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[미국특허] Container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 09-02
출원번호 UP-0318028 (2008-05-12)
등록번호 US-D596503 (2009-07-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Diss, Thomas S.
출원인 / 주소
  • Silgan Containers Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Foley & Lardner LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 36  인용 특허 : 169


초록이 없습니다.


CLAIM I claim the ornamental design for a container, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (169) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Culverwell John W. (Grove GB3) Riviere Maurice (Bois D\Arcy FRX), Aerosol can body.
  2. Cavella Michael, Beverage can seal.
  3. Claessen, Markus, Bottle.
  4. Clutter,Brad M., Bottle.
  5. Corker, Lesley S.; Tyree, Brian D.; Vaughn, Michael L., Bottle.
  6. Gatewood,Erik E., Bottle.
  7. Gaydon, Jean-Christophe, Bottle.
  8. Livingston,John J., Bottle.
  9. Livingston,John J.; Clutter,Brad M.; Tyree,Brian D.; Vaughn,Michael L., Bottle.
  10. Livingston,John J.; Gatewood,Erik E.; Tyree,Brian D.; Vaughn,Michael L., Bottle.
  11. Livingston,John J; Gatewood,Erik E; Tyree,Brian D, Bottle.
  12. Livingston,John Jason; Gatewood,Erik E., Bottle.
  13. Moore, Shebriniah; Corker, Lesley S.; Tyree, Brian D.; Vaughn, Michael L., Bottle.
  14. Oshita Koji (Tokyo JPX), Bottle.
  15. Livingston,John J., Bottle base.
  16. Cheng Jizu John ; Krich Jeffrey D., Bottle with integrated grip portion.
  17. Cheng Jizu John ; Krich Jeffrey D., Bottle with integrated grip portion.
  18. Cheng Jizu John ; Krich Jeffrey D., Bottle with integrated grip portion.
  19. Jeffrey D. Krich, Bottle with integrated grip portion.
  20. Jizu John Cheng ; Jeffrey D. Krich, Bottle with integrated grip portion.
  21. Krich Jeffrey D., Bottle with integrated grip portion.
  22. Krich Jeffrey D., Bottle with integrated grip portion.
  23. Mizuma,Jyunzi, Can.
  24. Ramsey Christopher P. (Uffington GBX), Can body.
  25. Cheng Gin-Fung ; Jones Floyd A., Can bottom having improved strength and apparatus for making same.
  26. Brifcani Mouayed Mamdooh,GB3 ; Hinton Peter James,GB3 ; Kysh Mark Christopher,GB3, Can end.
  27. Fields Brian, Can end.
  28. Fields, Brian, Can end.
  29. Fields, Brian, Can end.
  30. Jenkins, Leonard Anthony, Can end.
  31. Jenkins,Leonard Anthony, Can end.
  32. Bagwell Alan C. ; Edwards Daniel A., Can end with recessed center panel formed downwardly from coin.
  33. Heinicke Paul R. ; Price Trevor, Can lid with stay-on-tab.
  34. Dunwoody, Paul Robert; Marriott, Philip Alan; Nayar, Sudesh Kumar, Can with closures.
  35. Alastair Wilson GB, Can with easy open end.
  36. Gray Robert, Ceiling beam clip.
  37. Wan,Min Miles; Shenkar,Emanuel; Martin,James L.; Hottle,Larry; German,Galen, Closure having band with internal thread formed by impression.
  38. Oshita Koji (Tokyo JPX), Combined bottle and cap.
  39. Conrad George R., Combined closure and container attachment.
  40. Hayes Thomas H. (Loveland OH), Combined container, closure and shrink wrap seal.
  41. Andrew Richard,GBX, Container.
  42. Andrew Richard,GBX, Container.
  43. Andrew Richard,GBX, Container.
  44. Bazlur Rashid A. B. M., Container.
  45. Cheng Jizu John ; Kraft Philip G. ; Kraft Richard G. ; Krich Jeffrey D. ; Yuan Sherry ; Crawford Robert J., Container.
  46. Cheng Jizu John ; Kraft Philip G. ; Kraft Richard G. ; Krich Jeffrey D. ; Yuan Sherry ; Crawford Robert J., Container.
  47. Cheng Jizu John ; Kraft Philip G. ; Kraft Richard G. ; Krich Jeffrey D. ; Yuan Sherry ; Crawford Robert J., Container.
  48. Cheng Jizu John ; Kraft Philip G. ; Kraft Richard G. ; Krich Jeffrey D. ; Yuan Sherry ; Crawford Robert J., Container.
  49. DeVore Dale G. ; Higgins Mark P., Container.
  50. Eberle Theodore F. ; Cheng Jizu J. ; Kraft Richard G. ; Brandt Charles M., Container.
  51. Eberle Theodore F. ; Cheng Jizu J. ; Kraft Richard G. ; Brandt Charles M., Container.
  52. Eberle Theodore F. ; Cheng Jizu J. ; Kraft Richard G. ; Brandt Charles M., Container.
  53. Gans Henry G., Container.
  54. Gans Henry G., Container.
  55. Gans Henry G., Container.
  56. Gans Henry G., Container.
  57. Gatewood,Erik E., Container.
  58. George Thierjung, Container.
  59. George Thierjung ; Darin K. Stubbs ; Justin P. Boyle ; Neil Topham, Container.
  60. George Thierjung ; Darin K. Stubbs ; Neil Topham, Container.
  61. George Thierjung ; Darin K. Stubbs ; Neil Topham, Container.
  62. George Thierjung ; Darin K. Stubbs ; Neil Topham, Container.
  63. George Thierjung ; Neil Topham, Container.
  64. Hutter,Christian E.; Mackinson,Peter J.; Wells, Sr.,Thomas E.; Gerhart,Mark; Gainey,Simon R., Container.
  65. Kliger,Allan S.; Da Barp,Ivan, Container.
  66. Krich Jeffrey D., Container.
  67. Lakatosh Joseph ; Yuan Xiaoxu, Container.
  68. MacLeod,Andrew; Massari,Louis Anthony, Container.
  69. Millspaw,Micah R.; Diss,Thomas S.; Takata,Carolyn, Container.
  70. Pavely Andrew Philip,GBX ; Munn Bruce John,GBX, Container.
  71. Pavely Andrew Philip,GBX ; Munn Bruce John,GBX, Container.
  72. Ramsey Christopher Paul,GBX, Container.
  73. Ramsey Christopher Paul,GBX, Container.
  74. Ramsey Christopher Paul,GBX, Container.
  75. Ramsey Christopher Paul,GBX, Container.
  76. Ramsey Christopher Paul,GBX, Container.
  77. Ramsey Christopher Paul,GBX, Container.
  78. Ramsey Christopher Paul,GBX, Container.
  79. Ramsey Christopher Paul,GBX, Container.
  80. Ramsey Christopher Paul,GBX, Container.
  81. Rashid A. B. M. Bazlur, Container.
  82. Rashid, A. B. M. Bazlur, Container.
  83. Robert Crawford, Container.
  84. Thierjung George, Container.
  85. Thierjung, George; Boyle, Justin P.; Topham, Neil, Container.
  86. Thierjung, George; Stubbs, Darin K.; Boyle, Justin P.; Kittel, Dennis J., Container.
  87. Cheng, J. John; Yuan, XiaoXu, Container base.
  88. Zhang Peter Q., Container bottom.
  89. Zhang Peter Q., Container bottom.
  90. Ficken James M., Container cover having a screen.
  91. Reed,Angela M.; Ross,John R., Container shoulder.
  92. Cheng J. John, Container shoulder wall.
  93. Livingston,John J., Container with hand grip.
  94. Hinton Peter James,GBX, Containers.
  95. Ramsey Christopher P. (Uffington GBX) Claydon Paul C. (Wantage GBX), Containers.
  96. Heinicke, Paul R.; Price, Trevor, Die for stay--on--tab.
  97. Eberle Theodore F. ; Khan M. A. Lateef, Drainage ports for plastic containers.
  98. Biondich Scott C. ; Wainer Dean J. ; Falkenberg Robert J., Drink straw can.
  99. Zysset Edgar H. (St. Cloud FL), Easy open end for containers employing enlarged moustache score.
  100. Benge Terence Alexander,GBX ; Cole Roger Mason,GBX, Easy opening can end.
  101. Vacher Jean P. (Elancourt FRX), Easy opening end closure.
  102. Frisch, Evan; Salamon-Hickey, Talia; Schwed, Kenneth, Ergonomic food container.
  103. Nayar Sudesh Kumar,GBX ; Munn Bruce John,GBX, Expanded cans.
  104. Gruodis Robert J. (Palos Heights IL), Fluted container wall.
  105. Gruodis Robert J. (Palos Heights IL), Fluted container wall.
  106. Ruff George (Cornwells Heights PA), Fluted container wall.
  107. Cheng Jizu J. ; Krich Jeffrey D., Footed container and base therefor.
  108. Cheng Jizu J. ; Krich Jeffrey D., Footed container and base therefor.
  109. Schumann Ronald C., Handle for plastic container.
  110. Jaffrey Donald,AUX, Heat resistant steel.
  111. Peek, William Jerome, Hot fill container with vertically asymmetric vacuum panels.
  112. Eberle Theodore F., Hot fill plastic container having spaced apart arched ribs.
  113. Theodore F. Eberle, Hot fill plastic container having spaced apart arched ribs.
  114. Vaughan, Joseph S, Large opening beverage container.
  115. Jacober, Mark A.; Kaanta, Jason, Metallic microwavable container.
  116. Zysset Edgar H. (St. Cloud FL) Atkinson Raymond A. (Orlando FL), Method for fabricating burr-free pull tabs and articles.
  117. William A. Kirk ; Benjamin Derr, Method of making bump-up can bottom.
  118. Richardson,Michael D; Kaanta,Jason; Hirsch,Vincent A., Microwavable metallic container.
  119. A. B. M. Bazlur Rashid ; Kevin James Curie ; Patrick Carl Bushman ; Michael Lewis Wampler, Multilayer plastic container and method of making the same.
  120. Rashid A. B. M. Bazlur ; Curie Kevin James ; Bushman Patrick Carl ; Wampler Michael Lewis, Multilayer plastic container and method of making the same.
  121. Rashid A. B. M. Bazlur ; Curie Kevin James ; Bushman Patrick Carl ; Wampler Michael Lewis, Multilayer plastic container and method of making the same.
  122. Clarke ; III Milton W., Non-detachable tab can end with large oval opening.
  123. Young, Monty B., Oval candle jar.
  124. McDowell,Allen; Hurst,Mark, Packaging container.
  125. McDowell,Allen; Hurst,Mark, Packaging container.
  126. McDowell,Allen; Hurst,Mark, Packaging container.
  127. McDowell,Allen; Hurst,Mark, Packaging container.
  128. Corker, Lesley S.; Futral, Daniel M.; Tyree, Brian D.; Vaughn, Michael L., Plastic bottle.
  129. Futral, Daniel M.; Tyree, Brian D.; Vaughn, Michael L., Plastic bottle.
  130. Futral, Daniel M.; Tyree, Brian D.; Vaughn, Michael L., Plastic bottle.
  131. Futral, Daniel M.; Tyree, Brian D.; Vaughn, Michael L., Plastic bottle.
  132. Henderson John P., Plastic bottle.
  133. Moore, Shebriniah, Plastic bottle.
  134. Moore, Shebriniah; Corker, Lesley S.; Tyree, Brian D.; Vaughn, Michael L., Plastic bottle.
  135. Shebriniah Moore ; Daniel M. Futral ; Brian D. Tyree ; Michael L. Vaughn, Plastic bottle.
  136. McGowan Shebriiniah, Plastic bottle bottom portion.
  137. Peek William Jerome ; Conrad George R. ; Davis Craig P., Plastic bottle including a grip portion.
  138. Peek William Jerome, Plastic bottle shoulder and lower portion.
  139. Peek William Jerome, Plastic bottle shoulder and lower portion.
  140. Futral, Daniel M.; Corker, Lesley S., Plastic bottle with champagne base.
  141. A. B. M. Bazlur Rashid, Plastic container.
  142. A. B. M. Bazlur Rashid, Plastic container.
  143. Cheng Jizu J. ; Krich Jeffrey D., Plastic container.
  144. Cheng Jizu J. ; Krich Jeffrey D., Plastic container.
  145. Cheng Jizu J. ; Krich Jeffrey D., Plastic container.
  146. Cheng Jizu J. ; Krich Jeffrey D., Plastic container.
  147. Eberle Theodore F., Plastic container.
  148. Gans Henry G. ; Thierjung George A., Plastic container.
  149. Gans Henry G. ; Thierjung George A. ; Stubbs Darin K., Plastic container.
  150. Henry G. Gans ; George A. Thierjung, Plastic container.
  151. Rashid A. B. M. Bazlur, Plastic container.
  152. Rashid A. B. M. Bazlur, Plastic container.
  153. William Jerome Peek ; Brian Tyree ; Michael Vaughn, Plastic container.
  154. Cheng Jizu J. ; Krich Jeffrey D., Plastic container having improved rigidity.
  155. Rashid A.B.M. Bazlur, Plastic container with horizontal annular ribs.
  156. Livingston,John J.; Gatewood,Erik E.; Tyree,Brian D., Plastic container with horizontally oriented panels.
  157. Kamineni, Satya; Mooney, Michael R., Portion of container.
  158. Mooney, Michael R.; Clemons, Andre, Portion of container.
  159. Mooney, Michael; Clemons, Andre, Portion of container.
  160. Cudzik Daniel F., Resealable closure on seamed can end.
  161. Heinicke, Paul R.; Kirk, William A., Safety container end having improved opening characteristics.
  162. Rodea Eugenio Lopez,MXX, Shaped container.
  163. De Vries Maarten,FRX, Shaped metal can.
  164. Murphy Kent W. (Wooster OH), Storage jar.
  165. Roth Marc W. ; Conrad George ; Dawson Darryl J., Upper portion of a plastic bottle.
  166. Roth Marc W. ; Conrad George ; Dawson Darryl J., Upper portion of a plastic bottle.
  167. Roth Marc W. ; Conrad George ; Dawson Darryl J., Upper portion of a plastic bottle.
  168. Roth Marc W. ; Conrad George ; Dawson Darryl J., Upper portion of a plastic bottle.
  169. Shmagin Dmitriy ; Yuan Sherry ; Cheng Jizu John, Vertical-rib reinforced bottle.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (36) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Baker, Gerald J.; Holstine, Rowdy H.; Hu, Jianwen, Container.
  2. Baker, Gerald J.; Holstine, Rowdy H.; Hu, Jianwen, Container.
  3. Baker, Gerald J.; Holstine, Rowdy H.; Hu, Jianwen, Container.
  4. Baker, Gerald; Holstine, Rowdy; Metzger, Elizabeth; Hu, Jianwen, Container.
  5. Diss, Thomas S., Container.
  6. Diss, Thomas S., Container.
  7. Diss, Thomas S., Container.
  8. Diss, Thomas S., Container.
  9. Diss, Thomas S.; Soisuvarn, Kamchat, Container.
  10. Diss, Thomas S.; Soisuvarn, Kamchat, Container.
  11. Diss, Thomas S.; Soisuvarn, Kamchat, Container.
  12. Diss, Thomas S.; Soisuvarn, Kamchat, Container.
  13. Diss, Thomas S.; Soisuvarn, Kamchat, Container.
  14. Diss, Thomas S.; Soisuvarn, Kamchat, Container.
  15. Diss, Thomas S.; Soisuvarn, Kamchat, Container.
  16. Diss, Thomas S.; Soisuvarn, Kamchat, Container.
  17. Diss, Thomas S.; Soisuvarn, Kamchat, Container.
  18. Diss, Thomas S.; Soisuvarn, Kamchat, Container.
  19. Hu, Jianwen, Container.
  20. Hu, Jianwen, Container.
  21. Hu, Jianwen; Szarzynski, Randy; Shea, Nancy; Store, Mike, Container.
  22. Hu, Jianwen; Szarzynski, Randy; Shea, Nancy; Store, Mike, Container.
  23. Millspaw, Micah R.; Diss, Thomas S.; Takata, Carolyn, Container.
  24. Murphy, Thomas, Container.
  25. Murphy, Thomas, Container.
  26. Murphy, Thomas, Container.
  27. Murphy, Thomas, Container.
  28. Murphy, Thomas, Container.
  29. Murphy, Thomas, Container.
  30. Van Scoyoc, Velissa; Ziegler, Robert; Rich, Sean, Container.
  31. Ziegler, Robert, Container.
  32. Ziegler, Robert; Rich, Sean, Container.
  33. Ziegler, Robert; Van Scoyoc, Velissa; Miller, Scott; Rich, Sean, Container.
  34. Baker, Gerald J.; Holstine, Rowdy H.; Hu, Jianwen, Strengthened food container and method.
  35. Baker, Gerald J.; Holstine, Rowdy H.; Hu, Jianwen, Strengthened food container and method.
  36. Metzger, Elizabeth A.; Clyde, Thomas J.; Diss, Thomas S.; Soisuvarn, Kamchat, Vacuum container with protective features.

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