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Systems and methods for controlling spooling of linear material 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65H-075/48
  • B65H-075/38
출원번호 US-0172420 (2005-06-30)
등록번호 US-7350736 (2008-04-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Caamano,Ramon Anthony
  • Lee,Michael J.
  • Tracey,James B. A.
  • Koebler,Martin
출원인 / 주소
  • Great Stuff, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Knobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 29  인용 특허 : 4


Preferred embodiments of the invention comprise an automatic reel capable assisting a user when attempting to unspool a linear material, such as a water hose. The automatic reel includes a control system having a motor controller capable of sensing a pulling of, or increased tension of, the linear m


What is claimed is: 1. A reel for automatically spooling a hose, the reel comprising: means for rotating to spool a hose; means for interacting with the means for rotating to control a rotational velocity of the means for rotating; and means for monitoring a motor signal and, based on the motor sig

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Mead ; Jr. Russell C., Reel having an improved reciprocating mechanism.
  2. Karczmer Claude M. (New York NY), Reeling device.
  3. Hwang Ming-Tsung (56 Min Sheng Street Feng Yuan ; Taichung TWX), Structure of an electrical measuring tape.
  4. Kim Ji-Hyun,KRX ; Han Suk-Jin,KRX ; Lee Jae-Bong,KRX, Vacuum cleaner and control method thereof.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (29)

  1. Lueckenhoff, Stephen A., Apparatus and method for retrieval of tubing.
  2. Tracey, James B. A.; Hill, III, Joseph M.; Tracey, Johnathan R., Automatic reel devices and method of operating the same.
  3. Tracey, James B.A.; Hill, III, Joseph M.; Tracey, Johnathan R., Automatic reel devices and method of operating the same.
  4. Tracey, James B. A.; Hill, III, Joseph M.; Tracey, Johnathan R., Control system for electrical cord reel.
  5. Tracey, James B. A.; Rosenau, Mark; Hill, III, Joseph M.; Tracey, Johnathan R., Control system for electrical cord reel.
  6. Mullet, Willis Jay; Fox, Michael D., Crossover bracket for drapery.
  7. Ceraldi, Richard; Tracey, James B. A., Electrical cord reel with removeable cord.
  8. Tracey, James B. A.; Kretzschmar, Edwin N.; Ceraldi, Richard, Electrical cord with wear ring.
  9. Mullet, Willis Jay; Hand, Richard Scott; Brunk, Darrin W., High efficiency roller shade.
  10. Mullet, Willis Jay; Hand, Richard Scott; Brunk, Darrin W., High efficiency roller shade.
  11. Mullet, Willis Jay; Hand, Richard Scott; Brunk, Darrin W., High efficiency roller shade.
  12. Mullet, Willis Jay; Hand, Richard Scott; Brunk, Darrin W., High efficiency roller shade.
  13. Mullet, Willis Jay; Rodriguez, Yan; Garcia, Ben L.; Mullet, Victoria Baynes; Kirkland, Matthew Warren, High efficiency roller shade and method for setting artificial stops.
  14. Mullet, Willis Jay; Kirkland, Matthew Warren; Gean, Richard; Rosenmarkle, Steven T., Low-power architectural covering.
  15. Nakano, Takumi, Meandering correction apparatus of a continuous sheet associated with an absorbent article.
  16. Sussmeier, John W.; Rozenfeld, Boris; DePoi, Arthur H., Method and apparatus for enhanced cutter throughput using an exit motion profile.
  17. Sussmeier, John W.; Rozenfeld, Boris; DePoi, Arthur H., Method and apparatus for enhanced cutter throughput using an exit motion profile.
  18. Mullet, Willis Jay; Brunk, Darrin W.; Wysoczynski, Christopher Lee; Asbury, Harry Edward; Hand, Richard Scott; Rodriguez, Yan; Bruckner, Benjamin, Method for operating a motorized roller shade.
  19. Mullet, Willis Jay; Brunk, Darrin W.; Wysocynski, Christopher Lee; Asbury, Harry Edward; Hand, Richard Scott; Rodriguez, Yan; Bruckner, Benjamin, Method for operating a motorized shade.
  20. Mullet, Willis J; Fox, Michael D; Matthews, Daniel T; McCarthy, Dale; Brunk, Darrin W., Motorized drapery apparatus, system and method of use.
  21. Mullet, Willis Jay; Lucas, William Ashton Lee Cutts; Brunk, Darrin W., Motorized shade with the transmission wire passing through the support shaft.
  22. Mullet, Willis Jay; Lucas, William Ashton Lee Cutts; Brunk, Darrin W., Motorized shade with transmission wire passing through the support shaft.
  23. Kretzschmar, Edwin N.; Bendeguz, Attila; Tracey, James B. A., Multi-receptacle electrical cord end.
  24. Tracey, James B. A.; Cunningham, John P., Reel systems and methods for monitoring and controlling linear material slack.
  25. Mullet, Willis Jay; Matthews, Daniel T.; Fox, Michael D., Rotatable drive element for moving a window covering.
  26. Caamano, Ramon Anthony; Lee, Michael J.; Tracey, James B. A.; Koebler, Martin, Systems and methods for controlling spooling of linear material.
  27. Caamano, Ramon Anthony; Lee, Michael J.; Tracey, James B. A.; Koebler, Martin, Systems and methods for controlling spooling of linear material.
  28. Tracey, James B. A.; Rosenau, Mark; Hill, III, Joseph M., Systems and methods for spooling and unspooling linear material.
  29. Tracey, James B. A.; Rosenau, Mark; Hill, III, Joseph M., Systems and methods for spooling and unspooling linear material.
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