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[미국특허] Laser power control with automatic power compensation 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01J-001/32
  • G01J-001/10
출원번호 US-0993525 (2004-11-19)
등록번호 US-7381935 (2008-06-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sada,Gilberto I.
  • Reintjes,Maurice M.
  • Jones,Keith R.
  • Draper,Daniel
출원인 / 주소
  • Mindspeed Technologies, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Weide & Miller, Ltd.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 7


A method and apparatus is disclosed for optic signal power control to maintain a desired or optimum optic signal power level. During start-up, a default or target value from memory may be utilized to bias or otherwise control operation of an optic signal generator or driver. During operation, pre-st


What is claimed is: 1. A closed loop optic signal control system comprising: a memory configured to store one or more target values; a driver configured to process an outgoing signal based on the one or more target values and one or more feedback values, wherein the target values represent driver c

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7)

  1. Queniat Jean-Francois (Trebeurden FRX) Jaillard Andre (Lannion FRX), Device and method to control the output power of laser diodes.
  2. Yeates Paul D. (Longswamp Township ; Berks County PA), Digital processor-controlled arrangement for monitoring and modifying system operating parameters.
  3. King Jeffrey V. ; Fletcher William I. ; Lemon Leon M. ; Olsen David D., Intelligent fiberoptic transmitters and methods of operating and manufacturing the same.
  4. Jabr Salim N. (Mountain View CA), Method and apparatus for predicting semiconductor laser failure.
  5. Nagata, Shin, Method for compensating for output of semiconductor luminous device and apparatus therefor.
  6. Levinson Frank H. (Redwood City CA), Semiconductor laser diode controller and laser diode biasing control method.
  7. Sakamoto, Takeshi; Izumi, Futoshi; Ueki, Toshikazu, Wavelength division multiplexing optical communication system and wavelength division multiplexing optical communication method.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14)

  1. Sanchez, Jorge, Apparatus and method for measurement for dynamic laser signals.
  2. Bazzani, Cristiano; Gozzini, Fabio, Automatic buck/boost mode selection system for DC-DC converter.
  3. Bazzani, Cristiano; Gozzini, Fabio; Nguyen, Steven Van, Color mixing and desaturation with reduced number of converters.
  4. Bazzani, Cristiano; Gozzini, Fabio; Van Nguyen, Steven, Color mixing and desaturation with reduced number of converters.
  5. Troiani, Matteo; Bazzani, Cristiano; Wang, Yanxin Will; McDonald, Kevin; Gupta, Atul, DC-coupled laser driver with AC-coupled termination element.
  6. Sanchez-Olea, Jorge; Sanchez, Alicia, Digital control system for an electro-optical device.
  7. Bazzani, Cristiano; Troiani, Matteo, Driver with distributed architecture.
  8. Bazzani, Cristiano; Gozzini, Fabio; Chen, Tao, High accuracy, high dynamic range LED/laser driver.
  9. Zou, Hehong; Shivaram, Krishna; Draper, Daniel, High sensitivity two-stage amplifier.
  10. Reintjes, Maurice M.; Draper, Daniel; Sada, Gilberto I.; Jones, Keith R, Laser power control with automatic compensation.
  11. Bazzani, Cristiano; Draper, Daniel; McDonald, Kevin B., Method and apparatus for reducing optical signal speckle.
  12. Bazzani, Cristiano; Draper, Daniel, Reducing power dissipation in portable LCoS/LCD/DLP projection systems.
  13. Belloni, Massimiliano; Malcovati, Piero; Baschirotto, Andrea; Bazzani, Cristiano, Scalable buck-boost DC-DC converter.
  14. Khaw, Michael P., Transimpedance amplifier with bandwidth extender.

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