz, Stanislaw D.; Fesmire, James E., Thermal insulation systems.
  18. McCarville Douglas A., Thermoplastic titanium honeycomb panel.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Dye, Scott A.; Mills, Gary L., Integrated multilayer insulation.
  2. McCarville, Douglas A.; Guzman, Juan C., Joining curved composite sandwich panels.
  3. McCarville, Douglas A.; Guzman, Juan C., Joining curved composite sandwich panels.
  4. Roper, Christopher S.; Page, David; Schubert, Randall; Chong, Keith Y.; Clough, Eric; Iler, Angela M.; Barnes, Faizal K., Mechanically reinforced foam insulation panel and methods of making the same.
  5. Lewis, Dennis Michael; Geren, William Preston; Bommer, Jason P., Method and apparatus for wireless aircraft communications and power system using fuselage stringers.
  6. Fahley, Stephen L.; Geren, William Preston; Bommer, Jason P., Method and apparatus for wireless sensing with power harvesting of a wireless signal.
  7. McCarville, Douglas A.; Guzman, Juan C.; Hand, Michael Leslie, Method for joining sandwich truss core panels and composite structures produced therefrom.
  8. McCarville, Douglas A.; Guzman, Juan C.; Hand, Michael L.; Robinson, Michael J., Method for making composite truss panel having a fluted core.
  9. Senibi, Simon D.; Van West, Barry P.; Guzman, Juan Carlos; McCarville, Douglas A.; Rotter, Daniel M., Method of forming a reinforced foam-filled composite stringer.
  10. Senibi, Simon D.; Van West, Barry P.; Guzman, Juan Carlos; McCarville, Douglas A.; Rotter, Daniel M., Method of forming a reinforced foam-filled composite stringer.
  11. Hand, Michael L.; Guzman, Juan C.; McCarville, Douglas A.; Eichinger, Jeffrey D.; Chong, Keith, Methods of internally insulating a fluted core sandwich structure.
  12. McCarville, Douglas A.; Guzman, Juan C.; Rotter, Daniel M., Multi-functional aircraft structures.
  13. Mills, Gary L.; Unruh, Bryce W.; Rohrschneider, Reuben R., Multi-layer insulation.

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