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[미국특허] Fault-tolerant updates to a distributed fibre channel database 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-011/00
출원번호 US-0056823 (2002-01-24)
등록번호 US-7433299 (2008-10-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kaushik,Balakumar N.
  • Hammons,Richard L.
  • Tam,Wai Sze
출원인 / 주소
  • Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Wong, Cabello, Lutsch, Rutherford, & Brucculeri, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 13


Fault tolerant techniques to update a distributed database in a switched-fabric network. A commit master switch initiates an update operation using a four-phase process that provides for the automatic fail-over to a second (or more) switches if the commit master should not complete the update operat


The invention claimed is: 1. A fault tolerant method to update a Fibre Channel database, comprising: receiving at a first device a first message from a commit master; the first device detecting the loss of the commit master; and the first device resending the first message to each of a specified on

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13)

  1. Ofek Yuval, Bundling of write data from channel commands in a command chain for transmission over a data link between data storage s.
  2. Wolff James J., Distributed I/O store.
  3. Friedman Roy ; Birman Kenneth P., Distributed architecture for an intelligent networking coprocessor.
  4. Doshi Bharat Tarachand ; Dravida Subrahmanyam ; Harshavardhana Paramasiviah ; Wang Yufei, Distributed precomputation of network signal paths with table-based link capacity control.
  5. Gerstel Ornan Alexander ; Hall William Eric ; Ramaswami Rajiv ; Sasaki Galen Hajime, Fault management in a multichannel transmission system.
  6. Blood Mark Lawrence ; Coomer Stephen Dexter ; Nason David Dayton ; Yamini Mohamad-Reza, Method and apparatus for correct and complete transactions in a fault tolerant distributed database system.
  7. Yip, Michael; Bhatt, Apoorva, Method and apparatus for selecting redundant routers using tracking.
  8. Taylor, Alan Lee; Norris, Christopher Adam; Hotle, William Paul; Hayman, Kenneth John, Method and system for establishing, maintaining, and using a persistent fracture log.
  9. Heideman,Michael J.; Konrad,Dennis R.; Novak,David A., Outboard clustered computer systems manager utilizing commodity components.
  10. Crockett Robert N. (Tucson AZ) Kern Ronald M. (Tucson AZ) Micka William F. (Tucson AZ), Software directed microcode state save for distributed storage controller.
  11. Albert, Mark; Howes, Richard A.; Jordan, James A.; Kersey, Edward A.; LeBlanc, William M.; Menditto, Louis F.; O'Rourke, Chris; Tiwari, Pranav Kumar; Wong, Bruce F., Stateful failover of service managers.
  12. Bhargava Gautam ; Narang Inderpal Singh ; Teng James Z., System and method for continuous destaging of changed data from a shared cache in a multisystem shared disk environment.
  13. Soloway, Stuart R.; Yang, Henry S.; Beal, David D., Trunking inter-switch links.

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