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[미국특허] Fluorescent lamp holder with integral locking mechanism 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01R-033/02
  • H01R-033/00
  • H01R-033/08
  • H01R-033/05
출원번호 US-0314896 (2005-12-20)
등록번호 US-7448892 (2008-11-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Dowdle,Todd
  • Mast,Scott
출원인 / 주소
  • Leviton Manufacturing Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Weiss & Arons, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 9  인용 특허 : 15


This invention is directed to a lamp holder for receiving the contact pins at the end of a fluorescent lamp. More specifically, for a ceiling mounted fixture, the lamp holders for the contact pins of a fluorescent lamp each include two downwardly extending straight elongated slots or channels spaced


What is claimed is: 1. A lamp holder for a fluorescent lamp comprising: two straight parallel slots, elongated in a first direction, for receiving the contact pins at an end of the lamp; contacts, fixed in said first direction with respect to the slots, for engaging the contact pins at an end of th

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (15) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Johnson George E. (Bronxville NY) Newman Walter (Bayside NY), Anti-theft electrical socket for four pin U-shaped fluorescent lamp.
  2. Newman Walter ; Balaban David B., Anti-theft lamp adapter.
  3. Newman Walter ; Balaban David B., Anti-theft lamp adapter.
  4. Vogt, Karl-Wilhelm; Greschner, Hartmut, Bipin lamp socket.
  5. Johnson George E. (Bronxville NY) Newman Walter (Forest Hills NY), Clip device.
  6. Chase Charles (East Meadow NY) Brenner Stanley S. (Massapequa NY), Combined anti-rotational bracket and snap-in clip.
  7. Johnson George E. (Bronxville NY) Newman Walter (Bayside NY), Combined electrical socket and retainer for four pin U-shaped fluorescent lamp.
  8. Gust James M. (Wolcottville IN) Burwell John W. (Rome City IN) Young Roger W. (Millersburg IN), Fluorescent lamp holder.
  9. Johnson George E. (Bronxville NY) Newman Walter (Forest Hills NY), Lamp holder with self-locking device.
  10. Chen, Chuan-Ying, Lamp socket for holding lamp tube.
  11. Brenner Stanley S. (Massapequa NY) Chase Charles (East Meadow NY), Lockable lampholder mounting system.
  12. Kemp Richard R. (Urbana OH), Self-locking bipin lamp holder.
  13. Gaynor Edwin (Southport CT) Dinsdale John C. (Stratford CT), Socket for compact fluorescent lamps.
  14. Chen Chuan-Ying,TWX, Structure of a fluorescent tube seat.
  15. Johnson George E. (Bronxville NY) Newman Walter (Bayside NY), Theft-resistant device for fluorescent lamp.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (9) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Wadhwani, Dinesh, Electric lamp socket.
  2. Quercia, Robert; Galluccio, Greg; Tufano, Antony; Schapira, Francisco; Sarino, Ruel, Fluorescent lamp support.
  3. Tufano, Anthony; Balaban, David B., Fluorescent lampholder.
  4. Tufano, Anthony; Balaban, David B., Fluorescent lampholder.
  5. Tufano, Anthony; Balaban, David B., Fluorescent lampholder.
  6. Galluccio, Gregory; Tufano, Anthony; Schapira, Francisco; Salazar, Carlos, Lamp socket having a rotor.
  7. Galluccio, Gregory; Tufano, Anthony; Schapira, Francisco; Vasquez, Cesar; Salazar, Carlos, Lamp socket having a rotor assembly.
  8. May, Michael W., Lighting assembly.
  9. May, Michael W., Networked LED lighting system.

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