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[미국특허] Exhaust gas treatment catalyst 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01D-050/00
  • B01J-023/00
  • B01J-023/40
출원번호 US-0037362 (2008-02-26)
등록번호 US-7501098 (2009-03-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Chen,Shau Lin Franklin
  • Hu,Zhicheng
출원인 / 주소
  • BASF Catalysts LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Servilla,Scott S.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 18  인용 특허 : 12


Provided are an exhaust treatment catalyst and an exhaust article containing the catalyst. The catalyst comprises a carrier; a first layer deposited on the carrier, said first layer comprising substantially only at least one refractory metal oxide; a second layer deposited on the first layer, said s


What is claimed is: 1. An exhaust gas treatment article comprising: a catalyst, an upstream EGO or air/fuel ratio sensor and a downstream EGO sensor, wherein the catalyst comprises: (a) a carrier; (b) a first washcoat layer deposited on the carrier, said first washcoat layer comprising substantiall

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (12)

  1. Shelef Mordecai (Bloomfield Village MI) Usmen Rengin K. (Troy MI) Graham George W. (Ann Arbor MI) Watkins William L. H. (Toledo OH) McCabe Robert W. (Lathrup Village MI), Automotive catalysts with improved oxygen storage and metal dispersion.
  2. Wan Chung-Zong (Somerset NJ), Catalyst composition containing segregated platinum and rhodium components.
  3. Hindin Saul G. (Mendham NJ) Dettling Joseph C. (Jackson NJ), Catalyst manufacture.
  4. Hu Zhicheng ; Heck Ronald M. ; Rabinowitz Harold N., Close coupled catalyst.
  5. Suzuki Tadashi,JPX ; Sobukawa Hideo,JPX, Composite oxide, composite oxide carrier and catalyst.
  6. Morikawa, Akira; Hatanaka, Miho; Imagawa, Haruo; Suda, Akihiko; Takahashi, Naoki, Composite oxide, process for producing the same, catalyst for purifying exhaust gas, and process for producing the same.
  7. Dieter Lindner DE; Renee Van Yperen DE; Lothar Mussmann DE; Egbert Lox DE; Thomas Kreuzer DE, Exhaust gas treatment catalyst for internal combustion engines with two catalytically active layers on a carrier structure.
  8. Sung Shiang ; Rabinowitz Harold N. ; Smaling Rudolf M., Exhaust gas treatment system.
  9. Deeba, Michel; Steger, John J.; Rabinowitz, Harold N.; Foong, John S., Layered catalyst composite.
  10. Mussmann Lothar,DEX ; Lindner Dieter,DEX ; Harris Michael,DEX ; Kreuzer Thomas,DEX ; Lox Egbert,DEX, Layered noble metal-containing exhaust gas catalyst and its preparation.
  11. Kumar,Sanath V.; Rabinowitz,Harold N., Multi-zoned catalyst and trap.
  12. Muhammed,Mamoun; Adamopoulos,Othan; Bog,Tassilo; Mussmann,Lothar; Lindner,Dieter; Votsmeier,Martin; Feger,Matthias; Lox,Egbert; Kreuzer,Thomas, Oxygen storage material, process for its preparation and its application in a catalyst.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (18)

  1. Bailey, Owen Herman; Hedgecock, Matthew; Schuetze, Frank-Walter; Woerz, Anke, Architectural diesel oxidation catalyst for enhanced NO2 generator.
  2. Liu, Xinsheng; Liu, Ye; Tran, Pascaline Harrison; Alive, Keshavaraja; Galligan, Michael P., Carbon monoxide conversion catalyst.
  3. Gabriel, Wolfgang; Hanke, Ingo, Catalyst design and preparation process for steam-reforming catalysts.
  4. Hao, Xianghong; Cai, Juan, Engine exhaust catalysts containing copper-ceria.
  5. Segawa, Yoshihide, Exhaust emission control catalyst.
  6. Chinzei, Isao, Exhaust gas purification catalyst.
  7. Lim, Cheol Beom; Nam, Yoon Sang; Choung, Jin Woo; Song, Youngil, Gas purifying catalyst for internal combustion engine.
  8. Southward, Barry W. L.; Nunan, John G., High Pd content diesel oxidation catalysts with improved hydrothermal durability.
  9. Xue, Wen-Mei; Siani, Attilio; Hochmuth, John K.; Kinne, Markus; Kielbassa, Stefan, Integrated LNT-TWC catalyst.
  10. Xue, Wen-Mei; Siani, Attilio; Hochmuth, John K.; Kinne, Markus; Kielbassa, Stefan, Integrated LNT-TWC catalyst.
  11. Chen, Shau-Lin F.; Wassermann, Knut; Siemund, Stephan; Luo, Tian; Neubauer, Torsten; Sakakibara, Jin; Rabinowitz, Harold, Multilayered catalyst compositions.
  12. Chen, Shau-Lin Franklin; Sakakibara, Jin; Luo, Tian; Rabinowitz, Harold, Multilayered catalyst compositions.
  13. Kim, Chang H; Heo, Iljeong; Oh, Se H.; Li, Wei; Schmid, Michelle H, Oxidation catalysts for engines producing low temperature exhaust streams.
  14. Deeba, Michel; Luo, Tian; Ramos, Josephine, Palladium-supported catalyst composites.
  15. Galligan, Michael P.; Tran, Pascaline H.; Alive, Keshavaraja; Liu, Ye, Small engine layered catalyst article and method of making.
  16. Nunan, John G.; Klingmann, Raoul; Andersen, Ryan J.; Clark, Davion Onuga; Moser, David Henry, Three-way catalyst having an upstream single-layer catalyst.
  17. Nunan, John G.; Klingmann, Raoul; Andersen, Ryan; Clark, Davion; Moser, David H., Three-way catalyst having an upstream single-layer catalyst.
  18. Schoenhaber, Jan; Despres, Joel; Richter, Joerg-Michael; Roesch, Martin, Three-way catalytic converter.

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