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[미국특허] Air return bulkhead with quick release mounting system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60H-001/32
출원번호 US-0809286 (2004-03-25)
등록번호 US-7351136 (2008-04-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Nelson,Chad
  • Bennett,Stephen F.
출원인 / 주소
  • FG Products, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Fish & Richardson P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 7  인용 특허 : 59


An air return bulkhead may be removably mounted to the front wall of a cargo container such that the air return bulkhead is releasable and securable without the use of handheld tools. Accordingly, in various embodiments the bulkhead may be quickly and easily uninstalled and reinstalled so as to perm


What is claimed is: 1. An air return bulkhead, comprising: a peripheral portion adapted to abut a wall of a trailer; a panel coupled to and offset from the peripheral portion to define a plenum between the panel and the wall when the peripheral portion abuts the wall; and a plurality of mounting me

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (59) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Delatush John J. (Freehold NJ), Adjustable container bulkhead assembly.
  2. Gothier Richard J., Air chute adapter for refrigeration vehicles.
  3. Brys Lyle W. (1174 Weld Co. Rd. 45 Hudson CO 80642), Air chute for a temperature controlled container.
  4. Sain Bernard S. (811 Thread Needle Lane No. 285 Houston TX 77024) Brieger Jimmy H. (14810 Bramblewood Houston TX 77024), Air filtration chute.
  5. Onken Greg, Air return bulkhead.
  6. Onken Gregory L., Air return bulkhead.
  7. Onken Gregory L., Air return bulkhead.
  8. Onken, Gregory L., Air return bulkhead.
  9. Onken, Gregory L., Air return bulkhead.
  10. Turek, James R., Air return bulkhead.
  11. Henning Steven A. ; Gothier Richard J., Air return bulkhead for refrigeration trailers.
  12. Ziegler David B. ; Sirotek ; Jr. Robert L. ; Hotch Pat ; George Gregg ; Kiefer Kevin W. ; Gast Randal, Air return bulkhead for temperature controlled trailers.
  13. David B. Ziegler ; Verlin Wirth ; Jerry Kiesner, Air return bulkhead for use with a transport temperature control system.
  14. David B. Ziegler ; Verlin Wirth ; Phillip R. Boudewyns ; Ta Yang, Air return bulkhead with filter.
  15. Bergdahl Knut E. (Kvartsgrnd 4 S-852 52 Sundsvall SEX), Air supply register.
  16. Yamamoto Tetsuya,JPX, Automobile's luggage floor structure.
  17. Queen Robert A. (Marion NC) Faloon Michael D. (Canton Township MI), Automotive trunk liner.
  18. Cabell Paul C. (Johnson County KS) Kimmich Robert L. (Johnson County KS), Beverage vehicle bulkhead and method of constructing same.
  19. Podd ; Sr. Victor T.,CAX ITX H3P 1K8 ; Podd ; Jr. Victor I. ; Podd Stephen D.,CAX ITX H3G 1J4, Bracing system for a liner for a cargo container.
  20. Joice-Cavanagh Roland R. (Woodside CA), Cargo bracing panel.
  21. Joice-Cavanagh Roland R. (Woodside CA), Cargo bracing panel.
  22. Marino Frank J. (17 Battery Pl. New York NY 10017), Cargo restraining apparatus.
  23. Parks James R. (9380 W. Loomis Road Franklin WI 53132), Cargo restraining assembly for use in a vehicle.
  24. Morris Richard D. (Liverpool NY) Lane L. Thomas (Manlius NY), Collapsible bulkhead.
  25. Renken David J. (Minneapolis MN) Pfankuch Robert D. (Chanhassen MN) Bongaards Donald J. (Shorewood MN), Compartmentalized transport refrigeration system.
  26. Exler Petrus A. T. (Stadhoudersing 70 Zoetermeer NLX), Container comprising an improved floor structure.
  27. Severson Sylvester B. (Rice Lake WI), Corrugated air return bulkhead.
  28. Fell Don Russell (Stoney Creek CA) Leonard Robert Wilson (Ajax CA), Device for transporting bulk materials and methods.
  29. Gast, Randal; Ziegler, David B.; Lenz, Doug; Zhang, Ming; Wirth, Verlin, Duct system for temperature-controlled cargo containers.
  30. Kinkle Robert W. (Wayne PA), Extendible and contractible vehicle bulkhead.
  31. Notaro David F. (Amherst NY) Hogrewe ; Jr. David A. (Grand Island NY), Fastener construction.
  32. Atkin Howard S. (Harrogate GB2) Palmer Christopher J. (Leeds GB2), Heat exchanger with flow passages which deform in operation towards equalization.
  33. Morgan Paul E. (Bridgewater NJ), Labyrinth ventilator.
  34. Boyer Gregory J. (30122-50th La. S. Auburn WA 98001), Lightweight insulating partition.
  35. Horiki Seinosuke (Tokai JPX) Makino Reiji (Tokai JPX) Ito Kuninori (Tokai JPX), Masking member.
  36. Bartling Jerry W. (Boulder CO) Hofstetter James F. (Westminster CO), Method and apparatus for providing heating or cooling for a vehicle.
  37. Cantieri Thomas B. (P.O. Box 626 Farmville VA 23901), Molded liner for pickup trucks.
  38. Reynolds David P. (Charlotte NC) Shepard John D. (Marion NC) Stone ; Jr. Samuel L. (Old Fort NC), One-piece automotive trunk liner.
  39. Blain Edward S. (Rockford IL), Panel air chiller.
  40. Carter David T. (3303 SE. 167th Ave. Portland OR 97236), Protective insert for the sides of load carrying vehicles.
  41. Strobel Georg (Ulm-Wiblingen DEX) Hge Walter (Ulm DEX), Refrigeration system for freight vehicles.
  42. Maynard James (Alpharetta GA) Savic Milan (Willowdale CAX) Eldergill Ian (Vancouver CAX), Refrigeration unit for cold space merchandiser.
  43. Wise Ronald D. (1305 Riverside Rd. Old Hickory TN 37138), Removable and adjustable fittable vehicle bed liner assembly.
  44. Williamson Jerry (P.O. Box 159 Woodburn OR 97071) Muters Keith (P.O. Box 159 Woodburn OR 97071), Roof edge ventilator.
  45. Williamson Jerry R. (P.O. Box 159 Woodburn OR 97071) Muters Keith A. (P.O. Box 159 Woodburn OR 97071), Roof edge ventilator.
  46. Arndt Ronald C. (Montello WI), Self-positioning tailgate cover.
  47. Kiefer Kevin W. (Prior Lake MN) Gast Randal W. (Jordan MN) Sirotek ; Jr. Robert L. (Apple Valley MN), Shipping crate and air return bulkhead for a transport refrigeration unit.
  48. Hendricks Thomas E. (Dallas TX) Groenert George J. (Evansville IN), Snubbing block cargo stabilization system for refrigerated carriers.
  49. Zajic Albert H. (Oklahoma City OK), Temperature control apparatus including air return bulkhead for mounting in a transportable body.
  50. Mayer Donald K. (Bloomington MN), Transport refrigeration unit combination airflow straightener and defrost damper.
  51. Goulooze Gene D. (3129 E. Gatehouse S.E. Grand Rapids MI 49546), Transport with variable volume, independently cooled compartments.
  52. Downard ; Jr. Marvin L. (8045 Broad St. ; Box 154 Thurston OH 43157), Truck bed bulkhead.
  53. Nix ; Edwin Lee ; Davenport ; Bobby E., Truck bed liner.
  54. Nix Edwin L. (733 Tahlena Ave. Madison TN 37115) Davenport Bobby E. (317 Beckley Dr. Madison TN 37115), Truck bed liner.
  55. Nix Edwin L. (733 Tahlena Ave. Madison TN 37115) Davenport Bobby E. (317 Beckley Dr. Madison TN 37115), Truck bed liner.
  56. Ryan Patrick T. (Lower Sackville CAX), Vehicle luggage compartment liner.
  57. Morgan Paul E. (Bridgewater NJ), Ventilator for a freight container.
  58. Morgan Paul E. (Bridgewater NJ), Ventilator for a freight container.
  59. Graves, Delbert E.; Craft, George E., Window shade, and method apparatus for manufacturing same.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (7) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ertel, Christopher David; Balakrishna, Abhijith; Lawrence, Wilson Samuel Jesudason, Air chute.
  2. Clark, Toby, Air return bulkhead with removable panel for access to the lower region of a trailer refrigeration unit.
  3. Clark, Toby Wynn, Refrigeration trailer air distribution chute.
  4. Clark, Toby Wynn, Refrigeration trailer air distribution chute.
  5. Clark, Toby Wynn, Refrigeration trailer air distribution chute.
  6. Jungwirth, Richard B., Return air bulkhead.
  7. Packiarajan, Selvam; Sweazey, John David; Sonney, Tye Scott, Transportation refrigeration bulkhead.

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