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MBMS PtP and PtM channel change 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H04Q-007/20
출원번호 US-0525144 (2003-08-14)
등록번호 US-7509127 (2009-03-24)
우선권정보 CN-02 1 30570(2002-08-16)
국제출원번호 PCT/KR03/001649 (2003-08-14)
§371/§102 date 20051013 (20051013)
국제공개번호 WO04/017580 (2004-02-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Wang,Hong
  • Li,Detao
  • Sun,Chunying
  • Li,Xiaoqiang
출원인 / 주소
  • Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
  • Beljing Samsung Telecom R&D Center
대리인 / 주소
    The Farrell Law Firm, PC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 15  인용 특허 : 2


A channel type switching method for Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service (MBMS) point-to-point (P-t-P) channel and point-to-multi point (P-t-M) channel is provided. When a user equipment (UE) moves to a cell in a drift radio network controller (DRNC) with an Iur interface, the DRNC decides to


What is claimed is: 1. A channel type switching method for a Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service (MBMS) Point to Point (P-t-P) and Point to Multi point (P-t-M) channel, when a UE having MBMS service moves to a cell in a Destination Radio Network Controller (DRNC) that has an Iur interface wi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Naghian,Siam채k, Method for positioning a mobile station.
  2. Sarkkinen, Sinikka; Koulakiotis, Dimitris; Alakoski, Timo, Network initialized packet data protocol context activation for multicast/broadcast services.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (15)

  1. Johansson, Johan; Roberts, Michael, Load control of UE MBMS measurement reporting.
  2. Sebire, Guillaume; Kangas, Antti O., MBMS feedback and neighboring cell measurement reporting.
  3. Cai, Zhijun; Harrison, Robert M., Method and apparatus for scheduling and synchronizing a multimedia broadcast/multicast service.
  4. Marocchi, James A.; Miller, Trent J.; Monks, Deborah J., Method and system for delivering media to a plurality of mobile devices in a cell with a group transport function.
  5. Widegren, Ina, Methods and apparatuses relating to multimedia broadcast multicast services.
  6. Grilli, Francesco; Vayanos, Alkinoos Hector; Casaccia, Lorenzo, Methods for forward error correction coding above a radio link control layer and related apparatus.
  7. Grilli, Francesco; Vayanos, Alkinoos Hector; Casaccia, Lorenzo, Methods for seamless delivery of broadcast and multicast content across cell borders and/or between different transmission schemes and related apparatus.
  8. Chen, Tao; Willenegger, Serge D.; Wei, Yongbin; Vayanos, Alkinoos H., Multi-media broadcast and multicast service (MBMS) in a wireless communication system.
  9. Vayanos, Alkinoos Hector; Grilli, Francesco, Outer coding methods for broadcast/multicast content and related apparatus.
  10. Vayanos, Alkinoos Hector; Grilli, Francesco, Outer coding methods for broadcast/multicast content and related apparatus.
  11. Vayanos, Alkinoos Hector; Grilli, Francesco, Outer coding methods for broadcast/multicast content and related apparatus.
  12. Nakamata, Masatoshi; Ranta-aho, Karri, Reconfiguration of fractional dedicated channel slot format.
  13. Hu, Hao, Service transmission method for multimedia broadcast/multicast service.
  14. Terry, Stephen E.; Zhang, Guodong; Miller, James M.; Dick, Stephen G., Wireless communication method and system for configuring radio access bearers for enhanced uplink services.
  15. Terry, Stephen E.; Zhang, Guodong; Miller, James M.; Dick, Stephen G., Wireless communication method and system for configuring radio access bearers for enhanced uplink services.
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