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[미국특허] Battery housing 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 13-02
출원번호 US-0233008 (2005-06-27)
등록번호 US-D555586 (2007-11-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • McConnell,Evan T.
출원인 / 주소
  • McConnell,Evan T.
대리인 / 주소
    Banner & Witcoff, Ltd.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 59


초록이 없습니다.


CLAIM The ornamental design for a battery housing, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (59)

  1. Matsukane Edward H. (Rancho Santa Margarita CA) Tze Ryan H. (Irvine CA), Apparatus and method for alerting computer users in a wireless LAN of a service area transition.
  2. Demers Alan J. (Boulder Creek CA) Petersen Karin (Menlo Park CA) Spreitzer Michael J. (Tracy CA) Terry Douglas B. (San Carlos CA) Theimer Marvin M. (Mountain View CA) Welch Brent B. (Mountain View CA, Application-specific conflict detection for weakly consistent replicated databases.
  3. Veistroffer Rene (Nanterre FRX) Boneil Jean-Pierre (Rocquencourt FRX), Automatic charger capable of charging several batteries.
  4. Curtis Alastair, Battery.
  5. Lindahl Richard,SEX, Battery.
  6. Omori, Eiji; Kobayashi, Kenji; Onoda, Yukihiro; Noda, Muneyoshi, Battery.
  7. Zolyomi Wendel ; Chambers Randall P. ; Phelps William C., Battery.
  8. Fish Robert D. (255 S. Grand Ave. #911 Los Angeles CA 90012), Battery charger.
  9. Uchida Shirou (Isehara JPX) Gotoh Yasutaka (Tokyo JPX), Battery charging apparatus and network system with enhanced versatility in dispensing recharged batteries.
  10. Hinohara Makoto,JPX, Battery charging in units having attachable expansion devices, and in such expansion devices.
  11. Koenck Steven E., Battery conditioning system having communication with battery parameter memory means in conjunction with battery conditi.
  12. Iwamoto Hideto,JPX, Battery for a computer.
  13. Tattari Jouko (Salo FIX), Battery for a hand telephone.
  14. Tattari Jouko (Salo FIX), Battery for hand telephone.
  15. Gray Robert E. ; Chambers Randall P. ; Slotin Haim,ILX, Battery housing.
  16. Segers Reinhard,DEX, Battery pack for a mobile radiotelephone device.
  17. Koenck Steven E., Battery pack having memory.
  18. Sekine Shigeru,JPX ; Kasashima Masahiko,JPX ; Tsukazawa Hisao,JPX ; Morioka Shizuo,JPX ; Hosoya Nobuyuki,JPX ; Ukiya Yoshiaki,JPX ; Motomiya Hirohito,JPX ; Harashima Masaru,JPX ; Morita Masanori,JPX , Battery set structure and charge/discharge control apparatus for lithium-ion battery.
  19. Brunner Robert D. (San Jose CA) Pierce Susanne M. (Menlo Park CA), Charger for laptop computer battery packs.
  20. Ivester Gavin R. (Palo Alto CA), Charger for laptop computer battery packs.
  21. Goto Teiyu,JPX, Combined connector and battery charger for a computer.
  22. Orii Katsumi (Machida JPX), Continuous cell charger.
  23. Olson Anthony, Detachable palm rest with backup battery.
  24. Kaye Gordon E. (Garrison NY), Electric battery.
  25. Kaye Gordon E. (Garrison NY), Electric battery.
  26. Rudolph Daniel C. ; Myers Timothy F., Electrical disconnection and automatic re-engagement of battery monitoring circuits.
  27. Arthur C. Prewitt, Enhanced learning aid.
  28. Nash Phillip T. (Sunnyvale CA) Watkins Lee A. (San Jose CA), Externally rechargeable battery pack for a computer.
  29. McGowan Michael D. (Blackjack MO) Humphrey Wayne R. (St. Louis MO), Fuse system for a multiple battery charger.
  30. Hoerner Brian ; Quan Kam ; Smith Frank, Gas gauging system and method for monitoring battery capacity for battery powered electronic devices.
  31. Cargin ; Jr. Keith K. (3219 Blue Ridge Dr. ; NE. Cedar Rapids IA 52402) Boatwright Darrell L. (5731 Michael Dr. ; NE. Cedar Rapids IA 52402) Kelly Stephen J. (1405 McGowan Blvd. Marion IA 52302) Gibb, Hand held computerized data collection terminal with rechargeable battery pack sensor and battery power conservation.
  32. Cargin ; Jr. Keith K. ; Mahany Ronald L. ; Durbin Dennis A. ; Boatwright Darrell L. ; Kelly Stephen J. ; Schultz Darald R. ; Gibbs William T., Hand held computerized data collection terminal with rechargeable battery pack sensor and battery power conservation.
  33. Fleming Daniel J. (224 Belvidere Ave. Washington NJ 07882), Laptop computer encasement device adapted for printer.
  34. Sieminski Dennis P. ; Brammer David A. ; Champion Edward R., Metal-air battery with a reactant air pathway.
  35. Urbish Glenn F. (Coral Springs FL) Blanton Gerald W. (Lighthouse Point FL) McGinnis Robert W. (Plantation FL) Dorinski Dale W. (Coral Springs FL), Microprocessor controlled portable battery charger and method of charging using same.
  36. Harris L. Jenkins, Jr., Mobile workstation with power supply system.
  37. Bonardi Timothy A. ; Fuhs Eric D. ; Ojeda Peter A. ; Griffin Wayne L. ; Hallowell William C. ; Wagner John P. ; Wang Bruce ; Zappacosta Elisa E., Modular portable personal computer having bays to receive interchangeable modules.
  38. Bennett James A. (Northridge CA), Multi-purpose battery charger.
  39. Brainard Gerald L. (San Jose CA), Multiple battery charger with a power source control.
  40. Sugalski Raymond K. (Gainsville FL), Multiple-battery battery charger.
  41. Yoshioka Kiyoharu (Yokohama JPX) Miura Hiroya (Tokyo JPX) Shusa Munenori (Kawasaki JPX), Notebook type personal computer and battery case.
  42. Halpern Arieh S. (Tarzana CA) Aldrich Anthony J. (Philadelphia PA), Patient monitoring system with chassis mounted or remotely operable modules and portable computer.
  43. Sieminski Dennis P. (Atlanta GA) Schimpf Mark J. (Smyrna GA) Davies Phillip (Epson GBX) Fraquelli Roberto (London GBX) Grant Richard (Enfield GBX) Stone Suzy (St. Albans GBX), Portable battery with a retrofitting projection and wrist rest for use externally of an electronic device.
  44. Madison Gregory P. ; Schneider Theodore M., Portable computer charging system and storage cart.
  45. Wald Gerald R. (Saratoga CA) Weaver Daniel J. (San Jose CA) Piccardo Michael J. (Sunnyvale CA) McLaughlin James B. (Huntington Beach CA) Treiber Robert (Centerport NY 4), Portable data-gathering apparatus formed by modular components having operate-standby modes.
  46. Murayama Tomomi,JPX, Portable electronic apparatus having receptacle for detachably storing card-type electronic component.
  47. Park Kwang-Chul,KRX, Portable electronic appliance.
  48. Shinpei Hirano JP; Takuya Niitsu JP; Toshiaki Ueno JP; Atsushi Mamiya JP, Rechargeable battery.
  49. Hansen David E. (Fairport NY), Rechargeable power pack.
  50. Peterson Bret E. ; Jenkins William M. ; Merzenich Michael M. ; Tallal Paula ; Miller Steven L., Remote computer-assisted professionally supervised teaching system.
  51. Howell Bryan ; Sheehan ; Jr. Edward P. ; Skillman Peter N., Shroudless small form CD ROM for notebook computers.
  52. Kozlowski Kevin M., Storage cart for rechargeable devices.
  53. Dulman Scott, System and method for changing advanced intelligent network services from customer premises equipment.
  54. Hernandez Jean R. (Villeuranne FRX), System for charging sets of rechargeable batteries.
  55. Selig Kenneth R. (Camarillo CA) Schillaci Onofrio (Camarillo CA), Telecommunications test system including a test and trouble shooting expert system.
  56. Selig Kenneth Robert ; Schillaci Onofrio, Telecommunications test system including a test and trouble shooting expert system.
  57. Bastian, II, William A.; Alibrahim, Hussam, Wireless directed inventory system.
  58. Brownrigg Edwin B. ; Wilson Thomas W., Wireless network system and method for providing same.
  59. Schillaci Onofrio (Camarillo CA) Horton Michael D. (Ojai CA), Wireless-wireline communication selection mechanism resident in craftsperson\s portable test and communications device.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13)

  1. Lee, Jeong-Seop; Kwon, Myung-Sook; Park, Sang-Jin; Sunwoo, Nam, Battery.
  2. Lee, Jeong-Seop; Kwon, Myung-Sook; Park, Sang-Jin; Sunwoo, Nam, Battery.
  3. Qu, Bo, Battery.
  4. Tu, Ta Sen, Battery.
  5. Neidhart, Philippe, Battery case.
  6. Kim, Dae-Joung; Lee, Woo-Seok; Park, Sang-Il; Ham, Soo-Jung, Battery for notebook computer.
  7. Leung, Yan Kwong, Battery pack.
  8. Workman, Robert Emmett; Krantz, Norm, Battery pack.
  9. Leung, Yan Kwong, Battery pack with illuminated power button.
  10. Neidhart, Philippe, Carbon fiber surfaced battery.
  11. Workman, Robert E.; Krantz, Norm; Atkin, Joseph R.; Ford, Walker, Energy storage and power supply device.
  12. Workman, Robert Emmett; Krantz, Norm; Atkin, Joseph R., Portable battery charger.
  13. Workman, Robert Emmett; Krantz, Norm; Dietrich-Croy, Arthur Lee; Omdahl, II, John R.; Horito, Michael S., Portable battery pack.

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