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[미국특허] Seal and locking plate for turbine rotor assembly between turbine blade and turbine vane 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F01D-011/02
  • F01D-011/00
  • F01D-005/32
  • F01D-005/00
출원번호 UP-0183708 (2005-07-18)
등록번호 US-7520718 (2009-07-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Engle, Darren T.
출원인 / 주소
  • Siemens Energy, Inc.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 13


A seal plate system adapted to fit between axially adjacent turbine blades and turbine vanes is disclosed. The seal plate system may be formed from a plate adapted to position a turbine blade in a rotor assembly and lock the turbine blade into the rotor assembly. The plate may also function to seal


I claim: 1. A plate positionable between adjacent turbine blades, comprising: a generally curved body that is curved circumferentially about a longitudinal axis of a turbine rotor assembly and having an engaging surface for contacting a root of a turbine blade to position the turbine blade axially

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Brisson, Bruce William; Burnett, Mark Edward; Baily, Frederick George; Caruso, David Alan; Turnquist, Norman Arnold; Wolfe, Christopher Edward, Bucket dovetail bridge member and method for eliminating thermal bowing of steam turbine rotors.
  2. Alexander Boeck DE, Connecting arrangement for two rotor disks of an axial-flow turbomachine.
  3. Joyce Michael J. (West Hartford CT), Inner turbine seal.
  4. Le Maot Theophile F. (Vert Saint Denis FRX) Marchi Marc R. (Le Mee sur Seine FRX) Ollivier Andre F. (Brie Comte Robert FRX), Multifunction labyrinth seal support disk for a turbojet engine rotor.
  5. Brisson, Bruce William; Caruso, David Alan, Raised rotor platform with an internal breech ring locking mechanism for brush seal application in a turbine and methods of installation.
  6. Race,Nathan; Worley,Kevin; Lecuyer,Raymond, Rotating seal arrangement for turbine bucket cooling circuits.
  7. Peters Gary P. (Glastonbury CT), Rotating seal for gas turbine engine.
  8. Vollinger Gary J. (East Hartford CT), Sideplate retention for a turbine rotor.
  9. Meade Robert J. (West Chester OH) Albrecht Richard W. (Fairfield OH), Turbine disk interstage seal anti-rotation key through disk dovetail slot.
  10. Meade Robert J. (West Chester OH) Albrecht Richard W. (Fairfield OH) Weisgerber Robert H. (Loveland OH), Turbine disk interstage seal axial retaining ring.
  11. Weisgerber Robert H. (Loveland OH) Albrecht Richard W. (Fairfield OH) Glynn Christopher C. (Hamilton OH) Kutney ; Jr. John T. (Cincinnati OH) Meade Robert J. (West Chester OH), Turbine disk interstage seal system.
  12. Steven Milo Toborg ; Dennis Eugene Moore ; Richard William Albrecht, Jr., Turbine interstage sealing ring.
  13. Norman Douglas Lathrop, Wheelspace windage cover plate for turbine.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Farrell, Thomas Raymond; Liotta, Gary Charles; Wilson, Ian David, Apparatus and system for sealing a turbine rotor.
  2. Tesh, Stephen William; Tourigny, John Ernest, Apparatus for turbine engine cooling air management.
  3. Tesh, Stephen William; Tourigny, John Ernest, Apparatus for turbine engine cooling air management.
  4. Lutjen, Paul M.; Joe, Christopher R., Blade outer air seal formed of stacked panels.
  5. Virkler, Scott D., Component lock for a gas turbine engine.
  6. Virkler, Scott D.; Gates, Roger, Cover plate with interstage seal for a gas turbine engine.
  7. Liotta, Gary Charles; Farrell, Thomas Raymond, Device and system for reducing secondary air flow in a gas turbine.
  8. Fulayter, Roy David; Ong, James, Fan.
  9. Fulayter, Roy David; Fanton, Bradley T., Fan assembly.
  10. Suciu, Gabriel L.; Merry, Brian D.; Hill, James D.; Zelesky, Mark F., Method and assembly for reducing secondary heat in a gas turbine engine.
  11. Virkler, Scott D.; Arnold, Jason, Multi-function heat shield for a gas turbine engine.
  12. Spracher, David Randolph; Harris, Jr., John Wesley; Potter, Brian Denver; Taylor, Zachary James; Ziegler, Ryan Zane, Near flow path seal for a turbomachine.
  13. Ruba, Daniel; Scott, Matthew; Bowman, Thomas, Retaining and sealing ring assembly.
  14. Nallam, Revanth Krishna; Mukhopadhyay, Debabrata; Srinivasan, Karthik, Seal assembly for turbine system.
  15. Thomas, David J.; Freeman, Ted J., Seal for gas turbine engines.
  16. Scholtes, Christophe, Sealing system with two rows of complementary sealing elements.
  17. Suciu, Gabriel L.; Dye, Christopher M.; Ackermann, William K.; Muron, Stephen P.; Alvanos, Ioannis; Merry, Brian D.; Salve, Arthur M.; Norris, James W., Secondary flow arrangement for slotted rotor.

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