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Contaminant analyzer for fuel 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01J-001/10
출원번호 UP-0627105 (2007-01-25)
등록번호 US-7518719 (2009-07-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sprenger, Greg
  • Stevens, Jed
  • White, Michael
  • Hillis, Richard
  • Lavenberg, Jacob
  • Templeman, Chris
출원인 / 주소
  • Velcon Filters, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Fraser Clemens Martin & Miller LLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 9


A method and apparatus for detecting contaminants in hydrocarbon fuel are disclosed, wherein a fuel analyzer includes a flow sensor to facilitate an automatic start up and shut down of a fuel analysis, and a calibration standard to facilitate an inline calibration of the fuel analyzer.


What is claimed is: 1. Apparatus for analyzing fuel comprising: means for conveying fuel from a source along a path; means for analyzing the fuel being conveyed for at least one of water contamination and particulate contamination in the fuel, the means for analyzing the fuel including a light sour

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (9)

  1. Leveille, Michael J., Calibration medium for wavelength calibration of U.V. absorbance detectors and methods for calibration.
  2. Custer Craig S. (1430 NE. 28th Ct. Pompano Beach FL 33064), Excess flow control device.
  3. Frngel Frank (Im Glockenacker 2 8053 Zrich CHX), Forward-scatter visibility meter.
  4. Russ ; deceased Daniel G. (late of Fort Wayne by Ruth S. Russ ; executrix) Nichols Vilmer L. (Fort Wayne) Modezjewski Steven E. (Fort Wayne) Miller Michael R. (Churubusco IN), Fuel contamination detector.
  5. Johnson Nick M. (11663 Par Ave. Los Altos CA 94024) Cheah Chun-Foong (1420 Turk St. ; #905 San Francisco CA 94115), IC for producing an output voltage related to fuel composition in a capacitive fuel sensor.
  6. Suter, James R.; Borgman, Russell L.; Corrales, Joe L.; Sammons, John K.; Hensley, Marvin R.; Brasset, Edward J., Method for automated management of hydrocarbon gathering systems.
  7. Russ ; deceased Daniel G. (late of Fort Wayne IN by Ruth S. Russ ; executrix ) Haddad Karl I. (Fort Wayne IN), Particulate and free water contamination measuring apparatus.
  8. Nagayoshi, Atsuhiro, Side multiple-lamp type on-line inside quality inspecting device.
  9. Bartz Robert (353356 Riverside Dr. Albany OR 97321), Underwater light scattering sensor.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5)

  1. Hutchinson, Ray, Apparatuses and methods for providing visual indication of dynamic process fuel quality delivery conditions with use of multiple colored indicator lights.
  2. Kastner, Christopher K.; Jensen, Kevin G.; Wetmore, Phillip A., Automated fuel quality detection and dispenser control system and method, particularly for aviation fueling applications.
  3. Kastner, Christopher K.; Jensen, Kevin G.; Wetmore, Phillip A., Automated fuel quality detection and dispenser control system and method, particularly for aviation fueling applications.
  4. Pérez, Camilo Vazquez, Fuel quality traceable and remote system.
  5. Burns, David; Borjon, Tomas; Scott, Mark, Systems and methods for measurement and analysis of pipeline contaminants.
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