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[미국특허] Phase shifting in DLL/PLL 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H03L-007/06
출원번호 UP-0691849 (2007-03-27)
등록번호 US-7551012 (2009-07-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Mai, Huy Tuong
  • Millar, Bruce
출원인 / 주소
  • Mosaid Technologies Incorporated
대리인 / 주소
    Hung, Shin
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 3  인용 특허 : 33


The disclosure relates to phase shifting in Delay Locked Loops (DLLs) and Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs). A charge pump in the DLL or PLL includes a capacitor connected in parallel to an output node. A primary current switching circuit charges the capacitor with a source current and discharges the capaci


What is claimed is: 1. A charge pump circuit comprising: a capacitor connected in parallel to an output node; a reference current source generating a reference current; a primary current switching circuit for charging said capacitor with a source current and for discharging said capacitor with a si

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (33)

  1. Luich Thomas M. (Puyallup WA), Cascode switched charge pump circuit.
  2. Bereza William,CAX, Charge Pump Circuit.
  3. Boerstler, David William; Baez, Franklin Manuel; Hailu, Eskinder, Charge leakage correction circuit for applications in PLLs.
  4. Lin, Tsung-Hsien, Charge pump for an integrated circuit receiver.
  5. Boecker,Charles W.; Brunn,Brian T., Charge pump having sampling point adjustment.
  6. Keaveney, Michael F.; Lyden, Colin; Walsh, Patrick, Charge pump system for fast locking phase lock loop.
  7. Humphreys, Scott Robert, Compensation for oscillator tuning gain variations in frequency synthesizers.
  8. Jung-Chen Lin, Delay cell.
  9. Tachimori, Hiroshi, Delay circuit, voltage-controlled delay circuit, voltage-controlled oscillation circuit, delay adjustment circuit, DLL circuit, and PLL circuit.
  10. Yoon Hong-il,KRX ; Yoo Chang-sik,KRX, Delay locked looped circuits and methods of operation thereof.
  11. Tsujikawa, Toshiaki, Differential input data slicer.
  12. Larsson Patrik, Digital phase selection circuitry and method for reducing jitter.
  13. Keaveney, Michael F., Fast lock phase lock loop and method thereof.
  14. Ouyang Kenneth W. (Huntington Beach CA) Marmet Melvin (Placentia CA), Fast switching charge pump.
  15. Tang, Benjamin; Bassett, Keith, High bandwidth multi-phase clock selector with continuous phase output.
  16. Vu, Ha Chu, High speed programmable charge-pump with low charge injection.
  17. McDermott Mark W. (Austin TX) Reis Richard B. (Garland TX), Integrated charge-pump phase-locked loop circuit.
  18. Chen, Shin Chung; Tso, Vincent Wing Sing, Loop filter capacitor multiplication in a charge pump circuit.
  19. Dosho,Shiro; Morie,Takashi; Sogawa,Kazuaki, Low-pass filter and feedback system.
  20. Harrison, Ronnie M., Method and apparatus for generating a phase dependent control signal.
  21. Metz,Peter C., Method and apparatus for trimming a phase detector in a delay-locked-loop.
  22. Gaudin, Christophe; Karimi, Mohammed, Method and device for controlling power supply.
  23. Roisen, Roger L., Method and/or circuit for generating precision programmable multiple phase angle clocks.
  24. Jonathan Lamb GB, Phase and frequency detector providing immunity to missing input clock pulses.
  25. Dally, William J.; Farjad-Rad, Ramin; Poulton, John W.; Greer, III, Thomas H.; Ng, Hiok-Tiaq; Stone, Teva J., Phase controlled oscillator.
  26. Dally, William J.; Farjad-Rad, Ramin; Poulton, John W.; Greer, III, Thomas H.; Ng, Hiok-Tiaq; Stone, Teva J., Phase controlled oscillator circuit with input signal coupler.
  27. Tachimori, Hiroshi, Phase-locked loop circuit and delay-locked loop circuit.
  28. Sung Chiakang ; Huang Joseph ; Wang Bonnie I. ; Bielby Robert R. N., Phase-locked loop or delay-locked loop circuitry for programmable logic devices.
  29. Richard X. W. Gu ; James M. Tran, Process independent ultralow charge pump.
  30. Wang, Bonnie I.; Huang, Joseph; Sung, Chiakang; Wang, Xiaobao; Kim, In Whan; Yeung, Wayne; Nguyen, Khai, Programmable phase shift circuitry.
  31. Seethamraju,Srisai R.; Hulfachor,Ronald B.; Anker,William J.; Juhn,Richard J., Programmable phase-locked loop responsive to a selected bandwidth and a selected reference clock signal frequency to adjust circuit characteristics.
  32. Sudjian, Douglas, Triple input phase detector and methodology for setting delay between two sets of phase outputs.
  33. Moon, Yongsam; Ahn, Gijung; Jeong, Deog-Kyoon, Wide range multi-phase delay-locked loop.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (3)

  1. Hsueh, Yu-Li; Cho, Yi-Hsien; Zhan, Jing-Hong Conan, Charge pump, phase frequency detector and charge pump methods.
  2. Kim, Yang-ki; Hyun, Seok-hun, Delay-locked loop circuit controlled by column strobe write latency.
  3. Tsai, Tsung-Hsien, Optimization methodology and apparatus for wide-swing current mirror with wide current range.

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