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[미국특허] Aircraft wing systems for providing differential motion to deployable lift devices 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64C-003/50
  • B64C-003/00
  • B64C-009/00
출원번호 US-0935846 (2004-09-08)
등록번호 US-7494094 (2009-02-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • Good,Mark S.
  • Viigen,Paul M.
  • Gitnes,Seth E.
  • Thomas,Glynn Michael
출원인 / 주소
  • The Boeing Company
대리인 / 주소
    Perkins Coie LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 20  인용 특허 : 214


Systems and methods for providing differential motion to wing high lift devices are disclosed. A system in accordance with one embodiment of the invention includes a wing having a leading edge, a trailing edge, a first deployable lift device with a first spanwise location, and a second deployable li


We claim: 1. An aircraft wing system, comprising: a wing having a leading edge and a trailing edge; a first deployable lift device having a first spanwise location and being movable relative to the wing from a stowed position to at least one first deployed position; a second deployable lift device

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (214) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Tulinius Jan (Huntington Beach CA), Active flexible wing aircraft control system.
  2. Crouch Jeffrey D. ; Spalart Philippe R., Active system for early destruction of trailing vortices.
  3. Walters Marvin M. (Lansdale PA) Kern Steven B. (Holland PA), Active vortex control for a high performance wing.
  4. Rudolph Peter K. C. (13683 18th Ave. SW. Seattle WA 98166), Actuating apparatus for a flap system having an upper surface blowing powered lift system.
  5. Portier Serge (Clichy FR), Actuating system for wing leading-edge slats.
  6. Burandt Wesley A. (Rockford IL) Metcalf Jeffrey D. (Rockford IL) Wingate Duane (Rockford IL), Actuator system.
  7. Young Kendall G. ; Zimmerman Phil S., Adaptive control surface apparatus.
  8. Recksiek,Martin; Rechter,Harald; Besing,Wolfgang, Adaptive flap and slat drive system for aircraft.
  9. Borzachillo Angelo (San Marcos CA), Aeroelastic control flap.
  10. Voogt,Nicolaas, Aerospace vehicle fairing systems and associated methods.
  11. Owen James E. (Shaker Heights OH) Vogt J. William (South Russell OH), Agglomerate containing fibrous polytetrafluoroethylene.
  12. Lam Lawrence Y. ; Lam Michael, Aileron for fixed wing aircraft.
  13. Lam, Lawrence Y.; Lam, Michael, Aileron for fixed wing aircraft.
  14. Thornburg Francis L. (Canoga Park CA), Aileron segment control for a flaperon system.
  15. Peter May DE, Aircraft airfoil with close-mounted engine and leading edge high lift system.
  16. Fortes Rudy F. (Seattle WA), Aircraft control surface linkage.
  17. Pohl,Ulrich; Thomas,Carsten, Aircraft flap or slat drive system with redundant drives and shaft drive lines.
  18. Bacon, Peter William; Tucker, David Roy; McLoughlin, Adam John; Coleman, David, Aircraft flight surface control system.
  19. Weiland Richard H. (Seattle WA) Franklin William L. (Bothell WA), Aircraft trailing edge flap apparatus.
  20. Maieli Joseph R. (Central Islip NY) Rosenthal Gordon (Jericho NY) Torrillo Domenick T. (Dix Hills NY), Aircraft wing.
  21. Rowarth Ralph (South Cave GB2), Aircraft wing drooping leading edge device.
  22. Pauly, Bernard; Ciprian, Danilo, Aircraft wing provided with a high-lift system in its leading edge.
  23. Wang Timothy (Bellevue WA), Aircraft wing stall control device and method.
  24. Sepstrup James L. (King County WA), Aircraft wings with aileron-supported ground speed spoilers and trailing edge flaps.
  25. Fletcher John J. (Renton WA), Airfoil leading edge slat apparatus.
  26. Kelley-Wickemeyer Robert H. ; Seidel Gerhard E. ; Anast Peter Z. ; McLean James Douglas, Airplane with unswept slotted cruise wing airfoil.
  27. Kenneth Edward Hart, All-hydraulic powered horizontal stabilizer trim control surface position control system.
  28. Rudolph Peter K. C. (Seattle WA) Georgefalvy Dezso (Mercer Island WA), Anti-icing system for aircraft.
  29. Briffe Michel,FRX ; Mitaux-Maurouard Guy,FRX, Apparatus and method for aircraft display and control.
  30. Bliesner Wayne T. (Snohomish WA) Wang Timothy (Bellevue WA) Stoner Ronald C. (Bellevue WA), Apparatus and method for aircraft wing stall control.
  31. Kunz Rdiger (Munich DEX), Apparatus for closing an air gap between a flap and an aircraft.
  32. Pitt,Dale M., Apparatus for increase of aircraft lift and maneuverability.
  33. Moelter Gunther (Ottobrunn DEX) Mueller Hermann (Munich DEX) Kunz Ruediger (Munich DEX), Apparatus for operating flap means secured to the wing of an aircraft.
  34. Perin Robert (Pibrac FRX) Jourdan Pierre (Blagnac FRX) Pauly Bernard (Blagnac FRX), Arrowlike aircraft wing equipped with a high-lift system and with a pylon for suspending the engine.
  35. Boehringer, Wilfred Earl, Augmenting flight control surface actuation system and method.
  36. Borzachillo Angelo (Torrance CA), Auxiliary flaperon control for aircraft.
  37. Matthews Francis, Auxiliary spoiler retract system.
  38. Richard John McKay GB, Brake assembly.
  39. Jones, Kelly, Brake systems for aircraft wing flaps and other control surfaces.
  40. Squirrell Anton F. (Mellingen CHX), Cantilever spring seals for gas isolators.
  41. Manthey Heinz (Hamburg DEX) Glimmann Hans (Horneburg DEX) Tyburski Gustav (Stade DEX) Schultz Holger (Hamburg DEX) Probst Arne (Hamburg DEX) Poppinga Georg (Halstenbeck DEX) Nocon Guenther (Buxtehude, Ceiling luggage compartment combination for the passenger cabin of an aircraft.
  42. Patterson ; Jr. James C. (Newport News VA), Compression pylon.
  43. Statkus Frank D. (Woodinville WA), Continuous skin, variable camber airfoil edge actuating mechanism.
  44. Rao Dhanvada M. (Yorktown VA), Control configured vortex flaps.
  45. Moppert Joseph C., Control surface continuous seal.
  46. John Harold Caton ; Michael James Hobey ; John David Groeneveld ; Jack Howard Jacobs ; Robert Henry Wille ; Lawrence Otto. Brase, Jr., Control surface for an aircraft.
  47. Berlin J. Burton (Mercer Island WA), Control surface lock for flutter constraint.
  48. Coronel Paul K. (P.O. Box 134 Kailua-Kona HI 96730), Convertible delta wing aircraft.
  49. Hofrichter Hanns-Gerhard (Bremen DEX), Cover for flap guide rails in aircraft wings.
  50. Bachmann Lothar (Dillingham Hill Rd. ; R.F.D. #3 Auburn ME 04210) Koch William F. (R.F.D. #3 Box 483 Auburn ME 04210), Dampers with leaf spring seals.
  51. Milliere, Jérôme, Device for articulating a flap to an aircraft aerodynamic surface.
  52. Williams John K. (2975 Duke of Gloucester East Point GA 30344), Device for controlling the phased displacement of rotating shafts.
  53. Savagian Peter J. (Clarkston MI), Differential motor drive.
  54. Ewy Robert J. (Olathe KS) Burrell Gary L. (Olathe KS), Differentially coupled dual channel actuator.
  55. Sherry, Lance C.; Quarry, Steven T., Display of altitude and path capture trajectories.
  56. Domenig Georg, Drawer guide support bracket.
  57. Whitener ; Philip Charles, Efficient trailing edge system for an aircraft wing.
  58. Diller Joseph B. ; Miller ; Jr. Nicholas F., Elastomeric transition for aircraft control surface.
  59. Buus, Henning; MacFie, Thomas D.; Justad, Odd, Electric command spoiler system.
  60. Van Den Bossche, Dominique Alain; Ortega, Jean-Marc Fran.cedilla.ois Michel; Casse, Christophe Lionel Rene, Electronically controlled hydraulic actuating system.
  61. Spitzer ; Robert E. ; May ; III ; Fred W., Engine out control system for STOL aircraft.
  62. Cole James B. (Mercer Island WA), Extendable aerodynamic fairing.
  63. Kim Sharp GB, Fairing arrangement for an aircraft.
  64. Johnson,Brian D, Fairing arrangements for aircraft.
  65. Jennings Robert L. (Belfast GB5), Flap assembly.
  66. Rudolph Peter K. C. (Seattle WA), Flap assembly for aircraft wing.
  67. Pohl Ulrich (Bremen DEX), Flap drive with variable torque limiting.
  68. Brine, Gerald T., Flap mechanism.
  69. Brine Gerald T. (La Palma CA), Flap system for short takeoff and landing aircraft.
  70. Opsahl Allan W. (Renton WA), Flap torque tube slot seal.
  71. Gillingham Gary D. ; Miles Gary L., Flap/slat actuation system for an aircraft.
  72. Renken Juergen (Freyersen DEX) Martens Wilhelm (Delmenhorst DEX), Flap/spoiler combination.
  73. Narramore Jimmy C. (Bedford TX), Flaperon system for tilt rotor wings.
  74. Wingett,Paul T.; Gaines,Louie T.; Evans,Paul S.; Kern,James I., Flight control actuation system.
  75. Yount, Larry; Todd, John, Flight control module with integrated spoiler actuator control electronics.
  76. Farley Brian,GBX ; Morgan Antony,GBX ; Mountney Arthur Derek,GBX ; Matthews Timothy Robert,GBX, Flight control surface actuation system.
  77. Munoz Saiz Manuel,ESXITX 28017, Flight controls with automatic balance.
  78. Davies, Jonathan Paul; Farley, Brian, Flight surface actuator.
  79. Frazier Larry Vane W. (1460 Exeter Ave. Ventura CA 93003), Fluid pressure power plant with double-acting piston.
  80. Chenoweth Charles C. (Renton WA) Takats Imre J. (Bellevue WA), Fly-by-wire lateral control system.
  81. Herndon Gerald F. (Bellevue WA), Folding truss mechanism for trailing edge flaps.
  82. Prow, Clayton A.; Sakurai, Seiya; Wells, Stephen L., Gapped trailing-edge control surface for an airfoil.
  83. Dockter, Gregory E.; Hamilton, Brian K., Geometric morphing wing with expandable spars.
  84. Kamstra, Paulus Rein, Hand luggage locker assembly with reduced-pressure means.
  85. Nash Dudley O. (Cincinnati OH), High excursion seal with flexible membrane to prevent gas leakage through hinge.
  86. Boehringer Wilfred E. (Fullerton CA) Verhoeven Teunes (Long Beach CA), High lift surface actuation system.
  87. Baker Michael E. (Kent WA) Baker Thomas M. (Renton WA), High lift system control assembly.
  88. Rudolph Peter K. C. (Seattle WA), High taper wing tip extension.
  89. Rudolph Peter K. C. (Seattle WA), Hinge fairings for control surfaces.
  90. Smith Charles Philip (Wolverhampton EN), Hydraulic actuating arrangements.
  91. Brunner Rudolf (Baldham DEX), Hydraulic control device.
  92. Nagao Toru (Utsunomiya JPX) Kataoka Hiroyuki (Soja JPX), Hydraulic control system for aircraft.
  93. Archung Ralph (Issaquah WA), Hydraulic power supplies.
  94. Norbert A. Weisend, Jr., Inflatable airfoil device.
  95. Turner Bernus G. (Woodinville WA), Integral hydraulic blocking and relief valve.
  96. Benilan Jacques (Paris FRX), Integrated control device for a fluid circuit and applications thereof.
  97. Clark Garry E. (4605 Elmhurst Dr. Douglasville GA 30135), Internal combustion driven pumping system and variable torque transmission.
  98. Greene Vibert F. (19400 Sorenson Ave. Cupertino CA 95014), Jet airplane.
  99. Gratzer Louis B. (Seattle WA), Laminar flow control airfoil.
  100. Schuster, John H., Leading edge flap and boundary layer control system.
  101. Rao Dhanvada M. (Hampton VA), Leading edge flap system for aircraft control augmentation.
  102. Gruensfelder Cynthia Ann ; Brase ; Jr. Lawrence O., Leading edge for an aircraft.
  103. Bliesner Wayne T. (Snohomish WA), Leading edge slat/wing combination.
  104. Middleton Wilbur D. (Bellevue WA) Paulson John A. (Bellevue WA), Leading edge vortex flap for wings.
  105. Bishop David J. (821 Revere Way West Bartlesville OK 74006) Sherwin Carroll E. (10112 Samantha Ct. Oklahoma City OK 73162), Lift apparatus.
  106. Muller Dietmar,DEX, Lift body having a variable camber.
  107. Raymond Eugene T. (Kent WA), Load-adaptive hybrid actuator system and method for actuating control surfaces.
  108. Schmittle Hugh (605 Carolyn Rd. Glen Burnie MD 21061), Lockable free wing aircraft.
  109. Young Kendall Gardner ; Pauletti Steven Louis, Low density flexible edge transition.
  110. Wilfried Sprenger DE; Bernd Roessner DE, Lowerable baggage compartment for a passenger cabin.
  111. Treichler Kurt L. ; Jackson Scott G. ; Tam Siulun ; Burrows Ralph M. ; Hart Jack E., Luggage bins with articulating mechanism.
  112. Lewis George E. (Renton WA), Maneuver load alleviation system.
  113. Perez, Juan, Mechanism for at least regionally adjusting the curvature of airfoil wings.
  114. Paez Carlos A., Mechanism for streamwise fowler deployment of the wing trailing or leading edge.
  115. Williams George H. (Bristol GBX), Mechanism for supporting and extending a high lift device for aircraft wings.
  116. Griffin ; III John C. ; Gunn Peter D. ; Hayes James D., Method and apparatus for an improved flight management system providing for synchronization of control display units in.
  117. Trikha, Arun K., Method and apparatus for controlling aircraft devices with multiple actuators.
  118. Beyer, Kevin W.; Fox, Stephen J.; Lacy, Douglas S.; Sakurai, Seiya, Method and apparatus for controlling airflow with a leading edge device having a flexible flow surface.
  119. Earl K. Ferrel ; Richard P. Klingele ; Wolfram Hansis ; William B. Betters, Method and apparatus for detecting skew and asymmetry of an airplane flap.
  120. Kubbat Wolfgang (Jugenheim DEX) Mensen Heinrich (Frankfurt am Main DEX) Below Christian (Berlin DEX) Kling Heribert (Frankfurt DEX) von Viebahn Harro (Darmstadt-Eberstadt DEX), Method and apparatus for displaying flight-management information.
  121. Matthew T. Smith ; Gary L. Owen, Method and apparatus for interactively and automatically selecting, controlling and displaying parameters for an avionics electronic flight display system.
  122. Friddell, Stephen D.; Prichard, Alan K., Method and apparatus for liquid containment, such as for aircraft fuel vessels.
  123. Gleine Wolfgang,DEX ; Hilbig Reinhard,DEX ; Wendt Hans-Joachim,DEX, Method and apparatus for optimizing the aerodynamic effect of an airfoil.
  124. Gleine Wolfgang,DEX ; Hilbig Reinhard,DEX ; Wendt Hans-Joachim,DEX, Method and apparatus for optimizing the aerodynamic effect of an airfoil.
  125. Jones, Richard D.; Speer, Thomas E., Method and computer program product for controlling the actuators of an aerodynamic vehicle.
  126. Milliere,J챕r척me, Method and spoiler system for ensuring the aerodynamic continuity of the upper surface of an aircraft.
  127. Griffin, III, John C.; Mumaw, Randall J., Method and system for autoflight information display.
  128. Urnes, Sr., James M.; Hood, Mark B., Method and system for in-flight fault monitoring of flight control actuators.
  129. Abbott Terence S. (Williamsburg VA) Person ; Jr. Lee H. (Yorktown VA), Method and system for monitoring and displaying engine performance parameters.
  130. Nettle, James E.; Lord, James R., Method for reducing fuel consumption in aircraft.
  131. Staudacher Werner (Zorneding DEX), Method for steering an aircraft.
  132. Kelm Roland,DEX ; Grabietz Michael,DEX, Method of reducing wind gust loads acting on an aircraft.
  133. Dun, Roy, Methods and apparatuses for controlling airflow proximate to engine/airfoil systems.
  134. Farnsworth, Jeffrey D., Moveable closet.
  135. Buus Henning (Woodinville WA), Multiaxis redundant fly-by-wire primary flight control system.
  136. Gyde, Mike G.; Snyder, Mark I.; Stewart, Michael J., Multifunction keyboard for advanced cursor driven avionic flight decks.
  137. Harriehausen Michael (Hamburg DEX) Kasch Dieter (Buxtehude DEX) Manthey Heinz (Hamburg DEX), Overhead baggage compartment with a lowerable trough.
  138. Mueller Hans-Juergen (Henstedt-Ulzburg DEX) Schliwa Ralf (Hamburg DEX) Schwertfeger Guenther (Tournefeuille FRX), Overhead luggage compartment system for passenger aircraft.
  139. Palombo Mark A. (Edmonds WA) Walkden Arthur (Renton WA), Overhead stowage bin mechanism.
  140. Frazier Joe K. ; Shimota Robert J. ; Ferson Gary L., Overhead stowage bins in aircraft.
  141. Gleine, Wolfgang; Mau, Knut; Carl, Udo, Pressure control system for a pressure-expandable displacement element.
  142. Gautier, Jean-Pierre; Peransin-Delage, Cecile, Process and control system for an aircraft control surface actuated by multiple hydraulic jacks and with modular power.
  143. Moutet nee Layrisse Helene Denise (Massy FR) Pugibet Maurice J. (Paris FR) Scherchen Jean-Jacques (Yerres FR), Processes for the manufacture of fuel blocks containing a metallic powder and in the corresponding blocks.
  144. Breitbach Elmar J.,DEX ; Bein Thilo,DEX, Profile edge of an aerodynamic profile.
  145. Brogdon ; Jr. Glenn F. (14505 Hamowell St. Manassas VA 22110), Quick-release roller attachment for supporting a rope or hose and the like on an aerial ladder.
  146. Garland Philip H. (Bristol GB3) Conner Michael J. (Bristol GB3) Gill Peter R. (Bristol GB3), Rigging of aircraft wing flaps.
  147. Capbern Patrick (Cornebarrieu FRX) Charieras Jrme (Toulouse FRX) Chaumel Pascal (Plaisance du Touch FRX), Rigid kruger nose for the leading edge of an aircraft wing.
  148. Wataru Yada JP; Hiroshi Yamanouchi JP; Minoru Uchida JP; Katsutoshi Tada JP, Rotor blade operating device in airplane and flaperon operating device in airplane.
  149. Machida Shigeru,JPX, Rotor blade with a rotary spoiler.
  150. Young Kendall Gardner ; Pauletti Steven Louis, Rotor driven edge.
  151. Nozaki Yoshio (No. 89 ; Saiwai-cho Inazawa-shi ; Aichi-ken JPX), STOL aircraft.
  152. Nusbaum Steve R., STOL aircraft and wing slat actuating mechanism for same.
  153. Philip Watts ; Frank E. Fish, Scalloped wing leading edge.
  154. Einarsson Stefan (Lindome SEX), Sealing means for a door lacking a threshold.
  155. Pohl Ulrich (Bremen DEX) Renken Juergen (Freyersen DEX), Segmentized flap system.
  156. Vijgen Paul M. H. W. (Hampton VA) Howard Floyd G. (Hampton VA) Bushnell Dennis M. (Wicomico VA) Holmes Bruce J. (Newport News VA), Serrated trailing edges for improving lift and drag characteristics of lifting surfaces.
  157. Arata Allen A., Single surface independent aircraft control.
  158. Bedell Jeffrey C. (Renton WA) Berta Wayne M. (Kent WA), Skew and loss detection system for adjacent high lift devices.
  159. Bedell Jeffrey C. (Renton WA) Berta Wayne M. (Kent WA), Skew and loss detection system for individual high lift devices.
  160. Richard John McKay GB; David John Langford GB; Stephen Harlow Davies GB, Skew detection system.
  161. Dizdarevic Faruk, Slot forming segments and slot changing spoilers.
  162. Vassberg,John C.; Gea,Lie Mine; McLean,James D.; Witkowski,David P.; Krist,Steven E.; Campbell,Richard L., Slotted aircraft wing.
  163. Siers Geoffrey L., Slotted cruise trailing edge flap.
  164. Andrews Dana G. (Seattle WA), Slotted variable camber flap.
  165. Koppelman H. John, Spherical mating fairings for hingeline applications.
  166. Welsch John H. (Moscow PA) Meacham Thomas E. (Mountaintop PA), Storage system including a vertically retractable storage unit.
  167. Steidl Robert H. (Everett WA), Stowage bin mechanism.
  168. Laurent Ulf,SEX, Supporting arrangement, for ovens or the like, suspended on parallel links.
  169. Matich Charles B. (Seattle WA), System and method for controlling an aircraft flight control member.
  170. Yu-Hang Ho, System and method for deflecting an aerodynamic control surface.
  171. Bellego Roger (Blagnac FRX) Foch Etienne (Toulouse FRX), System for controlling the high-lift flaps of an aircraft.
  172. Thoraval Bruno (Frepillon FRX) Bertrand Jean-Luc (Tours FRX), System for servo-controlling an aircraft flight control member.
  173. Huynh,Neal V., Systems, apparatuses, and methods for moving aircraft control surfaces.
  174. Bruce D. Charles ; Ahmed A. Hassan ; Hormoz Tadghighi ; Ram D. JanakiRam, Tapered/segmented flaps for rotor blade-vortex interaction (BVI) noise and vibration reduction.
  175. Sakurai Seiya (Seattle WA), Three-position variable camber Krueger leading edge flap.
  176. Dean Roy D. (Seattle WA), Three-position variable camber flap.
  177. Jackson John (Renton WA) Gucker Mark J. (Kirkland WA) Smith Mark H. (Birmingham AL), Thrust reverser synchronization shaft lock.
  178. Palmer Harry W. (P.O. Box 821 Denmark ME 04022), Torsional twist airfoil control means.
  179. Rudolph Peter K. C. (Seattle WA) Hudson Verne L. (Bellevue WA), Trailing edge flap assembly.
  180. Cole James B. (Mercer Island WA), Trailing edge flaps having spanwise aerodynamic slot opening and closing mechanism.
  181. Zimmer Herbert (Friedrichshafen DEX), Transverse driving bodies, particularly airplane wings.
  182. Coronel Paul K. (P.O. Box 134 Kailua-Kona HI 96740), Transverse wing actuation system.
  183. Whelchel Robert J. (Dunwoody GA) Lawrence William A. P. (Simi Valley CA), Unitary elevator up level control valve.
  184. Hiroaki Kitamoto JP; Kaoru Hasegawa JP; Kenjiro Shimada JP, Valve apparatus for controlling hydraulic pressure for a clutch or a brake and method for controlling hydraulic pressure.
  185. Sherman ; Irving R., Variable aerodynamic compression flaps.
  186. Cole James B. (Mercer Island WA), Variable camber airfoil.
  187. Cole James B. (Mercer Island WA), Variable camber airfoil.
  188. Cole James B. (Mercer Island WA), Variable camber leading edge assembly for an airfoil.
  189. Cole James B. (Mercer Island WA), Variable camber leading edge assembly for an airfoil.
  190. Wang Timothy (Bellevue WA), Variable camber leading edge flap.
  191. Zapel Edwin J. (Box 433 Maple Valley WA 98038), Variable camber leading edge for airfoil.
  192. Seiya Sakurai ; Stephen John Fox, Variable camber leading edge for an airfoil.
  193. McKinney Maurice E. (Bellevue WA) Rudolph Peter K. C. (Seattle WA), Variable camber leading edge mechanism with Krueger flap.
  194. McKinney Maurice E. (Bellevue WA), Variable camber trailing edge for airfoil.
  195. Zapel ; Edwin J., Variable camber trailing edge for airfoil.
  196. Broadbent Michael C,GBX ITX MK43 OJT, Variable camber wing mechanism.
  197. Dean Roy Delmar (Seattle WA) Weiland Richard Herschel (Seattle WA), Variable pivot trailing edge flap.
  198. Ciprian Danilo,FRX ; Hemadou Benoit,FRX ; Chaumel Pascal,FRX, Variable slot airbrake for aircraft wing.
  199. Vassberg, John Charles; Gregg, III, Robert D., Variable trailing edge geometry and spanload control.
  200. Harper Philip M. (Bellevue WA) Johnson Kirby W. (Brier WA), Variable twist leading edge flap.
  201. Cole, James B., Variable-camber airfoil.
  202. Miller Samuel A. (Ridgecrest CA), Wide angle gimbal system.
  203. Cole James B. (Mercer Island WA), Wind edge movable airfoil having variable camber.
  204. Orazi Paul, Wing assemblies for aircraft.
  205. Stephenson Martin F. (Issaquah WA), Wing flap mechanism.
  206. Proksch Hans-Jrg (Hagnau DEX) Welte Dieter (Markdorf DEX) Zimmer Herbert (Friedrichshafen DEX) Lotz ; deceased Michael (late of Immenstaad DEX by Carla Lotz ; ne Post ; Andreas Lotz ; heirs), Wing for short take-off and landing aircraft.
  207. Hinkleman Michael J., Wing leading edge flap and method therefor.
  208. Lewis Delbert S. (Bellevue WA), Wing leading edge high lift device.
  209. Brown Robert B. (Kent WA), Wing leading edge slat.
  210. Lewis George E. (Renton WA) Thomasson Robert E. (Seattle WA) Nelson David W. (Redmond WA), Wing lift/drag optimizing system.
  211. Rogers John T. (Bellevue WA) Manning Kenneth J. R. (Bellevue WA), Wing load alleviation system using tabbed allerons.
  212. Woods Quentin T. (Woodinville WA), Wing major assembly jig.
  213. Lotz ; deceased Michael (late of Immenstaad DEX by Carla Lotz ne Post ; heir and Andreas Lotz ; heir) Vanino ; deceased Rdiger (late of Hagnau DEX H. L. I. M. Vanino ; heir) Khl Peter (Immenstaad DEX, Wing sections, in particular lift-wing sections for aircraft.
  214. Victor Paul F. (Redmond WA), Wing trailing edge air dam.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (20) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Moser, Matthew A.; Finn, Michael R., Adaptive trailing edge actuator system and method.
  2. Good, Mark; Johnson, Paul, Adjustment of wings for variable camber for optimum take-off and landing.
  3. Morgan, Brian Herman; Hagen, David LeRoy, Aircraft attitude control configuration.
  4. Morgan, Brian Herman; Hagen, David LeRoy, Aircraft attitude control configuration.
  5. Morgan, Brian Herman; Hagen, David LeRoy, Aircraft attitude control configuration.
  6. Chantriaux, Eric; Chretien, Pascal, Aircraft comprising a distributed electric power unit with free wheels.
  7. Lacy, Douglas S.; Beyer, Kevin W.; Brown, Stephen T.; Dees, Paul W.; Huynh, Neal V.; Kordel, Jan A.; Prow, Clayton A.; Sakurai, Seiya, Aircraft trailing edge devices, including devices with non-parallel motion paths, and associated methods.
  8. Nfonguem, Gustave; Chouinard, Patrick; Plante, Jean-Sebastien, Apparatus and methods for actuation of flight control surfaces.
  9. Pachikara, Abraham J.; Moser, Matthew A.; Carpenter, Paul H.; Finn, Michael R.; Koch, Thomas S.; Bieniawski, Stefan R.; Whitehead, Brian T., Closed loop control of aircraft control surfaces.
  10. Moser, Matthew A.; Finn, Michael R.; Thoreen, Adam, Control interface for leading and trailing edge devices.
  11. Moser, Matthew A.; Liu, Benjamin M.; Finn, Michael R., Leading and trailing edge device deflections during descent of an aircraft.
  12. Moser, Matthew A.; Finn, Michael R.; Park, Duk; Konings, Christopher A., Leading edge system and method for approach noise reduction.
  13. Moser, Matthew A.; Gardner, Mark J.; Finn, Michael R.; Good, Mark S.; Malachowski, Adam P.; Thommen, Monica E.; Amorosi, Stephen R.; Onu, Dan, Leading edge variable camber system and method.
  14. Moser, Matthew A.; Finn, Michael R.; Liu, Benjamin M., Optimized flap positioning for go-around operations.
  15. Manley, David J.; Grip, Robert E., Shape-changing control surface.
  16. Moser, Matthew A.; Finn, Michael R.; Gardner, Mark J.; Murphy, Robert M.; Thoreen, Adam, System and method for optimizing performance of an aircraft.
  17. Moser, Matthew A.; Leopold, David D.; Finn, Michael R., System and method for reducing the stopping distance of an aircraft.
  18. Reckzeh, Daniel, System for setting the span load distribution of a wing.
  19. Bleazard, Mark, Torque tube door.
  20. Moser, Matthew A.; Finn, Michael R.; Gardner, Mark J.; Good, Mark S.; Jones, Sarah A., Variable camber flap system and method.

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