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[미국특허] Container lid 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 07-02
출원번호 US-0318118 (2008-05-13)
등록번호 US-D586179 (2009-02-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Furlong,Brian D.
출원인 / 주소
  • Rubbermaid Incorporated
대리인 / 주소
    Lempia Braidwood LLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 35  인용 특허 : 35


초록이 없습니다.


CLAIM The ornamental design for a "container lid," as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (35) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Chen, Jeffrey; Chen, Corey, Container.
  2. Gosen, Craig R.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Stanos, Lawrence C.; Schultz, Marissa A. K.; Ordiway, Timothy R.; Broen, Nancy L.; Enriquez, Nheeda C.; Moore, Devin L.; Hodge, Donald E., Container.
  3. Porchia Jose ; Zettle Jeffey J., Container Having a selectively detachable lid including an interrupted reinforcing bead.
  4. Andress Bradley W. ; Rude Dale V. ; VanKeuren Dick E., Container assemblies of different sizes which stack, nest and assemble separately and in combinaton.
  5. Stucke, Donald; Kishbaugh, Ronald G., Container assembly and nesting set thereof.
  6. Daenen Robert H. C. M. (Hekelgem BEX), Container closure alignment device.
  7. Pulciani Sam C. (Norridge IL) Szczerba Robert M. (Algonquin IL), Container profile with stacking feature.
  8. Adams Kathleen (3550 Marlesta Dr. San Diego CA 92111), Container storage system.
  9. Kuhn Jacques (Rikon CHX), Cooking, serving and warm-keeping arrangement.
  10. Rohlfs, Joey L, Disposable sipper cups.
  11. Anthony Demore, Food container lid.
  12. Davis Paul (Swampscott MA), Food container with integral dish and cover.
  13. VanValkenburg Terry L. (Elk River MN) Andress Bradley W. (Hudson WI) Davis Gregg M. (Columbus OH) Koenig John W. (Columbus OH), Food storage container.
  14. Staufenberg Donald J. (Hudsonville MI), Food storage dish.
  15. Tenney Brian J. (3371 Merrimac Dr. San Jose CA 95117-3623) Tenney Kerry L. (3371 Merrimac Dr. San Jose CA 95117-3623), Multi-functional space saving container system.
  16. Abrums Rolin L., Nestable and stackable storage unit.
  17. Abrums Rolin L. (4243 White Sands Dr. Las Vegas NV 89121), Nestable and stackable storage unit.
  18. Jones Wilfred L. (Hereford GB2), Nestable container.
  19. McNeeley, Carolyn M.; Sturgin, Leighann, Nestable food storage lids and container base.
  20. Goulette Stephen L. (Newark NY), Nestable hinged container for the display and storage of consumer articles.
  21. Mercier, Doug; Griffith, Richard E., Nesting containers and lids.
  22. Hammer ; Gregory, Nonlocking nestable container.
  23. Shumrak ; George K. ; Davis ; Paul, Plastic food container.
  24. Tyler Frank S. (Wirral GB2), Reinforced nestable containers.
  25. McLaren Edwin C. (Apple Valley MN) Adamek David J. (Minneapolis MN), Round ice cream carton lid.
  26. Wilson Daniel C. ; Zettle Jeffrey J. ; Hodge Donald E. ; Schaper Eric B., Square container with lid.
  27. Sahm, III, Victor A., Stackable and nestable container.
  28. Mitchell James M. (Huntington Beach CA), Stackable container.
  29. Gwilliam ; Jr. James L. (Salt Lake City UT) Cameron ; Jr. Warde Mitchell (Salt Lake City UT), Stackable container lid.
  30. Fischer Dan E. (Sandy UT), Stackable container system.
  31. Lown John M. ; Marcello Thomas J., Stackable containers with removable cover members.
  32. Grusin Gerald M. (Chicago IL), Stackable storage container.
  33. Havens Petrina L. (39053 Polo Club 104 Farmington Hills MI 48335) Havens Jeffrey L. (Farmington Hills MI), Storage container set.
  34. DeMars Robert A. (23221 Ladrillo Ave. Woodland Hills CA 91367), Storage container with reversible lid.
  35. Paladino, Jason Joseph, Thin wall closure for use with a container.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (35) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Manley, James Richard, Clip for a lid of a container.
  2. Brooks, TaMara V.; Wheaton, Brant P.; Butler, Adam; Martinez, Leonard Michael; Bouveret, Nicolas, Container.
  3. Capraro, Peter I.; Singh, Rishabh; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  4. Dziaba, Michele M.; Wheaton, Brant P.; Tilton, Andrew Thomas, Container.
  5. Mather, David P.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Gosen, Craig R.; Thurin, Matthew N.; Smith, Troy D.; Hanson, Michael R.; Trahan, Jason S., Container.
  6. Singh, Rishabh; Velzy, Allan Freas; Capraro, Peter I., Container.
  7. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  8. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  9. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  10. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  11. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  12. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  13. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  14. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  15. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  16. Thurin, Matthew N.; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Sandoval, Rachel, Container.
  17. Thurin, Matthew N.; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Sandoval, Rachel, Container.
  18. Lundgreen, Ken; Grider, Steve; Sitabkhan, Arif; Gephart, John; Katz, Paul; Marchiona, Tara; Climer, Kirsten; Stowell, Davin, Container assembly with flexible lid seal and releasing arrangement.
  19. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container bowl.
  20. Grider, Steven; Ludeman, Karl; Aldous, Tania; Streng, Dan, Container lid.
  21. Grider, Steven; Ludeman, Karl; Aldous, Tania; Streng, Dan, Container lid.
  22. Thurin, Matthew N.; Wlezien, Christopher M., Container lid.
  23. Harvey, Travis S.; Ludeman, Karl Edward, Lid.
  24. Sitabkhan, Arif; Grider, Steve; Lundgreen, Ken; Marchionna, Tara Marie; Climer, Kirsten, Lid.
  25. Morenstein, Joshua; Brand, Vivian; Cutter, Brian, Lid and container.
  26. Morenstein, Joshua; Barad, Vivian; Cutter, Brian; Robbins, Holly A.; Esterby, Kelly; Carrell, Jeanette; Lymn, Kim, Lid portion.
  27. Harvey, Travis S.; Grider, Steven M.; Smyers, Justin M., Nesting container lids with snap on wings.
  28. Harvey, Travis S.; Grider, Steven M.; Smyers, Justin M., Nesting container lids with snap on wings.
  29. Bushida, Mitsuru; Tanaka, Daisuke; Kado, Takashi; Yokoyama, Hiroki; Kitamasu, Masayuki, Packaging container.
  30. Scheve, Jody A., Recessed container lid.
  31. DeSiena, Jessica, Sealable container for household use.
  32. LeBoeuf, William E.; Schofield, Robert T.; Petersen, Sean T.; Boda, James C., Storage container lids.
  33. Gosen, Craig R.; Wazny, Katie M.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Thurin, Matthew N.; Mather, David P.; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Chaudry, Saad; Rathgeber, Martin, Storage container systems.
  34. Gosen, Craig R.; Wazny, Katie M.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Thurin, Matthew N.; Mather, David P.; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Chaudry, Saad; Rathgeber, Martin, Storage container systems.
  35. Gosen, Craig R.; Wazny, Katie M.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Thurin, Matthew N.; Mather, David P.; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Chaudry, Saad; Rathgeber, Martin, Storage container systems.

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