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[미국특허] Bandwidth extension of narrowband speech 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G10L-019/06
  • G10L-019/00
출원번호 UP-0317761 (2005-12-23)
등록번호 US-7546237 (2009-07-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Nongpiur, Rajeev
  • Li, Xueman
  • Hetherington, Phillip A.
출원인 / 주소
  • QNX Software Systems (Wavemakers), Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 34  인용 특허 : 37


A system extends the bandwidth of a narrowband speech signal into a wideband spectrum. The system includes a high-band generator that generates a high frequency spectrum based on a narrowband spectrum. A background noise generator generates a high frequency background noise spectrum based on a backg


We claim: 1. A system that extends the bandwidth of a narrowband speech signal comprising: a high-band generator that generates a high frequency spectrum based on a narrowband spectrum; a background noise generator that generates a high frequency background noise spectrum based on a background nois

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (37)

  1. Alcone Jerry M. (Albuquerque NM), Adaptive noise cancellation.
  2. Hurtig, Richard Ray; Turner, Christopher William, Apparatus and methods for proportional audio compression and frequency shifting.
  3. Ohmori Shiro,JPX ; Nishiguchi Masayuki,JPX, Audio band width extending system and method.
  4. Tucker, Roger Cecil Ferry; Seymour, Carl William; Robinson, Anthony John, Audio coding systems and methods.
  5. Cox Christopher Richard,DEX, Band with provisioning in a telecommunications system having radio links.
  6. Macovski Albert (2505 Alpine Rd. Menlo Park CA 94025), Bandwidth extension system using periodic switching.
  7. Reif Robert H. (Groton MA), Coupling network.
  8. Visser Arie (Alexandria VA), Extrema coding digitizing signal processing method and apparatus.
  9. Chung Kah-Seng (Bull Creek AUX), Gain and phase correction in a dual branch receiver.
  10. Ojala, Pasi; Rotola-Pukkila, Jani; Vainio, Janne; Mikkola, Hannu, High frequency enhancement layer coding in wideband speech codec.
  11. Kumar Derek D., In-band on-channel digital broadcasting method and system.
  12. Kumar Derek D., In-band on-channel digital broadcasting method and system.
  13. Kumar,Derek D., In-band on-channel digital broadcasting method and system.
  14. Gilbert Barrie, Logarithmic amplifier with self-compensating gain for frequency range extension.
  15. Harris Richard W. (Lodi CA) Cleveland John F. (Stockton CA) Lott Thomas M. (San Mateo CA), Method and apparatus for bandwidth reduction.
  16. Ubale Anil Wamanrao ; Gersho Allen, Method and apparatus for efficient multiband celp wideband speech and music coding and decoding.
  17. Kodama Tomoko (Kanagawa JPX) Nakamura Makoto (Hyougo JPX) Saito Tatsunori (Kanagawa JPX), Method and apparatus for encoding and decoding convolutional codes.
  18. Jax,Peter; Schnitzler,Juergen, Method and apparatus for synthetic widening of the bandwidth of voice signals.
  19. Jackson, Douglas L., Method and apparatus for the modeling and synthesis of harmonic distortion.
  20. Malah,David, Method of bandwidth extension for narrow-band speech.
  21. Han Ching C. (Los Altos CA) Bilenko Herman W. (Santa Clara CA) Hwang Yeongming (Los Altos CA), Microwave antenna system having enhanced band width and reduced cross-polarization.
  22. Cho Yong-duk,KRX ; Kim Moo-Young,KRX, Pitch determination apparatus and method using spectro-temporal autocorrelation.
  23. Arbeiter James Henry ; Bessler Roger Frank, Processing apparatus for synthetically extending the bandwidth of a spatially-sampled video image.
  24. Arbeiter James Henry ; Bessler Roger Frank, Processing apparatus for use in reducing visible artifacts in the display of statistically compressed and then decompressed digital motion pictures.
  25. Abe Masanobu (Yokosuka JPX) Yoshida Yuki (Yokosuka JPX), Reconstruction of wideband speech from narrowband speech using codebooks.
  26. Kim Jung H. (Seoul KRX), Signal processing system having vertical/horizontal contour compensation and frequency bandwidth extension functions.
  27. You Yu-Li ; Smith William Paul,IEX ; Fejzo Zoran ; Smyth Stephen,IEX, Sound quality of established low bit-rate audio coding systems without loss of decoder compatibility.
  28. Melanson John Laurence, Spectral transposition of a digital audio signal.
  29. Gustafsson, Harald, Speech bandwidth extension.
  30. Iyengar Vasu (Pointe Claire CAX) Rabipour Rafi (Cote St-Luc CAX) Mermelstein Paul (Cote St-Luc CAX) Shelton Brian R. (Kanata CAX), Speech bandwidth extension method and apparatus.
  31. Gustafsson, Harald; Lindgren, Ulf; Thurban, Clas; Deutgen, Petra, System and method for modifying speech signals.
  32. Bloy Graham P. (Bangkok THX), System for maximum efficient transfer of modulated energy.
  33. Oberhammer Wolfgang,CAX ; Rowland Andy,CAX, Transceiver bandwidth extension using double mixing.
  34. Miet, Giles; Gerrits, Andy, Wide band synthesis through extension matrix.
  35. Oberhammer Wolfgang,CAX, Wideband receiver with bandwidth extension.
  36. Sluijter,Robert Johannes; Gerrits,Andreas Johannes; Chennoukh,Samir, Wideband signal transmission system.
  37. Breen, Andrew Paul, Wideband speech synthesis from a narrowband speech signal.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (34)

  1. Gao, Yang, Adaptive frequency prediction for encoding or decoding an audio signal.
  2. Choi, Sangnam; Seguin, Chad, Adaptive signal equalization.
  3. Every, Mark; Avendano, Carlos, Adaptively reducing noise to limit speech distortion.
  4. Gao, Yang, Adding second enhancement layer to CELP based core layer.
  5. Gao, Yang, Adding second enhancement layer to CELP based core layer.
  6. Choo, Ki-hyun; Oh, Eun-mi; Sung, Ho-sang; Kim, Jung-Hoe; Kim, Mi-young, Apparatus, medium and method to encode and decode high frequency signal.
  7. Choo, Ki-hyun; Oh, Eun-mi; Sung, Ho-sang; Kim, Jung-hoe; Kim, Mi-young, Apparatus, medium and method to encode and decode high frequency signal.
  8. Caramma, Marcello, Audio bandwidth extension for conferencing.
  9. Avendano, Carlos; Murgia, Carlo, Bandwidth enhancement of speech signals assisted by noise reduction.
  10. Liu, Zexin; Miao, Lei, Bandwidth expansion method and apparatus.
  11. Tashiro, Atsushi; Aoyagi, Hiromi, Bandwidth extension apparatus for automatically adjusting the bandwidth of inputted signal and a method therefor.
  12. Ramabadran, Tenkasi; Jasiuk, Mark, Bandwidth extension method and apparatus for a modified discrete cosine transform audio coder.
  13. Gao, Yang, CELP post-processing for music signals.
  14. Kaniewska, Magdalena; Ragot, Stephane, Frequency band extension in an audio signal decoder.
  15. Giesbrecht, David; Hetherington, Phillip; Li, Xueman, Frequency extension of harmonic signals.
  16. Nongpiur, Rajeev; Hetherington, Phillip A., High-frequency bandwidth extension in the time domain.
  17. Lee, Hyun Kook; Kim, Dong Soo; Yoon, Sung Yong; Pang, Hee Suk; Lim, Jae Hyun, Method and an apparatus for a bandwidth extension using different schemes.
  18. Chen, Zhe; Yin, Fuliang; Zhang, Xiaoyu; Dai, Jinliang; Zhang, Libin, Method and apparatus for audio decoding.
  19. Jasiuk, Mark A.; Ramabadran, Tenkasi V., Method and apparatus for estimating high-band energy in a bandwidth extension system.
  20. Ramabadran, Tenkasi V.; Jasiuk, Mark A., Method and apparatus for estimating high-band energy in a bandwidth extension system.
  21. Ramabadran, Tenkasi V.; Jasiuk, Mark A., Method and apparatus to facilitate determining signal bounding frequencies.
  22. Ramabadran, Tenkasi V.; Jasiuk, Mark A., Method and apparatus to facilitate provision and use of an energy value to determine a spectral envelope shape for out-of-signal bandwidth content.
  23. Weijand, Koen; Goldstein, Steven W., Method and device for recognition and arbitration of an input connection.
  24. Usher, John; Ellis, Dan, Method and device for spectral expansion for an audio signal.
  25. Usher, John; Ellis, Dan, Method and device for spectral expansion for an audio signal.
  26. Smaragdis, Paris; Ramakrishnan, Bhiksha R., Method for expanding audio signal bandwidth.
  27. Avendano, Carlos; Laroche, Jean; Goodwin, Michael M.; Solbach, Ludger, Monaural noise suppression based on computational auditory scene analysis.
  28. Every, Mark; Avendano, Carlos; Solbach, Ludger; Jiang, Ye; Murgia, Carlo, Multi-microphone robust noise suppression.
  29. Gao, Yang, Noise-feedback for spectral envelope quantization.
  30. Gao, Yang, Selective bandwidth extension for encoding/decoding audio/speech signal.
  31. Sudo, Takashi; Miseki, Kimio, Signal bandwidth extension apparatus.
  32. Gao, Yang, Spectrum harmonic/noise sharpness control.
  33. Liu, Zexin; Chen, Longyin; Miao, Lei; Hu, Chen; Xiao, Wei; Taddei, Herve Marcel; Zhang, Qing, Transient signal encoding method and device, decoding method and device, and processing system.
  34. Goodwin, Michael M., Wind noise detection and suppression.

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