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Electrical connector having improved terminal configuration 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01R-013/42
출원번호 UP-0020278 (2008-01-25)
등록번호 US-7549897 (2009-07-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Fedder, James L.
  • Glover, Douglas W.
  • Helster, David W.
  • Morgan, Chad W.
  • Rothermel, Brent
  • Sharf, Alex M.
  • Taylor, Attalee S.
  • Trout, David A.
출원인 / 주소
  • Tyco Electronics Corporation
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 71  인용 특허 : 202


An electrical terminal of the type to be inserted into an aperture of an electrical panel member is provided. The electrical terminal may include a base, an insertion portion extending from the base to a first end, a slit formed through the insertion portion and defining a compliant portion having a


What is claimed is: 1. An electrical connector comprising: a linear array of electrical terminals comprising a first signal terminal, a second signal terminal, and a first ground terminal; wherein a mounting end of the first signal terminal is configured to be inserted into a first panel member ape

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (202)

  1. Beers Scott ; Frechette Roger F. ; Malloy Elizabeth A. ; Schwender Charles ; Wu Wei, Arylmethylphosphonic acid derivatives useful in treating bone wasting diseases.
  2. Johnson Lennart B. (Milford NH) Walkup William B. (Amherst NH) Laychak Steven F. (Amherst NH), Backplane connector.
  3. Johnson Lennart B. (Milford NH) Walkup William B. (Amherst NH) Laychak Steven F. (Amherst NH), Backplane connector.
  4. Walkup William B. (Amherst NH) Chow William (San Jose CA) Gillette Garry C. (Calabasas CA), Backplane-daughter board connector.
  5. Costello Brian P. (Cupertino CA) Whiteman Robert N. (Middletown PA) Myers ; Jr. Earl C. (Harrisburg PA) Biechler Donald T. (Harrisburg PA) Walker Robert W. (Harrisburg PA), Blind mating guides with ground contacts.
  6. Lang, Harold Keith; Regnier, Kent E.; Banakis, Emanuel G.; Sweeney, Kathleen A., Board-to-board connector with compliant mounting pins.
  7. Gebara Ghassan R. (Houston TX), Bus control signal routing and termination.
  8. Beamenderfer Robert E. (Palmyra PA) Buchheister ; Jr. Raymond R. (Fairfield PA) Ellis John R. (Harrisburg PA) Miller Charles A. (York New Salem PA) Moist ; Jr. Stanford C. (Hummelstown PA) Zelko Will, Cable connector with a low inductance path.
  9. Hoolhorst Albert (Aardenburg BEX) Longueville Jacques (Oostkamp BEX), Cable plug for multi-lead cables.
  10. Feldman Steven (Huntingdon PA) Jenkins David C. (Huntingdon PA), Circuit board connectors.
  11. Ichimura Yoshiaki (Tokyo JPX) Endoh Hiroshi (Tokyo JPX) Saruwatari Yoshihiko (Tokyo JPX) Uekido Kouzou (Tokyo JPX), Coaxial multicore receptacle.
  12. Harting Dietmar (Espelkamp DEX) Pape Guenter (Bielefeld DEX) Weking Gerd (Loehne DEX), Coaxial, angular connector for installation on a printed circuit board.
  13. Elsbree ; Jr. Charles N. (Cupertino CA) Regner Hector A. (Newport Beach CA) Rodriguez Claude (Carlloton TX) Ravlich Anthony (Huntington Beach CA), Compliant pin.
  14. Pickles Charles S. (Hummelstown PA), Compliant pin having improved adaptability.
  15. Andrews ; Jr. Howard W. (Hershey PA), Compliant section for circuit board contact elements.
  16. Millhimes Wayne Leroy (Hershey PA) Copper Charles Dudley (Harrisburg PA), Compliant section for electrical terminal mounted to a circuit board.
  17. Bianca Giuseppe ; Bogursky Robert M., Conforming press-fit contact pin for printed circuit board.
  18. Volstorf, James R.; van Woensel, Johannes Maria Blasius, Connection header and shield.
  19. Ramey Samuel C. ; Meredith Kevin R. ; Barr Alexander W. ; Maria Kusters Johannes Petrus, Connector apparatus.
  20. Morlion Danny (St. Amandsberg BEX) Jonckheere Luc (Dilbeek BEX), Connector assembly.
  21. Morlion Danny (St. Amandsberg BEX) Jonckheere Luc (Dilbeek BEX), Connector assembly.
  22. Lenoir Michel,FRX ; Thenaisie Jacky,FRX ; Fonteneau Michel,FRX, Connector assembly for printed circuit boards.
  23. Morlion Danny (Amandsberg BEX) Jonckheere Luc (Dilbeek BEX), Connector assembly for printed circuit boards.
  24. Morlion Danny (St. Amandsberg BEX) Jonckheere Luc (Dilbeek BEX), Connector assembly for printed circuit boards.
  25. Mickievicz Scott Keith ; Preputnick George, Connector assembly having terminal modules.
  26. Mickievicz Scott Keith (Denver PA), Connector assembly with shielded modules.
  27. Preputnick George ; Fedder James Lee ; Mickievicz Scott Keith ; Whyne Richard Nicholas, Connector assembly with shielded modules and method of making same.
  28. Ortega Jose L. ; Stoner Stuart C., Connector cover with board stiffener.
  29. Morlion Danny (St. Amandsberg BEX) Jonckheere Luc (Louvain BEX) van Koetsem Jan P. K. (Zwijnrecht BEX), Connector for a cable for high frequency signals.
  30. Evans, Robert F., Connector for high-speed communications.
  31. Lenoir Michel,FRX ; Thenaisie Jacky,FRX ; Fonteneau Michel,FRX, Connector for printed circuit boards.
  32. Mashiyama, Jin-ichi; Saitoh, Yukio, Connector for use with high frequency signals.
  33. Satoshi Katoh JP; Tadashi Kumamoto JP; Takeshi Okuyama JP; Hideo Miyazawa JP; Yukihiro Maitani JP, Connector having a shield for signal contacts.
  34. Kato, Nobukazu; Hayashi, Koji; Kamata, Kazushi; Ono, Michitaka, Connector having signal contacts and ground contacts in a specific arrangement.
  35. Taylor, Attalee S.; Henry, Randall R., Connector module organizer.
  36. Allan L Astbury, Jr. ; Thomas S. Cohen, Connector molding method and shielded waferized connector made therefrom.
  37. Uchiyama Takahiro,JPX, Connector producing method and a connector produced by insert molding.
  38. Yamasaki Shuji,JPX ; Kikuchi Kazuya,JPX, Connector with less crosstalk.
  39. Teruaki Hasegawa JP; Kiyotaka Kawase JP, Connector with locking member and audible indication of complete locking.
  40. Perino Donald ; Nguyen David, Connector with staggered contact design.
  41. Kemmick, Dennis L.; Morana, Francis P., Connector with staggered contact pattern.
  42. Fusselman David F. (Middletown PA) Townsend Peter K. (Camp Hill PA), Connectors with ground structure.
  43. Fusselman David F. (Middletown PA) Townsend Peter K. (Camp Hill PA), Connectors with ground structure.
  44. Townsend Peter K. (Camp Hill PA) Fusselman David F. (Middletown PA), Connectors with ground structure.
  45. Pape, Günter; Kohler, Andreas, Contact assembly for a plug connector, in particular for a PCB plug connector.
  46. Reichart Manfred,DEX ; Braun Gerhard,DEX, Contact element support in particular for a thin smart card connector.
  47. Thumma Mark R. (Oberlin PA), Contact retention system.
  48. Consoli John J. (Harrisburg PA) Taylor Attalee S. (Palmyra PA), Contact spring socket.
  49. Lockard Joseph L. (Harrisburg PA), Contact subassembly for an electrical connector and method of making same.
  50. Cobaugh Robert F. (Elizabethtown PA) Coller James R. (Mechanicsburg PA), Contact with split portion for engagement with substrate.
  51. Hutchison ; Robert V., Controlled impedance connector.
  52. Neidich Douglas A., Controlled impedance connector block.
  53. Winings,Clifford L.; Shuey,Joseph B.; Lemke,Timothy A.; Hull,Gregory A.; Smith,Stephen B.; Sercu,Stefaan Hendrik Josef; Houtz,Timothy W., Cross talk reduction and impedance matching for high speed electrical connectors.
  54. Winings, Clifford L.; Shuey, Joseph B.; Lemke, Timothy A.; Hull, Gregory A.; Smith, Stephen B.; Sercu, Stefaan Hendrik Josef; Houtz, Timothy W., Cross talk reduction and impedance-matching for high speed electrical connectors.
  55. Winings, Clifford L.; Shuey, Joseph B.; Sercu, Stefaan Hendrik Josef; Smith, Stephen B., Cross-talk canceling technique for high speed electrical connectors.
  56. Winings,Clifford L.; Shuey,Joseph B.; Lemke,Timothy A.; Hull,Gregory A.; Smith,Stephen B.; Sercu,Stefaan Hendrik Josef; Houtz,Timothy W., Cross-talk reduction in high speed electrical connectors.
  57. Johnson Lennart B. (Milford NH), Daughter board/backplane assembly.
  58. Seidel Peter (Groebenzell DEX) Pelzl Leo (Holzkirchen DEX) Zell Karl (Niederpoecking DEX), Device connecting the shielding of plugs to a subrack ground.
  59. Lamson Michael A., Differential pair geometry for integrated circuit chip packages.
  60. Lamson Michael A., Differential pair geometry for integrated circuit chip packages.
  61. Stokoe Philip T., Differential signal electrical connector.
  62. Cohen, Thomas S.; Gailus, Mark W.; Stokoe, Philip T., Differential signal electrical connectors.
  63. Thomas S. Cohen ; Philip T. Stokoe ; Mark W. Gailus, Differential signal electrical connectors.
  64. Hamsher ; Jr. Wilbur A. (New Cumberland PA) Lockard Joseph L. (Harrisburg PA), Double row electrical connector.
  65. Rudy ; Jr. William J. (Annville PA) Shaffer Howard R. (Millersburg PA) Stahl Daniel E. (Hummelstown PA), EMI/RFI protective cable interface for high density junction box.
  66. Barbier Ren (Quetigny FRX) Guenin Serge (Talent FRX), Electric coupling device, a circuit-breaker equipped therewith and a related assembly of components.
  67. Davis,Wayne Samuel; Whiteman, Jr.,Robert Neil; Glover,Douglas Wade, Electrical connector.
  68. Jerry Wu TW, Electrical connector.
  69. Johnson Lennart B. (Milford NH), Electrical connector.
  70. Walter Donald P. G. (Harrow GB2), Electrical connector.
  71. Whiteman, Jr.,Robert Neil; Davis,Wayne Samuel; Glover,Douglas Wade, Electrical connector.
  72. Lockard Joseph L. (Harrisburg PA), Electrical connector and method of making same.
  73. Provencher Daniel B. (Weare NH) Stokoe Philip T. (Attleboro MA) Gailus Mark W. (Somerville MA), Electrical connector assembled from wafers.
  74. Provencher Daniel B. ; Stokoe Philip T. ; Gailus Mark W., Electrical connector assembled from wafers.
  75. Kachlic Jerry D. (Clementi Park SGX), Electrical connector assemblies.
  76. Kachlic Jerry D. (Singapore SGX), Electrical connector assemblies.
  77. Kamono, Takashi; Yamada, Hiromi, Electrical connector assembly.
  78. Walse Alan S. (LaGrange IL) Stipanuk John (Glen Ellyn IL), Electrical connector assembly and method of making.
  79. Ohtsuki Tomonari (Tokyo JPX) Ozai Kazuyuki (Tokyo JPX), Electrical connector for coaxial flat cable.
  80. Schramm Eugene C. (Denville NJ), Electrical connector for coupling power leads to circuit boards.
  81. Hopson Mark G. ; Roland Scott C., Electrical connector having improved contact retention means.
  82. Timothy B. Billman, Electrical connector having improved shielding means.
  83. O\Sullivan Michael (Willowbrook IL) Wetter James A. (Hoffman Estates IL), Electrical connector having terminal modules.
  84. Michael W. Fogg ; Russell D. Moser, Electrical connector having triad contact groups arranged in an alternating inverted sequence.
  85. Mickievicz Scott K. ; Helster David W. ; Defibaugh George R. ; Sipe Lynn Robert, Electrical connector including a housing that holds parallel circuit boards.
  86. Barkus Lee A. (Millersburg PA) Sinisi David B. (Harrisburg PA), Electrical connector stiffener device.
  87. Fedder James L. (Etters PA) Sucheski Matthew M. (Harrisburg PA), Electrical connector system.
  88. Timothy B. Billman ; John H. Weaver, Jr., Electrical connector with grounding system.
  89. Lindeman Richard J. (Wood Dale IL), Electrical connectors.
  90. Minich,Steven E.; Shuey,Joseph B.; Hull,Gregory A.; Smith,Stephen, Electrical connectors having contacts that may be selectively designated as either signal or ground contacts.
  91. Minich,Steven E.; Shuey,Joseph B.; Hull,Gregory A.; Smith,Stephen, Electrical connectors having contacts that may be selectively designated as either signal or ground contacts.
  92. Blossfeld,Mike, Electrical contact.
  93. Tanaka Yoshihito (Tokyo JPX), Electrical contact pin.
  94. Yaegashi Hirokatsu (Tokyo JPX), Electrical contact pin.
  95. Palecek Vincent J. (Cicero IL) Eul Dennis R. (Palatine IL), Electrical contact with compliant mounting section.
  96. Fedder James L. (Etters PA) Sucheski Matthew M. (Harrisburg PA), Electrical modular connector.
  97. Fedder,James L.; Taylor,Attalee S.; Trout,David A., Electrical terminal having a compliant retention section.
  98. Foley William F. (New Cumberland PA) Griffith Gregory G. (Carlisle PA) Gutter David H. (Elizabethtown PA) McClusky William E. (Harrisburg PA) Robbins Steve (Greensburg PA) Shoemaker Bruce W. (Dillsbu, Electrical terminal with compliant pin section.
  99. Takahashi Norihiro,JPX ; Kurotori Fumio,JPX ; Miyazawa Hideo,JPX ; Daikuhara Osamu,JPX ; Futaki Kazuyuki,JPX ; Suzuki Hiroyuki,JPX ; Yoshiike Takahiro,JPX ; Ikeda Kazuhiko,JPX, Fabrication method of connector having internal switch.
  100. Pirc Douglas J. (Etters PA), Filtered electrical device and method for making same.
  101. Blanchfield, Michael Allen; Brown, III, John Bossert; Conner, Troy Everette, Floatable connector assembly with a staggered overlapping contact pattern.
  102. Gatti John E. (Scottsdale AZ), Ground plane interconnection system using multiple connector contacts.
  103. Timothy B. Billman, Grounding scheme for a high speed backplane connector system.
  104. Locati Ronald P. (Harrisburg PA), Header assembly and alignment assist shroud therefor.
  105. Stanley W. Olson, Header assembly for mounting to a circuit substrate.
  106. Daum Ronald E. (Warren OH), Header connector and attachment.
  107. Timothy B. Billman, Header connector having two shields therein.
  108. Grabbe Dimitry G. (Middletown PA) Granitz Richard F. (Harrisburg PA) Bakker Roel J. (York PA) Milbrand ; Jr. Donald W. (Mechanicsburg PA) Masterson Earl E. (Minneapolis MN), High density coax connector.
  109. Olson Stanley W., High density connector having a ball type of contact surface.
  110. Fedder James L. (Etters PA), High density connector system.
  111. Larry M. Crofoot ; John T. Venaleck, High density interconnect system and method.
  112. Morlion Danny L. C.,BEX ; van Zanten Ab,NLX, High density interstitial connector system.
  113. Pavlacka Myron (Frankfort IL), High density shielded modular connector for stacking printed circuit boards and method of making thereof.
  114. Sadigh-Behzadi Amir-Akbar (Van Nuys CA), High density, controlled impedance connectors.
  115. Arnold Richard M. (New Albany OH) Baker Paul A. (Columbus OH) Drucker Coleen A. (Morristown NJ) Gashler Robert J. (Westerville OH) Lipari Dominic T. (Reynoldsburg OH) Robin Max S. (Denville NJ) Schel, High frequency connector.
  116. Robin Max S. (Denville NJ) Tamburro Peter J. (Toms River NJ) Weiss Roger E. (Denville NJ), High frequency modular connector.
  117. Harwath Frank A., High performance card edge connector.
  118. John R. Ellis ; Timothy A. Lemke, High speed connector.
  119. van Zanten Albertus,NLX, High speed connector and method of making same.
  120. Lemke, Timothy A.; Hull, Gregory A.; Smith, Stephen B.; Houtz, Timothy W., High speed electrical connector.
  121. Whiteman, Jr., Robert Neil; Davis, Wayne Samuel, High speed electrical connector.
  122. Whiteman, Jr., Robert Neil; Davis, Wayne Samuel, High speed electrical connector.
  123. Brunker David L. (Naperville IL) Dambach Philip J. (Naperville IL) Harwath Frank A. (Downers Grove IL) Nelligan ; Jr. Joseph W. (LaGrange Park IL) Petrie Robert M. (Glen Ellyn IL), High speed guarded cavity backplane connector.
  124. Cohen Thomas S. ; Stokoe Philip T. ; McNamara David M., High speed high density electrical connector.
  125. Dola, Frank P.; Lauterbach, John H., High speed modular connector for printed circuit boards.
  126. Cohen Thomas S ; Stokoe Philip T. ; McNamara David M., High speed, high density electrical connector.
  127. Stokoe Philip T. ; Cohen Thomas ; Allen Steven J., High speed, high density electrical connector.
  128. Voltz John A. (Hockessin DE), High-density coaxial interconnect system.
  129. Shuey,Joseph B.; Smith,Stephen B.; Winings,Clifford L.; Raistrick,Alan, High-density, low-noise, high-speed mezzanine connector.
  130. Kent E. Regnier, High-speed connector with shorting capability.
  131. Yaegashi Hirokatsu (Tokyo JPX) Fumikura Tadahiro (Tokyo JPX), High-speed transmission electrical connector.
  132. Brunker David L. (Naperville IL) Harwath Frank A. (Downers Grove IL) Scheer Dennis K. (Willowbrook IL), Impedance and inductance control in electrical connectors and including reduced crosstalk.
  133. Brunker David L. (Naperville IL) Harwath Frank A. (Downers Grove IL) Scheer Dennis K. (Willowbrook IL), Impedance and inductance control in electrical connectors and including reduced crosstalk.
  134. Raistrick,Alan; Shuey,Joseph B., Impedance control in electrical connectors.
  135. Broeksteeg Johannes M. (Ag Oss NLX), Impedance matched backplane connector.
  136. Shimizu Manabu (Kawasaki JPX) Miyazawa Hideo (Kawasaki JPX), Impedance matching type electrical connector.
  137. Bassler, Maxwill P.; Brunker, David L.; Dawiedczyk, Daniel L.; Lopata, John E., Impedance-tuned connector.
  138. Goodman Joseph R. (Lake City PA) Woratyla John A. (Camp Hill PA) Zell Dale R. (Elizabethtown PA), Insulation displacing connector with programmable ground bussing feature.
  139. Pretchel David A. (Madison OH) Venaleck John T. (Madison OH), Integrally molded card edge cable termination assembly, contact, machine and method.
  140. Lau Frederick L. (Skokie IL), Jackfield with front removable jack modules having lamp assemblies.
  141. Morris Terrel L., Laminated 90-degree connector.
  142. Stipanuk John M. (Glen Ellyn IL) Walse Alan S. (LaGrange IL) Regnier Kent E. (Lombard IL), Laminated electrical connector arrangement.
  143. Fogg Michael W. (Harrisburg PA) Hackman John A. (Elizabethtown PA) Markle Kenneth E. (York PA) Shuey John R. (Mechanicsburg PA), Lead frame and electrical connector.
  144. Elco Richard A. ; Fusselman David F., Low cross and impedance controlled electric connector.
  145. Elco Richard A., Low cross talk and impedance controlled electrical cable assembly.
  146. Elco Richard A. ; Fusselman David F., Low cross talk and impedance controlled electrical connector.
  147. Winings Clifford L. ; Marshall Robert E. ; Spickler John M., Low profile double deck connector with improved cross talk isolation.
  148. Wu, Jerry, Low profile electrical connector having improved contacts.
  149. Mosquera RenA. (Laguna Niguel CA) Powell ; Sr. Jimmy W. (Naperville IL), Method for forming electrical terminal.
  150. Rainal Attilio J. (Convent NJ), Method for improving the transmission properties of a connectorized flat cable interconnection assembly.
  151. Chiou Song-Rong,TWX ; Huang Nan-Tsung,TWX ; Tsai Hui-Tze,TWX, Method for insert molding a contact module.
  152. Chao-Hsu Chen TW; Ming-Wu Lee TW; Kun-Tsan Wu TW, Method for manufacturing a high density connector.
  153. Shimada Hiroaki,JPX ; Yasojima Koji,JPX ; Takeuchi Shigeyuki,JPX, Method for manufacturing insert-resin-molded product.
  154. Reed Carl G. (Clemmons NC), Method for producing contact shorting bar insert for modular jack assembly.
  155. Heisey Jay M. (Elizabethtown PA) Kautz Jon F. (Camp Hill PA) Pickles Charles S. (Hummelstown PA), Method of making a compliant retention section on an electrical terminal.
  156. Roldan Frank (937 Paularino Ave. Costa Mesa CA 92626), Method of making compliant pins.
  157. Ritchie Leon T. (Mechanicsburg PA) Peppler Michael S. (Lancaster PA), Method of producing insulated terminals.
  158. Paagman Bernardus L. F.,NLX, Modular electrical PCB assembly connector.
  159. Ammon J. Preston (Dallas TX) Kendal Jerry (Lewisville TX), Modular electrical connector.
  160. Tengler John N. (Chardon OH) Pilny James C. (Painesville OH), Modular electrical connector system.
  161. Fedder James L. (Etters PA), Modules for cable assemblies.
  162. Tengler John N. (Chico CA), Multi-conductor cable/contact connection assembly and method.
  163. Akaba Yukio (Chiba JPX) Sakuramoto Akihiko (Tokyo JPX), Multi-drop type bus line system.
  164. Brown, John B.; Weller, Steven A., Multi-sequenced contacts from single lead frame.
  165. Maejima Toshiro (Shizuoka JPX) Fukuda Masaru (Shizuoka JPX) Kozono Seiji (Shizuoka JPX) Samejima Masakuni (Shizuoka JPX), Multi-stage connector.
  166. Madelaine Alain Louis Marcel (Voiron FRX), Multichannel electrical connector without and electro-magnetic barrier between the channels.
  167. Sasaki Takinori (Kawasaki JPX) Tayama Yukiharu (Tokyo JPX), Multicontact connector for signal transmission.
  168. Wanjura Gunter (Kungsngen SEX), Multipolar screened connector having a common earth.
  169. Fogg,Michael W., Noise canceling differential connector and footprint.
  170. Kaufman John W. (Hershey PA) Summers Donald J. (Shiremanstown PA), Pin header connector.
  171. Sorig Ludger,DEX, Pin shaped contact element.
  172. Clark Stephen L. ; Shuey Joseph B. ; Ortega Jose L. ; Brown ; III John B., Power connector.
  173. Maag Arnulf,DEX ; Neef Wolfgang,DEX, Press-in contact.
  174. Nagafuji Toshiaki,JPX, Press-in terminal for a connector.
  175. Soes Lucas (Rosmalen NLX) van Dijk Petrus R. M. (\s-Hertogenbosch NLX), Prestressed shielding plates for electrical connectors.
  176. Weber Ronald M. (Lebanon PA) Swengel ; Jr. Robert C. (York PA) Weidler Charles H. (Lancaster PA) Wise James H. (Palmyra PA), Programmable modular connector assembly.
  177. Guinda Santos (Evreux FRX) Decelle Pierre J. (Val de Reuil FRX), Protection module for a contact-maker electromagnet.
  178. Glover Douglas W. (Harrisburg PA) Granitz Richard F. (Harrisburg PA), Reference conductor for improving signal integrity in electrical connectors.
  179. Locati Ronald P. (Harrisburg PA), Right angle header shroud to board polarization and keying system.
  180. Gardner Michael J. ; Dunham David E. ; Whetstone Gene, Selective termination connector assembly.
  181. Yamasaki, Shuji, Shield connector.
  182. Broeksteeg Johannes M. (Hertogsingel NLX), Shielded back plane connector.
  183. Broeksteeg Johannes M. (Oss NLX), Shielded back plane connector.
  184. Gilissen Hermanus P. J. (Esch NLX) Broeksteeg Johannes M. (Oss NLX), Shielded backplane connector.
  185. McNamara David M. (Lyndeborough NH) Provencher Daniel B. (Weare NH) Stokoe Philip T. (Attleboro MA) Howard William E. (New Boston NH) Gailus Mark W. (Somerville MA), Shielded electrical connector.
  186. McNamara David M. (Lyndeborough NH) Provencher Daniel B. (Weare NH) Stokoe Philip T. (Attleboro MA) Howard William E. (New Boston NH) Gailus Mark W. (Somerville MA), Shielded electrical connector.
  187. Bertoncini Daniel B. ; Stoner Stuart C. ; Doutrich Ray C., Shielded header.
  188. Daniel B. Bertoncini ; Stuart C. Stoner ; Ray C. Doutrich, Shielded header.
  189. Lemke Timothy A. (Carlisle PA), Shielded header and cable assembly.
  190. Voltz John (Newark DE), Shielded right angled header.
  191. Winings,Clifford L.; Shuey,Joseph B.; Lemke,Timothy A.; Hull,Gregory A.; Smith,Stephen B.; Sercu,Stefaan Hendrik Josef; Houtz,Timothy W.; Minich,Steven E., Shieldless, high-speed electrical connectors.
  192. Winings,Clifford L.; Shuey,Joseph B.; Lemke,Timothy A.; Hull,Gregory A.; Smith,Stephen B.; Sercu,Stefaan Hendrik Jozef; Houtz,Timothy W.; Minich,Steven E., Shieldless, high-speed electrical connectors.
  193. Winings,Clifford L.; Shuey,Joseph B.; Lemke,Timothy A.; Hull,Gregory A.; Smith,Stephen B.; Sercu,Stefaan Hendrik Jozef; Houtz,Timothy W.; Minich,Steven E., Shieldless, high-speed electrical connectors.
  194. Tanaka Masanori (Osaka JPX), Socket of electrostatic protection type.
  195. Key Edward H. (Hummelstown PA), Solderless electrical connector.
  196. Provencher Daniel B. (Weare NH) Stokoe Philip T. (Attleboro MA) McNamara David M. (Amherst NH), Stiffener for electrical connector.
  197. Wurster Woody, Tailess compliant contact.
  198. Schell Howard C. (Westerville OH), Terminal grounding unit.
  199. Richard Scott Kline, Terminal module having open side for enhanced electrical performance.
  200. Johnston, James J.; Udall, Gordon, Termination assembly formed by diverse angularly disposed conductors and termination method.
  201. Lemke Timothy A. (Carlisle PA), Terminator and corresponding receptacle for multiple electrical conductors.
  202. Cobaugh Robert F. (Elizabethtown PA) Lynch James E. (Harrisburg PA) Taylor Attalee S. (Palmyra PA), Trifurcated card edge terminal.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (71)

  1. Lloyd, Brian Keith; Walz, Gregory B.; Reed, Bruce; Fitzgerald, Gregory; Isaac, Ayman; Regnier, Kent E.; Janowiak, Brandon; Schulz, Darian R.; Ahmad, Munawar; Jones, Eran J.; Resendez, Javier; Rost, Michael, Circuit board bypass assemblies and components therefor.
  2. Amleshi, Peerouz; Laurx, John; Brunker, David; Regnier, Kent E., Communication system with short length compliant pin.
  3. Yoshida, Hitoshi; Yoshioka, Hidekazu; Suzumura, Takaaki; Yamazaki, Yoshinobu; Nagata, Takanobu, Connecting terminal with a fixed portion and a contact.
  4. Laurx, John C.; Shah, Vivek M.; Wang, Chien-Lin; Amleshi, Peerouz, Connector and system with short signal pins.
  5. Harper, Jr., Donald K.; Johnson, Lewis Robin, Connector housing for electrical connector.
  6. Harper, Jr., Donald K.; Johnson, Lewis Robin, Connector housing for electrical connector.
  7. Regnier, Kent E., Connector system with cable by-pass.
  8. Regnier, Kent E., Connector system with cable by-pass.
  9. Hermeline, Nicolas; Flers, Alain; Barlerin, Stephane; Stricot, Yves, Dismountable optical coupling device.
  10. Buck, Jonathan E.; Smith, Stephen B., Dual impedance electrical connector.
  11. Zerebilov, Arkady Y.; Ingram, Deborah A.; Lord, Hung-Wei; Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Ellison, Jason J., Electrical cable connector.
  12. Zerebilov, Arkady Y.; Ingram, Deborah A.; Lord, Hung-Wei; Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Ellison, Jason J., Electrical cable connector.
  13. Zerebilov, Arkady Y.; Ingram, Deborah A.; Lord, Hung-Wei; Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Ellison, Jason J., Electrical cable connector.
  14. Zerebilov, Arkady Y.; Lord, Hung-Wei; Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C., Electrical cable connector.
  15. Harper, Jr., Donald K.; Johnson, Lewis Robin, Electrical connector.
  16. Harper, Jr., Donald K.; Johnson, Lewis Robin, Electrical connector.
  17. Horchler, David C., Electrical connector.
  18. Yuan, Sheng-Tsung; Yu, Sheng-Nan, Electrical connector.
  19. Vino, IV, Michael Joseph; Hornung, Craig Warren; Consoli, John Joseph; Morgan, Chad William, Electrical connector having compliant contacts and a circuit board assembly including the same.
  20. Johnescu, Douglas M.; Buck, Jonathan E., Electrical connector having ribbed ground plate.
  21. Johnescu, Douglas M.; Buck, Jonathan E., Electrical connector having ribbed ground plate.
  22. Johnescu, Douglas M.; Buck, Jonathan E., Electrical connector having ribbed ground plate.
  23. Stoner, Stuart C.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Buck, Jonathan E., Electrical connector having ribbed ground plate with engagement members.
  24. Horchler, David C., Electrical connector housing.
  25. Horchler, David C.; Johnson, Lewis Robin, Electrical connector with reduced stack height.
  26. Horchler, David C.; Johnson, Lewis Robin, Electrical connector with reduced stack height.
  27. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Electrical ground shield.
  28. Forster, Michael K.; Velderman, Matthew, Electronic switching module for a power tool.
  29. Forster, Michael K.; Velderman, Matthew; Vanko, John C., Electronic switching module for a power tool.
  30. Velderman, Matthew; Forster, Michael K., Electronic switching module for a power tool.
  31. Velderman, Matthew; Forster, Michael K., Electronic switching module for a power tool.
  32. Velderman, Matthew; Forster, Michael K.; Marcinkowski, Robert, Electronic switching module for a power tool.
  33. Velderman, Matthew; Forster, Michael K.; Marcinkowski, Robert, Electronic switching module for a power tool.
  34. Pao, Chung-Nan; Wang, Xiaoyin; Lin, Yu-Hsiung, Female connector.
  35. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Ground shield for a right angle electrical connector.
  36. Lloyd, Brian Keith; Hirschy, Christopher David; Ahmad, Munawar; Jones, Eran J.; Hamblin, Stephen W.; Schulz, Darian Ross; Ward, Todd David; Walz, Gregory B.; Abunasrah, Ebrahim; Khan, Rehan, High speed bypass cable assembly.
  37. Wanha, Christopher D.; Lloyd, Brian Keith; Abunasrah, Ebrahim; Khan, Rehan; Resendez, Javier; Rost, Michael, High speed bypass cable for use with backplanes.
  38. Wanha, Christopher D.; Lloyd, Brian Keith; Abunasrah, Ebrahim; Khan, Rehan; Resendez, Javier; Rost, Michael, High speed bypass cable for use with backplanes.
  39. Wanha, Christopher D.; Lloyd, Brian Keith; Abunasrah, Ebrahim; Khan, Rehan; Resendez, Javier; Rost, Michael, High speed bypass cable for use with backplanes.
  40. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B.; Zerebilov, Arkady Y.; Ingram, Deborah A.; Lord, Hung-Wei; Fulton, Robert Douglas, High speed electrical connector.
  41. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B.; Zerebilov, Arkady Y.; Ingram, Deborah A.; Lord, Hung-Wei; Fulton, Robert Douglas, High speed electrical connector.
  42. Pao, Chung-Nan; Wang, Xiao-Yin; Lin, Yu-Hsiung, Male connector.
  43. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Right-angle electrical connector.
  44. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Right-angle electrical connector.
  45. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Right-angle electrical connector.
  46. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Right-angle electrical connector.
  47. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Right-angle electrical connector.
  48. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Right-angle electrical connector.
  49. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Right-angle electrical connector.
  50. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Right-angle electrical connector.
  51. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Right-angle electrical connector.
  52. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Right-angle electrical connector.
  53. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Right-angle electrical connector.
  54. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Right-angle electrical connector housing.
  55. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Right-angle electrical connector housing.
  56. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Right-angle electrical connector housing.
  57. Murr, Keith McQuilkin; Cole, Jordan M.; Costello, Brian Patrick, Support member for supporting an electrical connector on a printed circuit.
  58. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minch, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Vertical electrical connector.
  59. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Vertical electrical connector.
  60. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Vertical electrical connector.
  61. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Vertical electrical connector.
  62. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Vertical electrical connector.
  63. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Vertical electrical connector.
  64. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Vertical electrical connector.
  65. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Vertical electrical connector.
  66. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Vertical electrical connector housing.
  67. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Vertical electrical connector housing.
  68. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Vertical electrical connector housing.
  69. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Vertical electrical connector housing.
  70. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Vertical electrical connector housing.
  71. Buck, Jonathan E.; Stoner, Stuart C.; Minich, Steven E.; Johnescu, Douglas M.; Smith, Stephen B., Vertical electrical connector housing.
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