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[미국특허] Adjustable shelving system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47F-005/00
출원번호 UP-0700754 (2007-01-31)
등록번호 US-7571822 (2009-08-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • Metcalf, Derek
출원인 / 주소
  • Display Source Alliance, LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Kilpatrick Stockton LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 38


An adjustable shelving assembly and a support structure for supporting the adjustable shelf assembly. The adjustable shelf assembly may include at least one extension shelf unit, slidably oriented with respect to a central shelf unit such that the width and/or depth of the shelf may be adjusted. The


The invention claimed is: 1. An adjustable shelf assembly, comprising: (a) a central shelf unit, the central shelf unit comprising a top surface, a front edge, a rear edge, a first side edge and a second side edge; (b) a first extension shelf unit, the first extension shelf unit slidably oriented w

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (38) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Metcalf Derek N. G. (LaGrange Park IL), Adjustable cantilever shelving system.
  2. Metcalf,Derek, Adjustable cantilevered shelf.
  3. Ware Warren O. (Oshkosh WI) Borst Gary M. (Oshkosh WI) Abitz Ronald E. (Oshkosh WI), Adjustable cantilevered shelving.
  4. Andrew J. Van Noord ; Gary L. White, Adjustable display shelf.
  5. Walsh James Patrick ; Rollins Steven Courtney, Adjustable grid assembly for a barbecue grill.
  6. Trevaskis Thomas R. (Moorabbin AUX), Adjustable merchandise display system.
  7. Charles J. Michel, Jr., Adjustable rack for laundry tub or the like.
  8. Boron Andrew J. (Harbour IL) Miller ; Jr. Donald J. (Belleville IL) Harbour Keith (Florissant IL), Adjustable shelf support structure.
  9. Miller ; Jr. Donald J. (Belleville IL) Harbour Keith (Florissant MO), Adjustable shelf support structure.
  10. West Robert A., Adjustable shelving apparatus.
  11. West Robert A. ; Coward W. Gregory, Adjustable shelving apparatus.
  12. Belotta Anthony S. (Bloomfield NJ), Adjustable shelving rack.
  13. Metcalf,Derek, Adjustable shelving system.
  14. Metcalf,Derek, Adjustable shelving unit.
  15. Bartus John (Poquonock CT) Dicioccio Vincent (Rocky Hill CT), Adjustably tiltable wall shelf assembly.
  16. Buffington Jesse D. (Trenton GA) Young ; III Bruce (Chattanooga TN), Angularly adjustable shelf and support.
  17. Emalfarb Bradley ; Emalfarb Seymour, Article hanger with variable receptacle configuration.
  18. Van Duyne Frederick H. (Ringwood NJ), Attaching device for variably positionable display shelf.
  19. Schneider, Wallace, Book shelf support for standing on a floor and unattachably abutting against a wall.
  20. Swanson Richard H. (Manitowoc WI), Cantilevered shelf and supporting means.
  21. Thorkildson Joel B. (6321 Fourth Ave. ; South Richfield MN 55423), Extendable shelf.
  22. Mathews Roger W., Extensible display shelf.
  23. Van Noord Andrew J. (1434 Hillsboro Ave. SE. Grand Rapids MI 49506), Facing device.
  24. Merl Milton (New York NY), Fastening arrangement and method for wire mesh panels.
  25. Bustos Rafael T. (Alpharetta GA), Gondola display rack.
  26. Peterson Richard R. (Minnetonka MN), Locker shelf assembly.
  27. Albano Vincent J. (Birmingham AL), Merchandise shelving display.
  28. Lamson Frederick W., Moveable, nestable display racks and stock carts.
  29. Merl Milton J., Product display system.
  30. Belokin Paul (P.O. Box 1907 Denton TX 76202) Belokin Martin P. (P.O. Box 1907 Denton TX 76202) Belokin Norman P. (3341 Evers Pky. Denton TX 76207), Removable display rack assembly.
  31. Zadak, Craig, Shelf assembly having adjustable support carrier bracket.
  32. Stroh Alvin L. (9409 Downey Ave. Downey CA 90240), Shelving structure.
  33. Griffin, Charles E., T-Bracket shelf assembly.
  34. Proffitt, Ronnie Lee, Thin walled shelf fixture.
  35. Stohrer, Jr., Charles E., Two-way adjustable grate and method for adjusting the length and width.
  36. Robinson John W., Universal sidekick mount bracket.
  37. Shell Irving Wardell (442 Wellington Ave. Chicago IL 60657), Upright and bracket arrangement.
  38. White Elzie T. (Old Hickory TN), Wire pocket display device.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Educate, David; Hopkins, Ladon, Adjustable cooking grate for barbeque grills.
  2. Didehvar, Kaveh; Vaccaro, Joseph, Adjustable shelf assembly.
  3. Didehvar, Keveh; Vaccaro, Joseph, Adjustable shelf assembly.
  4. Metcalf, Derek, Adjustable shelving system.
  5. Davison, Max Matthew; Cronje, Martin; Tilley, Bevan; Lambrechts, Melanie, Product display unit.
  6. Hillson, Nicholas, Reconfigurable storage apparatus for exercise equipment.
  7. Didehvar, Kaveh; Vaccaro, Joseph, Shower caddy.
  8. Didehvar, Kevin; Vaccaro, Joseph, Shower caddy.
  9. Fanourgiakis, George; Brucia, Lawrence J., Variable planform shelving system.
  10. Fanourgiakis, George; Brucia, Lawrence J., Variable planform shelving system.

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