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[미국특허] Font retrieval apparatus and method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-017/00
출원번호 US-0305982 (2002-11-29)
등록번호 US-7346845 (2008-03-18)
우선권정보 JP-10-208552(1998-07-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Teshima,Atsushi
출원인 / 주소
  • Fujifilm Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    McGinn IP Law Group, PLLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 37


Out of a lot of fonts, the desired font is quickly found. For this purpose, out of a plurality of portions constituting a character displayed in a partial image retrieval area, the desired portion is selected. A retrieval area is clicked by a user, to retrieve a font on the basis of the selected po


What is claimed is: 1. A font retrieval apparatus comprising: a display device displaying a plurality of partial images which represents a characterizing portion of a character with a plurality of different fonts; a portion selecting device for selecting at least one of a plurality of characterizin

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (37) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Li Peng T., Chinese character input scheme having ten symbol groupings of chinese characters in a recumbent or upright configuration.
  2. Duvall William S. (Portola Valley CA) English William K. (Tokyo JPX), Data processing system with character sort apparatus.
  3. Duvall William S. (Portola Valley CA) English William K. (Tokyo JPX), Data processing system with multiple display apparatus.
  4. Fischer Addison (P.O. Box 9107 Naples FL 33942), Document composition system using named formats and named fonts.
  5. Hiroshi Kamada JP; Katsuhito Fujimoto JP; Koji Kurokawa JP, Document image processing device and method thereof.
  6. Weil Steven E. ; Orr Michael B. ; King Joseph ; Everett Nathan W., Flexible schemes for applying properties to information in a medium.
  7. Morikawa Takashi (Toyohashi JPX) Ikenoue Yoshikazu (Toyohashi JPX), Font management system.
  8. McQueen ; III Clyde D. (Seattle WA) Bauermeister Benjamin P. (Seattle WA) Staczek Jason L. (Seattle WA) DeLaurentis Michael S. (Seattle WA) Brooks Glenn G. (Seattle WA), Font manager with selective access of installed fonts.
  9. Gartland, Richard A., Font navigation tool.
  10. Simpson Russell W. (Rochester NY), Font storage management and control.
  11. Boulia Dorothy I. (Tucson AZ) Pousson ; Jr. Michael W. (Tucson AZ) Pring Edward J. (Tucson AZ) Stone Nancy L. (Tucson AZ), Generating and storing electronic fonts.
  12. Chiu Jen-Hwa (No. 116 ; Hsin I Road ; Section 3 Taipei TWX), Graphic language character processing and retrieving method.
  13. Michael D. Cooper ; Masatoshi Yoshizawa JP, Graphical interface to select characters representing phonetic articulation and no articulation groups.
  14. Retter Dale, Graphical user interface with keyboard display graphical.
  15. Peairs Mark, Iconic paper for alphabetic, japanese and graphic documents.
  16. Saltzman Lawrence A., Ideogrammatic character editor method and apparatus.
  17. Hoffman Michael T., Image file storage and retrieval system.
  18. Wang Chung-Ning ; Platt John C. ; Matic Nada P., Incremental ideographic character input method.
  19. Goo, Atkin Y.; Goo, Gee-In, Method and apparatus for encoding, storing and accessing characters of a Chinese character-based language.
  20. Lakritz David (1806 Parkwood Dr. San Mateo CA 94403), Method and apparatus for identifying characters in ideographic alphabet.
  21. Zheng Yili (84-117 Xueyuan Nanlu Beijing CNX) Zheng Long (84-117 Xueyuan Nanlu Beijing CNX), Method and apparatus for inputting radical-encoded chinese characters.
  22. Monroe James C. (San Diego CA) Roberts Stephen E. (San Diego CA) Knoche Thomas A. (San Diego CA), Method and apparatus for processing ideographic characters.
  23. Carmon Amiram (Jerusalem ILX), Method and apparatus for selecting, storing and displaying chinese script characters.
  24. Wei Zhu ; Rajiv Mehrotra, Method and computer program product for subjective image content similarity-based retrieval.
  25. Huang Feimeng,CNX, Method and keyboard for inputting Chinese characters on the basis of two-stroke forms and two-stroke symbols.
  26. Howlett Virginia E. ; Butler Laura Janet ; Grauman Joyce Alison, Method and system for creating a graphic image with geometric descriptors.
  27. Moore George M. ; Adler Dennis Richard ; Kohen Eliyezer, Method and system for providing substitute computer fonts.
  28. Moore, George M.; Adler, Dennis Richard; Kohen, Eliyezer, Method and system for providing substitute computer fonts.
  29. Zhou Frank H. (Vancouver CAX) Wang Qin-Mo (Vancouver CAX), Method of manipulating fonts containing large numbers of characters.
  30. Ho Paul (523 N. Palm Ave. ; Unit B Alhambra CA 91801), Phonetic multi-lingual word processor.
  31. van Cruyningen Izak, Popup menus with directional gestures.
  32. Van Kleeck Michael, Radical definition and dictionary creation for a handwriting recognition system.
  33. Cheng, Kuo-Young, System and method for converting an outline font into a glyph-based font.
  34. Kawabata Atsushi (Hitachi JPX) Miura Shuuichi (Hitachi JPX) Yamaashi Kimiya (Hitachi JPX) Taki Yuji (Takasaki JPX) Kobayashi Yoshiki (Hitachi JPX) Tanifuji Shinya (Hitachi JPX), System for centrally controlling letter data.
  35. O\Dell Robert B. (602 Calmar Ave. Oakland CA 94610), System for encoding a collection of ideographic characters.
  36. Stewart Mark R. (60 Pleasant St. #2 Cambridge MA 02139), System of modules for composing alphanumerics.
  37. Hua Teyh-Fwu (No. 5 ; Fu-Shou Lane ; Chiu-Che Rd. ; Tien-Chung Tsun ; Lung-Ching Hsiang Taichung Hsien TWX), Word processor for generating Chinese characters.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kaasila, Sampo Juhani; Levantovsky, Vladimir; Vijay, Anand; Bansal, Jitendra Kumar, Advanced text editor.
  2. Kaasila, Sampo Juhani; Vijay, Anand; Bansal, Jitendra Kumar, Analyzing font similarity for presentation.
  3. Kaasila, Sampo Juhani; Vijay, Anand; Bansal, Jitendra Kumar, Analyzing font similarity for presentation.
  4. Kaasila, Sampo Juhani; Rickner, Thomas A., Compact font hinting.
  5. Levantovsky, Vladimir, Font data streaming.
  6. Tranchant, Julien; Gegout, Cédric; Pierre, Nicolas, Method of managing character fonts within multimedia scenes, and the corresponding computer program and terminal.
  7. Tranchant, Julien; Gegout, Cédric; Pierre, Nicolas, Method of managing character fonts within multimedia scenes, and the corresponding computer program and terminal.
  8. Seguin, John; Roberts, Christopher J.; Levantovsky, Vladimir, Network based font management for imaging devices.
  9. Matteson, Steve; Kaasila, Sampo Juhani; Scronce, Evan; Vijay, Anand; Bansal, Jitendra Kumar, Pairing fonts for presentation.
  10. Patel, Sairus, Prefix savvy displays in font enumeration user interfaces.
  11. Kaasila, Sampo Juhani; Orcutt, Daniel Robert; Lepper, Mark Peter, Supporting color fonts.

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