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[미국특허] Alignment system for observation instruments 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01B-011/26
출원번호 US-0082473 (2005-03-16)
등록번호 US-7382448 (2008-06-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hedrick,Richard L.
  • Paquette,Andre
출원인 / 주소
  • Celestron Acquisition, LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Jeffer Mangels Butler & Marmaro LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 43


A method and apparatus is disclosed for aligning an optical instrument with respect to a celestial coordinate system, the optical instrument having a field of view and an optical instrument coordinate system, the celestial coordinate system having a plurality of objects each having celestial coordin


What is claimed is: 1. A method for aligning an optical instrument with respect to a celestial coordinate system, the optical instrument having a field of view and an optical instrument coordinate system, the celestial coordinate system having a plurality of objects each having celestial coordinate

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (43)

  1. Yoshikawa, Shoji; Yamada, Katsuhiko; Shimoji, Haruhiko; Inoue, Masao; Yoshida, Norimasa; Miyatake, Katsumasa, Apparatus for determining attitude of artificial satellite.
  2. Mathieu Gerald N. (R.R. 1 ; Box 1255 Sabattus ME 04280), Astronomy console.
  3. Didinsky Garry ; Nayak Arunkumar P. ; Li Rongsheng ; Wu Yeong-Wei A. ; Kurland Jeffrey A. ; Needelman David D., Attitude determination system and method.
  4. Yoshikawa Shoji,JPX ; Yamada Katsuhiko,JPX ; Sakashita Hiroshi,JPX ; Yonechi Hiroo,JPX, Attitude determination system for artificial satellite.
  5. Yoshikawa Shoji,JPX ; Yamada Katsuhiko,JPX ; Sakashita Hiroshi,JPX ; Yonechi Hiroo,JPX, Attitude determination system for artificial satellite.
  6. Needelman, David D.; Wu, Yeong-Wei A.; Li, Rongsheng, Attitude-acquisition methods and systems for controlled spacecraft attitude.
  7. Rick Hedrick ; Manishi Gupta ; James Barnaby, Auto-alignment tracking telescope mount.
  8. Babitch Daniel (San Jose CA), Automatic antenna pointing system based on global positioning system (GPS) attitude information.
  9. Owen ; William J., Automatic space sextant.
  10. Didinsky Garry ; Wu Yeong-Wei ; Li Rongsheng ; Nayak Arunkumar ; Hein Douglas, Autonomous attitude acquisition for a stellar inertial attitude determination system.
  11. Quine Brendan Mark Edward,GBX, Autonomous star identification.
  12. Voigt Allan A. ; Speicher John M. ; Voigt Che-Ram S., Compact variable field of view optical system.
  13. Gagnon Gilbert H. (San Marcos CA), Computer controlled altazimuth telescope mount.
  14. Nishikata Yasuhiro,JPX ; Abe Tetsuya,JPX, Converter for polar-axis telescope.
  15. Masunaga Shuichi (11-18 ; Higashihagoromo 6-chome Takaishi-shi ; Osaka JPX) Masunaga Sumie (11-18 ; Higashihagoromo 6-chome Takaishi-shi ; Osaka JPX), Equatorial mount for a binocular reflecting telescope.
  16. Kenneth W. Baun ; John E. Hoot, Fully automated telescope system with distributed intelligence.
  17. Leblanc Jean Marc,FRX, High-accuracy rotation control device, in particular for telescopes.
  18. Yee Robert ; Robbins Fred, Inertial pointing and positioning system.
  19. Tawara Nobuyoshi (Niihama JPX) Kojima Takeshi (Tondabayashi JPX), Light-guiding panel for surface lighting and a surface lighting body.
  20. David D. Needelman ; Yeong-Wei A. Wu ; Rongsheng Li ; William L. Burkett, Jr., Lost-in-space stellar attitude acquisition using multiple star trackers.
  21. Needelman, David D.; Wu, Yeong-Wei A.; Li, Rongsheng; Burkett, Jr., William L., Lost-in-space stellar attitude acquisition using multiple star trackers.
  22. McNabb Lea Ann ; Gildea David R., Method and apparatus for automatically aiming an antenna to a distant location.
  23. Wraight Peter D. (3030 Bonney Briar Dr. Missouri City TX 77459), Method and apparatus for locating celestial objects.
  24. Binghoff Albert (Holzkirchen DEX) Herbst Heinrich (Steinhring DEX) Kaffer Luitpold (Mnchen DEX), Method for determining the position of a space vehicle by means of star acquisition and star identification.
  25. Potteck Serge,FRX, Method for identifying in a pre-established catalogue stars detected by a star sensor.
  26. Burr James D. (1960 Jefferson Co. Rd. 23 Evergreen CO 80439), Motor control for telescope.
  27. Owen ; William J., Navigational instrument.
  28. Burr James D. (1960 Jefferson Rd. ; No. 23 Evergreen CO 80439), Newtonian telescope assembly with rotary flat mirror.
  29. Brunson Amber N. (Kansas City MO), Optical transit square with focusable crossing telescopes.
  30. Okada Setsuo (Hokkaido JPX), Portable Astronomic/meteoric observation system.
  31. McWilliams, Rick, Portable telescope mount with integral locator using magnetic encoders for facilitating location of objects and positioning of a telescope.
  32. McWilliams, Rick, Portable telescope mount with integral locator using magnetic encoders for facilitating location of objects and positioning of a telescope.
  33. Cyman Theodore F. ; Kernin Kevin P. ; Recchione Robert J. ; Treis Anthony L., Reduced cost high resolution real time raster image processing system and method.
  34. Amarillas Sal, Satellite antenna aiming device featuring real time elevation and heading adjustment.
  35. Diefes Debra L. (7481 Digby Green Alexandria VA 22310) Fan Leopold C. (10037 Colebrook Ave. Potomac MD 20854) Rodgers Charles E. (3635 St. Leonard Rd. St. Leonard MD 20685), Satellite location and pointing system for use with global positioning system.
  36. Halldorsson Thorsteinn (Munich DEX), Space telescope connected to a star tracker.
  37. Liu Yong ; Wu Yeong-Wei Andy ; Li Rongsheng, System for star catalog equalization to enhance attitude determination.
  38. van Bezooijen Roelof W.H., Techniques for optimizing an autonomous star tracker.
  39. Krewalk John J. (West Lake Village CA) Silverberg Eric C. (Austin TX), Telescope control system.
  40. Diebel John C. ; Smith John E. ; Samhammer Clair A. ; Hines David M., Telescope mount.
  41. Hull David A. (Manhattan Beach CA) Smith Richard R. (Los Angeles CA) Ehlers Mark R. (Gardena CA) Brothers Michael J. (Torrance CA) Lee Kenneth W. (Whittier CA) Hanke Dietmar (Mission Viejo CA), Thermal imaging system for a military vehicle.
  42. Bressler ; Peter W., Tripod.
  43. Gagnon Gregory J. ; Crosby Jeffrey W., Video receiver with automatic satellite antenna orientation.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4)

  1. Rowe, David; Medley, Danyal, Determining celestial coordinates for an image.
  2. Friedlander, Robert R.; Kraemer, James R., Facilitating the more natural aiming of telescopes.
  3. Rovinsky, Jacob, Method and system for providing a known reference point for an airborne imaging platform.
  4. Medley, Danyal, System and method for automatically aligning a telescope without requiring user intervention.

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